The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1581] From: Dr John Mudie (Moodie) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Anonymous (Patient) / 7 November 1778 / (Incoming)
Letter from John Mudie regarding the case of an unnamed female patient. Answer 'not transcribed', but noted briefly on the wrapper in Cullen's handwriting.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1581 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/670 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 7 November 1778 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from John Mudie regarding the case of an unnamed female patient. Answer 'not transcribed', but noted briefly on the wrapper in Cullen's handwriting. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1066] |
Case of an unnamed female patient of Dr Mudie, who suffers from a painful disorder located in her side and abdomen after giving birth. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1646] | Author | Dr John Mudie (Moodie) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2720] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1646] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr John Mudie (Moodie) |
[PERS ID:2721] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mrs |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Montrose | East Highlands | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
I beg to have your Advice in course of Post concer¬
ning a Patient of mine whose Case follows.
A Lady about 20 years of age, healthy, of a thin Habit, was deliverd
of her first Child in a natural way on the 20th. and seemed to recover
well till the 23rd of September last, when on being moved out of
bed, she felt a severe Pain in her right Groin spreading thro the
Belly. The Lochia were in small Quantity and stopt when the
Pain seized her, but returned in a small degree a few days after
on her getting out of bed. She likewise had an Evacuation, as of the
Menses, about a fortnight ago, notwithstanding of her having an
Abundance of Milk and suckling her Child. This singularity she
has from her Mother who constantly had a more copious
Discharge a month after each Delivery, than during an ordi¬
nary Menstruation. To ease the severe pain she got a Dose of
Laudanum, which answered; and as she had not a natural stool
from the time of her Delivery, Injections and laxatives were used,
I was called to her the 23rd Ultimo. She then complained much of the
Pain in her right side or Groin, which spread thro' her Belly, up
to her Armpit, and down by her Hip to her Thigh. These Extensions
of the Pain were at different times; sometimes upwards sometimes
downwards. She was costive and the Excrement very hard, Urine
in small quantity high coloured with a reddish ↑mucus like Sediment↑ Pulse from
96, to 100, in the minute, but neither tense nor full, thirsty at times,
Tongue white and moist, Her Skin soft and not hot, Little Appe¬
tite, has little Sleep often disturbed from the Pains, and her streng
strength declining.- I ordered emollient Injections, mild Laxa¬
tives in various forms, the pained part in particular, and the whole
[Page 2]
of the Abdomen to be frequently rubbed with the Oli Camphor. Flannels wrung
out of warm water, and the Semicupium. An Antiphlogistic Regimen was
prescribed. Either the Injections, or laxatives operated, and a small quantity
of Excrement as above mentioned was discharged, but as her stomach could
scarcely keep any Medicine, the Injections have been most commonly used.
None of the external Applications appear to have much Effect. Her Pains and
other symptoms are nothing abated, but rather worse. There is no swelling
or hardness of her Belly and pressing on the pained part gives Ease.
She is sometimes free from Pain for ten, 12 hours or more: At times, it is severe
in the Region of the stomach and then Her side is easy, but in this last place it
is most constant. The Milk is lessened, and the suckling is fatiguing, so
that the Nursing is to be laid aside at least for some time I should have
mentioned, that she was so well three weeks after her Delivery as to be
several times abroad, but was not then quite free from pain especially in
her right side. When the Pain is violent she brings her Breast to
her Knees in which Posture she has less Trouble than when lying
streight, sitting or standing horizontally.
Dear Sir
Your most humble Servant
Receive two Guineas in this
[Page 3]
Doctor Cullen
Mudie Concerning a Lady
November 1778.
Answered on the margin.
not transcribed.
Cease nursing
Diplomatic Text
I beg to have your Advice in course of Post concer¬
ning a Patient of mine whose Case follows.
A Lady about 20 years of age, healthy, of a thin Habit, was deliverd
of her first Child in a natural way on the 20th. and seemed to recover
well till the 23rd of September last, when on being moved out of
bed, she felt a severe Pain in her right Groin spreading thro the
Belly. The Lochia were in small Quantity and stopt when the
Pain seized her, but returned in a small degree a few days after
on her getting out of bed. She likewise had an Evacuation, as of the
Menses, about a fortnight ago, notwithstanding of her having an
Abundance of Milk and suckling her Child. This singularity she
has from her Mother who constantly had a more copious
Discharge a month after each Delivery, than during an ordi¬
nary Menstruation. To ease the severe pain she got a Dose of
Laudanum, which answered; and as she had not a natural stool
from the time of her Delivery, Injections and laxatives were used,
I was called to her the 23rd Ult. She then complained much of the
Pain in her right side or Groin, which spread thro' her Belly, up
to her Armpit, and down by her Hip to her Thigh. These Extensions
of the Pain were at different times; sometimes upwards sometimes
downwards. She was costive and the Excrement very hard, Urine
in small quantity high coloured with a reddish ↑mucus like Sediment↑ Pulse from
96, to 100, in the minute, but neither tense nor full, thirsty at times,
Tongue white and moist, Her Skin soft and not hot, Little Appe¬
tite, has little Sleep often disturbed from the Pains, and her streng
strength declining.- I ordered emollient Injections, mild Laxa¬
tives in various forms, the pained part in particular, and the whole
[Page 2]
of the Abdomen to be frequently rubbed with the Oli Camphor. Flannels wrung
out of warm water, and the Semicupium. An Antiphlogistic Regimen was
prescribed. Either the Injections, or laxatives operated, and a small quantity
of Excrement as above mentioned was discharged, but as her stomach could
scarcely keep any Medicine, the Injections have been most commonly used.
None of the external Applications appear to have much Effect. Her Pains and
other symptoms are nothing abated, but rather worse. There is no swelling
or hardness of her Belly and pressing on the pained part gives Ease.
She is sometimes free from Pain for ten, 12 hours or more: At times, it is severe
in the Region of the stomach and then Her side is easy, but in this last place it
is most constant. The Milk is lessened, and the suckling is fatiguing, so
that the Nursing is to be laid aside at least for some time I should have
mentioned, that she was so well three weeks after her Delivery as to be
several times abroad, but was not then quite free from pain especially in
her right side. When the Pain is violent she brings her Breast to
her Knees in which Posture she has less Trouble than when lying
streight, sitting or standing horizontally.
Dear Sir
Your most humble Servant
Receive two Guineas in this
[Page 3]
Doctor Cullen
Mudie C a Lady
Novr 1778.
Answered on the margin.
not transcribed.
Cease nursing
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