
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:369] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Anonymous / Regarding: Miss Kerr (Patient) / 10 December 1775 / (Outgoing)

Reply 'For Miss Kerr'. She is to travel to the Isle of Wight for her health, with Mrs Kerr (presumably her mother). He gives advice for the journey and on diet and exercise once there. He includes recipes for medicines to take with her: Mr Wardrop will make the materials for her to take with her.


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DOC ID 369
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/1/6/68
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date10 December 1775
Annotation None
TypeScribal copy ( includes Casebook Entry)
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Reply 'For Miss Kerr'. She is to travel to the Isle of Wight for her health, with Mrs Kerr (presumably her mother). He gives advice for the journey and on diet and exercise once there. He includes recipes for medicines to take with her: Mr Wardrop will make the materials for her to take with her.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:629]
Case of Miss Kerr , who is in danger of phthisis (maybe same patient as Case 165, and 551).

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1642]Addressee
[PERS ID:1617]PatientMiss Kerr
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:1641]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Wardrop
[PERS ID:1642]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary
[PERS ID:1640]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Kerr

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Isle of Wight London and South-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

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For Miss Kerr

Little to be added to my former &c.

Still of opinion that the only safe diet is milk, grain & fruit. The last are often
suspected of being laxative but often do not prove so in such cases as this & therefore may
be tried, with caution. No animal food, except a little good beef tea or chicken
broth at dinner with bread barley or rice. When she is on the road in cold weather
she may take a bit of chicken or other white meat but at isle of Wight all animal
food should be laid aside.

Drink. Water & watery liquors, but in case of faintness, a spoonful of
claret is the safest cordial, especially if not used very often.

Will be much the better of her journey if she avoid cold or fatigue. As to cold I have
formerly given directions & I believe they are very well understood, & I only add, she
should have two stone bottles, filled with boiling water to be laid under her feet in the carriage
As to fatigue the length & number of stages a day to be adjusted to her strength. At first
she should travel slowly & for one or 2 stages only but as he [bears?] thro she
& gets into good roads she may make longer &c. & indeed it is desireable to get

[Page 2]

to the South as soon as conveniently can.

In the isle of Wight must continue her exercise, but in mild & fair weather, should
go out in a carriage every forenoon avoiding going in frosty or wet weather.
She will [find?] the spring very easy & when she becomes fine & pretty warm if
her strength can bear & she can get a right horse, very proper to go a [little?]
on horseback.

As to her dwelling place in the isle of Wight being dry & sheltered, and lodging
being warm dry & airy all that to be left to herself Mrs K. &ccc

As I depend chiefly on climate diet & exercise, I shall give few medicines.

Must take with her a Phial or two of the strengthening mixture & the recipe for
it that she may have it renewed &cc. Must continue during the journey
to take it 2 or 3 times a day but if her bowels become firmer & cough
less frequent may take it as seldom as she pleases & only when looseness & cough &cc.

Only one other medicine & which she is to prepare for herself & i.e. the
Decoction of tussilago leaves. Mr Wardrop will put up a quantity of materials
in separate papers, to be marked № 1. & 2. A paper of № 1. is to be
put into a choppin of boiling water & boiled over the fire till one half be boiled
away. When it is nearly so far boiled let a paper of the materials № 2. be put
in & after these have boiled 5 minutes the whole to be taken from the fire & strained
thro a flannel bag. The liquid to be put into a bottle well corked & set in a
cool place. Of this Decoction Miss Kerr is to take 2 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls at a
time & 2 3 or 4 times a day as her stomach &c.

For Miss Kerr

Take an ounce of dried Coltsfoot leaves, a drachm of Lichwort and half a drachm of Mallow flowers. Chop, mix to make materials and of these make 20 papers. Label each paper: Materials № I.

Take a drachm of Aniseed, half a drachm of grated Sassafras, and half an ounce of Liquorice extract chopped into very small pieces. Mix to make materials and label each paper: Materials № II.

Edinburgh December 10

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
For Miss Kerr

Little to be added to my former &c.

Still of opinion yt ye only safe diet is milk, grain & fruit. The last are often
suspected of being laxative but often do not prove so in sc cases as this & therefore may
be tried, with caution. No animal food, except a little good beef tea or chicken
broth at dinner w bread barley or rice. When she is on ye road in cold weather
she may take a bit of chicken or other white meat but at isle of Wt. all animal
food should be laid aside.

Drink. Water & watery liquors, but in case of faintness, a spoonful of
claret is ye safest cordial, especially if not used very often.

Will be mc ye better of her journey if she avoid cold or fatigue. As to cold I have
formerly given directions & I believe they are very well understood, & I only add, she
should have two stone bottles, filled w aq. bull. to be laid under her feet in ye carriage
As to fatigue ye length & no of stages a day to be adjusted to her strength. At first
she shd travel slowly & for one or 2 stages only but as he [bears?] thro she
& gets into good roads she may make longer &c. & indeed it is desireable to get

[Page 2]

to ye South as soon as conveniently can.

In ye isle of Wt. must cont. her exercise, but in mild & fair weather, shd
go out in a carr. every forenoon avoidg. going in frosty or wet weath..
She will [find?] ye spring very easy & wn she becomes fine & pretty warm if
her strength can bear & she can get a right horse, very proper to go a [little?]
on horseback.

As to her dwelling place in ye isle of Wt. being dry & sheltered, and ye lodg.g
being warm dry & airy all that to be left to herself Mrs K. &ccc

As I depend chiefly on climate diet & exercise, I shall give few meds.

Must take w her a Phial or two of ye strengtheng. ℳ. & ye recipe for
it yt she may have it renewed &cc. Must continue durg. ye journey
to take it 2 or 3 times a day but if her bowels become firmer & cough
less freqt. may take it as seldom as she pleases & only wn loosen. & cough &cc.

Only one other med. & wc she is to prepare for herself & i.e. the
Decoct. of tussilag. leaves. Mr Wardrop will put up a quantity of materials
in separate papers, to be marked № 1. & 2. A pap. of № 1. is to be
put into a chopp. of aq. bull. & boiled over the fire till one half be boiled
away. Wn it is nearly so far boiled let a paper of the materials № 2. be put
in & after these have boiled 5 min. ye whole to be taken fm ye fire & strained
thro a flannel bag. The liq. to be put into a bottle well corked & set in a
cool place. Of this Decoct. M. K. is to take 2 3 or 4 tablespoonf. at a
time & 2 3 or 4 times a day as her stom. &c.

For Miss Kerr

Fol. tussil. sicc. ℥i Herb. parietar. ʒi Flor. malv. ʒſs
Concisa ℳ. f. materialia & f. huius m. Chartæ № xx
Signa sing. chart. Materials № I.

℞. Sem. anis. ʒi Rasur. sassafras. ʒſs. Extr. glycirrh. in frustula mi¬
nuta concisi ℥ſs. ℳ. f. materialia et
Signa. sing. chart. Materials № II.

Edr. Decr. 10


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