
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1333] Case Note / Regarding: Mr Oyes (Patient) / 14? April? 1788? / (Incoming)

Case note describing the case of Mr Oyes.


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DOC ID 1333
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/431
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date14? April? 1788?
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case note describing the case of Mr Oyes.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:677]
Case of Mr Oyes with severe dyspepsia and abdominal pain.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1915]Author
[PERS ID:3957]AuthorDr Joshua Dixon
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1914]PatientMr Oyes
[PERS ID:3957]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Joshua Dixon
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

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Mr. Oyes.
Aged 37.

Has for these two Years past been liable to the
frequent Recurrence of a very powerful dyspepsious
Affection : The principal Symptoms of which were a
Sense of painful Distension in the Stomach and
Abdomen, constant Nausea and sometimes actual
Vomiting; accompanied with Flatulency, acid Eructations,
Cardialgia, a distressful Degree of Anxiety and
general Languor. His Face is sometimes covered with
small florid Eruptions which he generally observes
affords a sensible tho' transient Relief to the above
Complaints. The State of his Bowels was rarely
constipated : On the contrary his Stools were for the
most part lax and frequently mucous, exciting
much Irritation and Tenesmus. - in the Month of
January last he suffered so powerful an Aggravation
of these Symptoms as to induce a remarkable Degree
of Giddiness; Paliptation of Heart, partial Tremors
and universal Debility. - He has since discharged

[Page 2]

large Quantities of Blood, (from one pint to two pints, almost daily,)
by Stool ; sometimes blended with the proper feculent
Matter but generally pure and unmixed . His nervous
Affections have consequently admitted a considerable
Mitigation and he always finds them obtain most
violently whenever this Evacuation is accidentally
impeded or diminished . His Appetite and Strength
gradually impair. -- -- The obvious palliative
and curative Indications in this Case were, principally,
to obviate the Cause of particular Irritation in the
alimentary Canal -- to restore it's Tone and that of
the System in general. With these salutary Views
Opiates ↑(also Fœtids)↑ have been occasionally and various Corroborants
regularly administered. The former alleviating the
most urgent Symptoms and the latter anticipating
and preventing their future painful Recurrence. Of
these the Cortex and Colomboe Root with Aromatics
were chiefly beneficial. To which have been lately
added Mineral Acids and small Doses of
Rhubarb Preparations . With regard to his Regimen
he has not had it in his power to employ

[Page 3]

proper Exercise in the open Air and his Diet
was directed to consist of nutritious, mildly
stimulant Articles. -----------------

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Mr. Oyes.
Aged 37.

Has for these two Years past been liable to the
frequent Recurrence of a very powerful dyspepsious
Affection : The principal Symptoms of which were a
Sense of painful Distension in the Stomach and
Abdomen, constant Nausea and sometimes actual
Vomiting; accompanied with Flatulency, acid Eructations,
Cardialgia, a distressful Degree of Anxiety and
general Languor. His Face is sometimes covered with
small florid Eruptions which he generally observes
affords a sensible tho' transient Relief to the above
Complaints. The State of his Bowels was rarely
constipated : On the contrary his Stools were for the
most part lax and frequently mucous, exciting
much Irritation and Tenesmus. - in the Month of
January last he suffered so powerful an Aggravation
of these Symptoms as to induce a remarkable Degree
of Giddiness; Paliptation of Heart, partial Tremors
and universal Debility. - He has since discharged

[Page 2]

large Quantities of Blood, (from lbj to lbij, almost daily,)
by Stool ; sometimes blended with the proper feculent
Matter but generally pure and unmixed . His nervous
Affections have consequently admitted a considerable
Mitigation and he always finds them obtain most
violently whenever this Evacuation is accidentally
impeded or diminished . His Appetite and Strength
gradually impair. -- -- The obvious palliative
and curative Indications in this Case were, principally,
to obviate the Cause of particular Irritation in the
alimentary Canal -- to restore it's Tone and that of
the System in general. With these salutary Views
Opiates ↑(also Fœtids)↑ have been occasionally and various Corroborants
regularly administered. The former alleviating the
most urgent Symptoms and the latter anticipating
and preventing their future painful Recurrence. Of
these the Cortex and Colomboe Root with Aromatics
were chiefly beneficial. To which have been lately
added Mineral Acids and small Doses of
Rhubarb Preparations . With regard to his Regimen
he has not had it in his power to employ

[Page 3]

proper Exercise in the open Air and his Diet
was directed to consist of nutritious, mildly
stimulant Articles. -----------------


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