
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2049] From: Dr David Colquhoun / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Campbell (Patient), Mr Scot (Patient) / 23 August 1781 / (Incoming)

Letter from David Colquhoun, concerning the case of Mr Campbell, with a brief note on the case of Mr Scot. Mr Campbell's cracked and weeping skin upon the genital region continues, despite applying prescribed remedies. Mr Scot has continued Cullen's prescription for his hearing, but Colquhoun is as yet unaware of any alteration in the condition.


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DOC ID 2049
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1124
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date23 August 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from David Colquhoun, concerning the case of Mr Campbell, with a brief note on the case of Mr Scot. Mr Campbell's cracked and weeping skin upon the genital region continues, despite applying prescribed remedies. Mr Scot has continued Cullen's prescription for his hearing, but Colquhoun is as yet unaware of any alteration in the condition.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1371]
Case of Mr Campbell at Greenock who has a persistent venereal infection.
[Case ID:2131]
Case of Mr Scot who is troubled with a hearing problem.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:86]AuthorDr David Colquhoun
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:87]PatientMr Campbell
[PERS ID:3213]PatientMr Scot
[PERS ID:86]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr David Colquhoun
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3214]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Campbell

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Greenock Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Harrogate North-East England Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Greenock Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Greenock 23d August 1781


I had your favour of the 26th. Ultimo and on receit of it put Mr. Campbell
on the course therein prescribed, the Infusion he has continued ever since the
liniment we dropt as it seemed to have no effect & the disease rather increased

I am heartily vexed to tell you that notwithoutstanding of
all that has been done I do not see the least alteration on the scrotum to the better,
what this can be owing to Im at a loss to know; but when it is at the worste &
full of little craks & scales with an uzing of a thin Ichor from these Cracks a
Poultice of Bread & Milk applied for one night or two alters the appearance of
it and makes it look as if in a sound ↑& natural↑ state; I have advised him on this account
to wash it very clean frequently with warm water & keep Clean Cloaths about the
parts and shift them often, but notwithstanding of this if the poultice is discontinued
for some nights, it gets back ↑all↑ its bad appearances again & is as Itchy & painfull
as ever untill the poultice is repeated which in one night or two at most relieves
him & brings it to put on a sound appearance

In your last letter you mention antimonials I shall
again be much indebted to you for your further advice & whether you
woud recommend the antimonials now & in what form ---

About four or five days ago he complained of an
uneasiness in his throat upon looking into it I found it a very little inflamed
but no particular swelling in any part of it but nor any thing else to be seen but
what happens from a little cold excepting a small excoreation on the left side about the
bigness of a herring scale which is now growing better without the use of any
thing, this is not like any Venereal sore that I have ever seen therefore Im
led to believe it is only the effects of Cold or some little irregularity in living
which I cannot much blame him for but I thought propose to mention this
circumstance of the throat to you --

Mr. C desires me to inform you that he is going to Harrowgate
with his syster, as soon as Im favoured with your answer to this, She it seems
is advised to that on an account of her health & he begs to know from you if he shoud
use the Waters & in what {illeg} way His syster is not a patient of mine

Receive inclosed one Guinea for Mr. Campbell ----

Mr. Scott has continued your prescription for his hearing I cannot say
that I know much alteration as yet woud you advice that he should continue or
by any thing else I add no more but that I am

Sir your most obliged Humble Servant

David Colquohoun

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Doctor William Cullen Physician

Mr. Colquhoun
Concerning Mr. Campbell.
August 1781.
V.XIII. 146.

Diplomatic Text

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Greenock 23d August 1781


I had your favour of ye 26th. Ulto and on receit of it put Mr. Campbell
on the course therein prescribed, the Infusion he has continued ever since the
liniment we dropt as it seemed to have no effect & ye disease rather increased

I am heartily vexed to tell you that notwithoutstanding of
all that has been done I do not see the least alteration on ye scrotum to ye better,
what this can be owing to Im at a loss to know; but when it is at the worste &
full of little craks & scales wt. an uzing of a thin Ichor from these Cracks a
Poultice of Bread & Milk applied for one night or two alters the appearance of
it and makes it look as if in a sound ↑& natural↑ state; I have advised him on this account
to wash it very clean frequently with warm water & keep Clean Cloaths about ye
parts and shift them often, but notwithstanding of this if the poultice is discontinued
for some nights, it gets back ↑all↑ its bad appearances again & is as Itchy & painfull
as ever untill ye poultice is repeated which in one night or two at most relieves
him & brings it to put on a sound appearance

In your last letter you mention antimonials I shall
again be much indebted to you for your further advice & whether you
woud recommend ye. antimonials now & in what form ---

About four or five days ago he complained of an
uneasiness in his throat upon looking into it I found it a very little inflamed
but no particular swelling in any part of it but nor any thing else to be seen but
what happens from a little cold excepting a small excoreation on ye left side about ye
bigness of a herring scale which is now growing better without the use of any
thing, this is not like any Venereal sore that I have ever seen therefore Im
led to believe it is only ye effects of Cold or some little irregularity in living
which I cannot much blame him for but I thought propose to mention this
circumstance of ye throat to you --

Mr. C desires me to inform you yt he is going to Harrowgate
with his syster, as soon as Im favoured with your answer to ys., She it seems
is advised to yt. on an account of her health & he begs to know from you if he shoud
use ye Waters & in what {illeg} way His syster is not a patient of mine

Receive inclosed one Guinea for Mr. Campbell ----

Mr. Scott has continued your prescription for his hearing I cannot say
that I know much alteration as yet woud you advice yt he should continue or
by any thing else I add no more but that I am

Sir your most obliged H Servant

David Colquohoun

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Doctor William Cullen Physician

Mr. Colquhoun
C Mr. Campbell.
Aug. 1781.
V.XIII. 146.


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