The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1141] From: Mr Joseph Sanderson / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Joseph Sanderson (Patient) / 23 May 1775 / (Incoming)
Letter from Joseph Sanderson concerning his own case.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1141 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/242 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 23 May 1775 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | Enclosure(s) present |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Joseph Sanderson concerning his own case. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:129] |
Case of Joseph Sanderson who suffers from a 'lingering' stomach disorder and 'fits' of fever. He then reports an outbreak of 'itch' on his hands. |
7 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:427] | Author | Mr Joseph Sanderson |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:427] | Patient | Mr Joseph Sanderson |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Gatesgill (Gaitsgill) | North-West | England | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Buxton | Midlands | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | London | London and South-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Place of Handstamp | Carlisle | North-West | England | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
I received your kind letter of the 17th January
last, and made use of the contained prescription
which Destroy'd the Itch & c---- since I last writt to
you I've been much as Usuall, but in a Better way
if either, as my Stomach I think is strengthned a little
for I am not so much troubled with wind rising off
my Stomach as formerly, and I do not feel so much
sensation of fullness after meals, as formerly ––– My
Body & particularly my Stomach, & Limbs are still very
weak, but find they are in a slow way of recruite -- I Eat such
victuals as I know from Experiance to be of easy Digestion &
I drink White Port or water to [{illeg}?] at Meals, when I'm
Thirsty I allways drink Tenriff wine & water, as I find it sitt
easy on my stomach, --- I use a good deal of Exercise, and
Particularly Riding on Horse Back, I find Riding on Horseback
or in a Carriage, strengthens me the most of any Exercise -- I
very seldom feel palpatations of my Heart, and my spirits
is more Alert than formerly, when I'm in Moderate
[Page 2]
Perspiration I feel my self the easiest --- I'm Faintish in Hot
weather and the Powers of Digestion are weak, and I'm Inactive
and relaxed -- I'm very subject to catch Cold and when I'm Colded
I've an Obtuse pain in my fore Head, and a great Dullness and
Oppression in my Head and over all my Frame, and a Pulsation
all over me, and Feverish, and the Powers of Digestion are weak, and
have a bad taste in my mouth in the mornings ----- I'm the best
when the weather is inclinable to cold, but can bear no Extremes
either of heat or cold, but of Heat especially --- I have now no complaint
but Weaknness, and that is most in the Mornings, as I'm Extreemly
weak in the mornings, and strengthen gradually till Night. I'm
allways / except when colded / the strongest, and best in the close of the
Evening -- As the season of the year for the children of Affliction
to sleep out into the Medicinal World is come on; I must beg the
favour of you to Inform me what Application you think
best for me this summer, if you thought Bathing in the sea proper
I [say?] ver contiguous, if in fresh water I'm with in 50 Yards of a River
if you thought a very small voyage proper, I'm near a very clement
part of the channel, if you think going to Buxton proper, shou'd
like to go very wel, if you think going to any Spaw proper were
the distance great I should like to go. Please to Write as
[Page 3]
soon as convenient, {illeg}ing me of what Application
you think most proper f[or] me to use this summer, and
how I must use my self when I catch cold, as I'm ver subject
to colds, and they greatly hinder my slow recovery, likewise
of what sort of Liquor you think most proper for me to Drink
&c. and of any other thing you think most proper to contribute
to the recovery of my much wish'd for Health; Iv'e received.
More Benefit from your prescriptions, Than from all the
other application I've used since I first begun, before you
I had the advice of the most Eminent Physicians in
London but without {illeg} much Benefit as from yours
P.S. I present you with
the Enclosed Note ---
Please to Inform me if I
should take any thing when
I'm Faintish in Hot weather
[Page 4]
Mr Wm Cullen
Professor of Physick
Diplomatic Text
I recd your kind letter of the 17th Janry
last, and made use of the contained prescription
which Destroy'd the Itch & c---- since I last writt to
you I've been much as Usuall, but in a Better way
if either, as my Stomach I think is strengthned a little
for I am not so much troubled with wind rising off
my Stomach as formerly, and I do not feel so much
sensation of fullness after meals, as formerly ––– My
Body & particularly my Stomach, & Limbs are still very
weak, but find they are in a slow way of recruite -- I Eat such
victuals as I know from Experiance to be of easy Digestion &
I drink White Port or water to [{illeg}?] at Meals, when I'm
Thirsty I allways drink Tenriff wine & water, as I find it sitt
easy on my stomach, --- I use a good deal of Exercise, and
Particularly Riding on Horse Back, I find Riding on Horseback
or in a Carriage, strengthens me the most of any Exercise -- I
very seldom feel palpatations of my Heart, and my spirits
is more Alert than formerly, when I'm in Moderate
[Page 2]
Perspiration I feel my self the easiest --- I'm Faintish in Hot
weather and the Powers of Digestion are weak, and I'm Inactive
and relaxed -- I'm very subject to catch Cold and when I'm Colded
I've an Obtuse pain in my fore Head, and a great Dullness and
Oppression in my Head and over all my Frame, and a Pulsation
all over me, and Feverish, and the Powers of Digestion are weak, and
have a bad taste in my mouth in the mornings ----- I'm the best
when the weather is inclinable to cold, but can bear no Extremes
either of heat or cold, but of Heat especially --- I have now no complaint
but Weaknness, and that is most in the Mornings, as I'm Extreemly
weak in the mornings, and strengthen gradually till Night. I'm
allways / except when colded / the strongest, and best in the close of the
Evening -- As the season of the year for the children of Affliction
to sleep out into the Medicinal World is come on; I must beg the
favour of you to Inform me what Application you think
best for me this summer, if you thought Bathing in the sea proper
I [say?] ver contiguous, if in fresh water I'm with in 50 Yards of a River
if you thought a very small voyage proper, I'm near a very clement
part of the channel, if you think going to Buxton proper, shou'd
like to go very wel, if you think going to any Spaw proper were
the distance great I should like to go. Please to Write as
[Page 3]
soon as convenient, {illeg}ing me of what Application
you think most proper f[or] me to use this summer, and
how I must use my self when I catch cold, as I'm ver subject
to colds, and they greatly hinder my slow recovery, likewise
of what sort of Liquor you think most proper for me to Drink
&c. and of any other thing you think most proper to contribute
to the recovery of my much wish'd for Health; Iv'e recd.
More Benefit from your prescriptions, Than from all the
other application I've used since I first begun, before you
I had the advice of the most Eminent Physicians in
London but without {illeg} much Benefit as from yours
P.S. I present you with
the Enclosed Note ---
Please to Inform me if I
should take any thing when
I'm Faintish in Hot weather
[Page 4]
Mr Wm Cullen
Professor of Physick
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