The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:5213] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr B M Adamson / Regarding: Mr (Patient), Mr George Davidson (Patient) / 20? February? 1786? / (Outgoing)
Reply, for Mr. B. M. Adamson concerning the case of George Davidson. This letter and the enclosed recipe for a cooling mixture are unsigned.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 5213 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/1/19/25 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Outgoing |
Date | 20? February? 1786? |
Annotation | None |
Type | Machine scribal copy |
Enclosure(s) | Enclosure(s) present |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | Yes |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Reply, for Mr. B. M. Adamson concerning the case of George Davidson. This letter and the enclosed recipe for a cooling mixture are unsigned. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1913] |
Case of George Davidson who is 'strongly threaten'd with a Consumption'. |
2 |
[Case ID:2538] |
Case of an unnamed robust man who has gripes after catching cold but is unable to pay a fee. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1] | Author | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1995] | Addressee | Mr B M Adamson |
[PERS ID:5707] | Patient | Mr |
[PERS ID:5710] | Patient | Mr George Davidson |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1995] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr B M Adamson |
[PERS ID:5706] | Other | Mrs Hannah Anderson |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Cullen's House / Mint Close | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Destination of Letter | Belford | North-East | England | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
I am favoured with yours concerning
George Davidson and am sorry to say that he
is strongly threatened with a Consumption. If the
bleeding that has appeared [be?] as you suspect
entirely from his Nose, you have taken a proper
measure and I hope it will be successful but
I am much afraid the bleeding is from his lungs
and will require other measures. The Tinctura
rosarum however which you have employed is
is one of the most proper that could have been
thought of. I cannot however say so much
for your restorative diet, or your Anodynes
both of which must be used with much caution.
I think Milk and farinacea the most proper
diet for him. In case of faintings a little wine
may be given, but a very little only, and the whole
of his drink should be cold water, or with a
little of the Acid as prescribed on other page.
[Page 2]
For the other Patient you Consult me about
I doubt if either Purgatives or Astringents will
answer your purpose, and when the [accident?] happens
I would give a Vomit of Ipecacuanhar and after
the operation of it is quite over a full dose of an
opiate. Put your chief trust must be in your
Patients guarding against cold particularly
in his feet. I have not heard of Hannah
Anderson but wishing you heartily success
I am
Your most Obedient Servant
[Page 3]
For George Davidson
Take three ounces of rose Water and a half ounce each of Spiritus Vitrioli tenuis and Syrup of dried roses. Mix. Label: Cooling Mixture a teaspoonful to be taken in a glass of cold water several times a day.
Diplomatic Text
I am favoured with yours concerning
George Davidson and am sorry to say that he
is strongly threatened with a Consumption. If the
bleeding that has appeared [be?] as you suspect
entirely from his Nose, you have taken a proper
measure and I hope it will be successful but
I am much afraid the bleeding is from his lungs
and will require other measures. The Tinct.
rosarum however which you have employed is
is one of the most proper that could have been
thought of. I cannot however say so much
for your restorative diet, or your Anodynes
both of which must be used with much caution.
I think Milk and farinacea the most proper
diet for him. In case of faintings a little wine
may be given, but a very little only, and the whole
of his drink should be cold water, or with a
little of the Acid as prescribed on other page.
[Page 2]
For the other Patient you Consult me about
I doubt if either Purgatives or Astringents will
answer your purpose, and when the [accident?] happens
I would give a Vomit of Ipecacuanhar and after
the operation of it is quite over a full dose of an
opiate. Put your chief trust must be in your
Patients guarding against cold particularly
in his feet. I have not heard of Hannah
Anderson but wishing you heartily success
I am
Your most Obedient Servant
[Page 3]
For George Davidson
℞ Aq. rosar. ℥iij
Sp. Vitriol. ten.
Syr. e ros. sicc. @ ℥ſs
ℳ. Sig. Cooling Mixture a tea spoonful to be
taken in a glass of cold water several times a day
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