
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:910] From: [AUTHOR UNKNOWN] / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Lord George van den Bempdé-Johnstone (Johnstone) (Marquess of Annandale; Marquis of Annandale; of Hackness) (Patient), Mr (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Anonymous (Patient), Ewing (Patient), Anonymous (Patient) / 18 August 1774 / (Incoming)

Letter from Charles Broughton in London, relating the success of his ointment.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 910
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/173
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date18 August 1774
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Charles Broughton in London, relating the success of his ointment.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:392]
Cases communicated by Charles Broughton, a London surgeon, who sends Cullen letters detailing the successful use of his proprietary ointment that is supposed to cure tumours.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:4970]Patient
[PERS ID:5033]Patient
[PERS ID:733]PatientMr
[PERS ID:532]PatientLord George van den Bempdé-Johnstone (Marquess of Annandale; Marquis of Annandale; of Hackness)
[PERS ID:4968]Patient
[PERS ID:4969]Patient
[PERS ID:5031]Patient Ewing
[PERS ID:518]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr John Rutherford
[PERS ID:1003]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Joseph Black
[PERS ID:5022]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Petie
[PERS ID:610]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Richard Huck Saunders (Huck)
[PERS ID:5023]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Parnell
[PERS ID:359]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Charles Broughton
[PERS ID:728]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Turton
[PERS ID:522]Other Physician / SurgeonSir John Pringle
[PERS ID:729]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Meysey (Moysey)
[PERS ID:5003]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Cameron
[PERS ID:531]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Richard? Warren
[PERS ID:5004]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Savage
[PERS ID:5021]Other Physician / SurgeonMr Tibb
[PERS ID:607]Other Physician / SurgeonMr William Sharp
[PERS ID:3174]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Philip De La Cour (Philippe Delacour)
[PERS ID:115]Other Physician / SurgeonDr John Gilchrist (of Speddoch)
[PERS ID:5030]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Raben?
[PERS ID:711]Other Physician / SurgeonMr David Middleton
[PERS ID:5032]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Ewing
[PERS ID:5034]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendLady Bruce
[PERS ID:986]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendLady Cowper
[PERS ID:5035]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Hoan
[PERS ID:5036]OtherMr Young
[PERS ID:619]OtherMr William Almack

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing London London and South-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Andover London and South-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Bath South-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Clapham London and South-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Hackness North-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Hereford Midlands England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Lincoln Midlands England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Weymouth South-West England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
London Agust 18 1774
Dear Sir

In a letter I lately recived from
my brother, be tells me you have fought my battles
allow me now to furnish you with the means of
conquest by telling my Opposers, that the following
respectable medicall Gentlemen have each applyed
to me, to take charge of their scrofulous friends
and [share?] their letters in my profession for that
purpose ---

Sir John Pringe Davd Middleton Esqr.
Dr [Le Cour?] Dr Gilchris & Dr Cameron
Dr Savage, Turton, Warren & Tibb & Huck
all these have introduced patients to my care
as has also Mr Willm Sharp recommended
my Ointment to a Cancerous patient to
who it afforded Ease and I only aim at
that point with Cancers {illeg}
Dr. Huck has been lately to visit my
Old woman with the Cancered Breast she
told him she had been freed from pain
these nine months, by the use of the Oint¬
ment and that she suffered greatly before
its application --

I am attending a lady at Clapham,
who is with Lady Bruce at Mr [Hoan's?] house

[Page 2]

her breast is all ulcerated & great part of the
pectoral muscle destroyed. Severall have atten¬
ded her & Dr Petie & Mr Parnell Surgeon at Lincoln
recommended her to my care and she has
continued the application these seven months
& desire me to continue my attendance

Lady Cowper's butler and Lord Bates' maid
continue well of their Cancered Noses as does
the old man whose leg I cutt off.

Mr Johnston of Hackness / Lord Annandales
[situation?] / goes on well in his cure & wrote his
case to Doctor Moysey of Bath, for the benefit
of Others who might be similarly Afflicted

I have more & more reason from experi¬
ence / the best Test / to aver the Ointment to be
the best Externall in Use, both for Scrofula and
Cancer and Schirrous Tumours: and in time
Living Facts will surmount all opposition -

I wish to be considered as an Honest Obser¬
ver & Relater of the Effects of the Ointment; above
exaggerating its efficacy and no ways ashamed
to be seviceable to Mankind whether I effect that
through a Regular or Irregular Channell.

I rest Dear Sir your Oblidged friend
Charles Broughton

[Page 3]

Mr Ewing Teacher of the Mathematicks
lately applyed to me for his Daughter
which for reasons hinted to you formerly
in regard to Dr Rutherford's treatment I
declined attending too

I can learning nothing about the Chil¬
dren whom Dr Black & you recommended
and have never heard from Dr [Rathben?] about
them I beg you to remind Dr Black to write
his friend

I propose dining ↑next week↑ with Mr Almac & your 1
at their country seat {illeg} Birth I h{illeg}
secured for your Son 2 & to his wish.

Am lately returned from Andover in Hampshire
when I was sent for to take charge of a Gentleman's Child
of Hereford under the care of Dr Campbell & now Weymouth
had £20 given me & my Expenses paid to & from -
and an Allowance of One Guinea per week while
they use the ointment - Others half that sum
per week & working Tradesmen a Quarter Guinea
per week - These are my Terms -

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen


1: William Almack was Cullen's brother-in-law, so the next word was probably "sister".

2: Not clear which son is implied.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
London Agust 18 1774
Dear Sir

In a letter I lately recived from
my brother, be tells me you have fought my battles
allow me now to furnish you with the means of
conquest by telling my Opposers, that the following
respectable medicall Gentlemen have each applyed
to me, to take charge of their scrofulous friends
and [share?] their letters in my profession for that
purpose ---

Sir John Pringe Davd Middleton Esqr.
Dr [Le Cour?] Dr Gilchris & Dr Cameron
Dr Savage, Turton, Warren & Tibb & Huck
all these have introduced patients to my care
as has also Mr Willm Sharp recommended
my Ointment to a Cancerous patient to
who it afforded Ease and I only aim at
that point with Cancers {illeg}
Dr. Huck has been lately to visit my
Old woman with the Cancered Breast she
told him she had been freed from pain
these nine months, by the use of the Oint¬
ment and that she suffered greatly before
its application --

I am attending a lady at Clapham,
who is with Lady Bruce at Mr [Hoan's?] house

[Page 2]

her breast is all ulcerated & great part of the
pectoral muscle destroyed. Severall have atten¬
ded her & Dr Petie & Mr Parnell Surgeon at Lincoln
recommended her to my care and she has
continued the application these seven months
& desire me to continue my attendance

Lady Cowper's butler and Lord Bates' maid
continue well of their Cancered Noses as does
the old man whose leg I cutt off.

Mr Johnston of Hackness / Lord Annandales
[situation?] / goes on well in his cure & wrote his
case to Doctor Moysey of Bath, for the benefit
of Others who might be similarly Afflicted

I have more & more reason from experi¬
ence / the best Test / to aver the Ointment to be
the best Externall in Use, both for Scrofula and
Cancer and Schirrous Tumours: and in time
Living Facts will surmount all opposition -

I wish to be considered as an Honest Obser¬
ver & Relater of the Effects of the Ointment; above
exaggerating its efficacy and no ways ashamed
to be seviceable to Mankind whether I effect that
through a Regular or Irregular Channell.

I rest Dr Sir yr Oblidged friend
Chas Broughton

[Page 3]

Mr Ewing Teacher of the Mathematicks
lately applyed to me for his Daughter
which for reasons hinted to you formerly
in regard to Dr Rutherford's treatment I
declined attending too

I can learning nothing about the Chil¬
dren whom Dr Black & you recommended
and have never heard from Dr [Rathben?] about
them I beg you to remind Dr Black to write
his friend

I propose dining ↑next week↑ with Mr Almac & your 1
at their country seat {illeg} Birth I h{illeg}
secured for your Son 2 & to his wish.

Am lately returned from Andover in Hampshire
when I was sent for to take charge of a Gentleman's Child
of Hereford under the care of Dr Campbell & now Weymouth
had £20 given me & my Expenses paid to & from -
and an Allowance of One Guinea per week while
they use the ointment - Others half that sum
per week & working Tradesmen a Quarter Guinea
per week - These are my Terms -

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen


1: William Almack was Cullen's brother-in-law, so the next word was probably "sister".

2: Not clear which son is implied.


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