The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1599] From: Provost John Campbell (Coates) (of Clathick and Killermont) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs Agnes Campbell (Colquhoun) (of Clathick and Killermont) (Patient) / 10 December 1778 / (Incoming)
Letter from John Campbell, concerning the case of his wife Mrs Campbell of Clathick.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1599 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/689 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 10 December 1778 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from John Campbell, concerning the case of his wife Mrs Campbell of Clathick. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1001] |
Case of Mrs Agnes Campbell of Clathick who has a pulmonary disorder and is spitting blood. |
4 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:3422] | Author | Provost John Campbell (of Clathick and Killermont) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2318] | Patient | Mrs Agnes Campbell (of Clathick and Killermont) |
[PERS ID:591] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Alexander Dunlop (Sanders, Saunders) |
[PERS ID:2320] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Mahar |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3422] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Provost John Campbell (of Clathick and Killermont) |
[PERS ID:545] | Other | Dr Archibald Cullen (Ar or Arch) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Killermont | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Clathick House / Clathick House | Strowan | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Place of Handstamp | Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
As Mrs Campbell continued much
in the same way after her return as she
had been in when you saw her at Edinburgh
I delayed writeing untill I should see how she
was after the menses were over
They began as was expected upon thursday
the 3d Current and were rather less than usual
tho' not less than they had been at times formerly
Upon the Saturdays night after her comeing
home (being 20 November) She thought she felt the
Taste of Blood in her Mouth as she had done formerly
when she spitt a little -- On the Sunday morning
the handkercief was lookt and very little appeared
Mr Dunlop saw it in the Morning about 9
o'clock But before he some Mr Mahar had
touched the Spittle which spread it on the
handkercief and all he could observe was, a
sort of broun rather than red tinge on the on the
outside of one or two of the Spittles on the handkerchief
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Yesterday morning ↑9 December↑, there was one Spittle
had like a red hair or red thread in it
I mean the Appearance much the same
as of one Streak of blood of the size of a hair or thread
This is all I know of since we left Edinburgh But
still the pain in the Breast continues much the same
and she finds a sort of weakness in so far as to be easily
fatigued with any sort of exertion in speaking or any
sort of work, & thinks the right side sooner affected than
the left side --- She also finds herself sometimes
a little sickish but very little -- We were rather a
later than our usual hours for travelling before we
got to Glasgow, the day we left Edinburgh & either from
that or from our House being colder than Mr Campbells
in the Calton Hill, Mrs Campbell got a little of the cold
But it had no other effect than stopping her comeing
out here till tuesday November 26 in place of goeing out
or Saturday the 23rd as she had intended
She has since continued here & goes out in the
Chaise every good day, (the time of the menses excepted)
She feels no fatigue from goeing in the Chaise nor does
a little jolting in a bit of bad Road give her much disturbance
Her Apetite continues much as it was at Edinburgh
& not to be complained of in one who keeps the House
Mr. Dunlop tells me her Pulse was about 60 last time
he felt it -- Her Colour I think better & her sort of haughting
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rather less than formerly --- She begs your acceptance
of a little Glasgow Snuff which she sent to Archie for you
As I may have omitted some Symptoms you may
wish to know about & am very much a Stranger to the
description of Complaints I must beg youll be so good as
let me know what further you wish to be informed off
I am with great Esteem
Dr Sr Your most obedient humble Servant
John Campbell
Killermont Thursday
December 10. 1778
Glasgow December 12 Mrs Campbell continuing on in the
same way -- No further Spitting -- She rests sometimes
better sometimes worse -- Some nights she fell {illeg}
the pain in her Breast in her Sleep [rather?]
rests well & does not feel it -- The sickishness
at times continues but to no great degree
[Page 4]
Doctor William Cullen
Physician in
Mrs Campbell of
December 1778.
9. p. 93
Diplomatic Text
As Mrs Campbell continued much
in the same way after her return as she
had been in when you saw her at Edinr
I delayed writeing untill I should see how she
was after the menses were over
They began as was expected upon thursday
the 3d Curt and were rather less than usual
tho' not less than they had been at times formerly
Upon the Saturdays night after her comeing
home (being 20 Novr) She thought she felt the
Taste of Blood in her Mouth as she had done formerly
when she spitt a little -- On the Sunday morning
the handkercief was lookt and very little appeared
Mr Dunlop saw it in the Morning about 9
o'clock But before he some Mr Mahar had
touched the Spittle which spread it on the
handkercief and all he could observe was, a
sort of broun rather than red tinge on the on the
outside of one or two of the Spittles on the handkerchief
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Yesterday morning ↑9 Decr↑, there was one Spittle
had like a red hair or red thread in it
I mean the Appearance much the same
as of one Streak of blood of the size of a hair or thread
This is all I know of since we left Edinr But
still the pain in the Breast continues much the same
and she finds a sort of weakness in so far as to be easily
fatigued with any sort of exertion in speaking or any
sort of work, & thinks the right side sooner affected than
the left side --- She also finds herself sometimes
a little sickish but very little -- We were rather a
later than our usual hours for travelling before we
got to Glasgow, the day we left Edinr & either from
that or from our House being colder than Mr Campbells
in the Calton Hill, Mrs Campbell got a little of the cold
But it had no other effect than stopping her comeing
out here till tuesday Novr 26 in place of goeing out
or Saturday the 23rd as she had intended
She has since continued here & goes out in the
Chaise every good day, (the time of the menses excepted)
She feels no fatigue from goeing in the Chaise nor does
a little jolting in a bit of bad Road give her much disturbance
Her Apetite continues much as it was at Edinr
& not to be complained of in one who keeps the House
Mr. Dunlop tells me her Pulse was about 60 last time
he felt it -- Her Colour I think better & her sort of haughting
[Page 3]
rather less than formerly --- She begs your acceptance
of a little Glasgow Snuff which she sent to Archie for you
As I may have omitted some Symptoms you may
wish to know about & am very much a Stranger to the
description of Complaints I must beg youll be so good as
let me know what further you wish to be informed off
I am with great Esteem
Dr Sr Your most obt hume Sert
John Campbell
Killermont Thursday
Decr 10. 1778
Glasgow Decr 12 Mrs Campbell continuing on in the
same way -- No further Spitting -- She rests sometimes
better sometimes worse -- Some nights she fell {illeg}
the pain in her Breast in her Sleep [rather?]
rests well & does not feel it -- The sickishness
at times continues but to no great degree
[Page 4]
Doctor William Cullen
Physician in
Mrs Campbell of
Decr. 1778.
9. p. 93
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