
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2407] From: Thomas Logan / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Macadam (of Grimmel) (Patient) / 22 February 1784 / (Incoming)

Letter from Thomas Logan, concerning the case of Mr Macadam of Grimmel, a former cattle-dealer who was 'siezed [with] a palsy' some weeks previously.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2407
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1462
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date22 February 1784
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Thomas Logan, concerning the case of Mr Macadam of Grimmel, a former cattle-dealer who was 'siezed [with] a palsy' some weeks previously.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:658]
Case of Mr Macadam of Grimmel, who has been siezed with a palsy.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2228]Author Thomas Logan
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2651]PatientMr Macadam (of Grimmel)
[PERS ID:3943]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Campbell
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2228]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary Thomas Logan
[PERS ID:3943]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendDr Campbell
[PERS ID:2228]Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend Thomas Logan

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Maybole Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other England Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Maybole Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Maybole 22 february 1784

Mr Macadam of Grimmel Aged 64
a Big Strong Man and for a Great while of his
Life very Active he was a Dealer in Cattle and for
near 30 years was allways the half of the year in England
Attending the South Marcets this led him into much
Drinking of Port Wine and as he had a good Stomach
lived fully he had at last Became very Corpulent yet
he Still was able to take Exercise the only threatning
Appearance produced from this Habit was a lethargical
Tendency which came about 19 years ago it
was always worst in frosty Weather but at Any time
after Hard Drinking he would Snore away for thirty
Hours before you Could Rouse him

About five Weeks ago he was Siezed with a Palsy which
for sometime was but Slight it affected the Right
Hand and foot and also the Eye sight but he could
Still Walk a little Dr Campbell & I hearing of his
Illness (as he is Related to us Both) went to See him
but could not at that time prevail on him to do
any thing he alleged it was only frost Biteing and
that he would be quite Well whenever the Weather
became Soft, however about a fort↑n↑ight ago he turned
much worse his whole side was become paralitic
his speech much affected his head quite Confused
his Judgement & Memory much Impaired

[Page 2]

He was Blooded at the Arm to about 24 ounces
a Sharp Purgative given the same day which
operated pretty Briskly his pulse was Rather quick
but not Strong
and both pulse & strength
seeemd to sink
under Evacuations so we did not
Repeat them only a Gentle purgative every
other Day to keep his Belly Open a Blister was
also Applyd to his Head it Run Excessively and
I thought for some time his pulse became fuller
but no advantage was obtained by any of these
Evacuations either over the paralytic affection
or the Confusion in his Head

as there ↑are↑ strong symptoms of some [Effusion?] takeing
place in the Head Dr Campbell & I thought a
local Blooding by Cupping and Applying a Blister
was the most probable Chance I accordingly took
about 8 ounces yesterday and left a Blister to be
applied at night I hear this evening he is Rather
worse can now speak none and they say seems
to affect His [Deglutition?] I am much Concerned
for him he was a very Honest Man

I beg youll favour me with your Advice in Course
by the post & Receive this small Fee Inclosed
whatever you Recommend shall be carefully
attended to by

Your most Devoted humble Servant
Thos Logan

N B the pupil of the Right Eye is much
Dilated & he frequently grates his teeth

[Page 3]

Doctor Cullen

McAdam of Grimmel
February 1784
V. xv. p. 402

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Maybole 22 febr 1784

Mr Macadam of Grimmel Aged 64
a Big Strong Man and for a Great while of his
Life very Active he was a Dealer in Cattle and for
near 30 years was allways the half of the year in England
Attending the South Marcets this led him into much
Drinking of Port Wine and as he had a good Stomach
lived fully he had at last Became very Corpulent yet
he Still was able to take Exercise the only threatning
Appearance produced from this Habit was a lethargical
Tendency which came about 19 years ago it
was always worst in frosty Weather but at Any time
after Hard Drinking he would Snore away for thirty
Hours before you Could Rouse him

About five Weeks ago he was Siezed wt a Palsy which
for sometime was but Slight it affected the Right
Hand and foot and also the Eye sight but he could
Still Walk a little Dr Campbell & I hearing of his
Illness (as he is Related to us Both) went to See him
but could not at that time prevail on him to do
any thing he alleged it was only frost Biteing and
that he would be quite Well whenever the Weather
became Soft, however about a fort↑n↑ight ago he turned
much worse his whole side was become paralitic
his speech much affected his head quite Confused
his Judgement & Memory much Impaired

[Page 2]

He was Blooded at the Arm to about 24 oz
a Sharp Purgative given the same day which
operated pretty Briskly his pulse was Rather quick
but not Strong
and both pulse & strength
seeemd to sink
under Evacuations so we did not
Repeat them only a Gentle purgative every
other Day to keep his Belly Open a Blister was
also Applyd to his Head it Run Excessively and
I thought for some time his pulse became fuller
but no advantage was obtained by any of these
Evacuations either over the paralytic affection
or the Confusion in his Head

as there ↑are↑ strong symptoms of some [Effusion?] takeing
place in the Head Dr Campbell & I thought a
local Blooding by Cupping and Applying a Blister
was the most probable Chance I accordingly took
about 8 oz yesterday and left a Blister to be
applied at night I hear this evening he is Rather
worse can now speak none and they say seems
to affect His [Deglutition?] I am much Concerned
for him he was a very Honest Man

I beg youll favour me with your Advice in Course
by the post & Receive this small Fee Inclosed
whatever you Recommend shall be carefully
attended to by

Your most Devoted humble Sert
Thos Logan

N B the pupil of the Right Eye is much
Dilated & he frequently grates his teeth

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Doctor Cullen

McAdam of Grimmel
Febry 1784
V. xv. p. 402


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