
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2466] Case Note / Regarding: Mr Robert Cathcart (of Genoch & Knockdolian) (Patient) / 1? June? 1784 / (Incoming)

Case note by George Hamilton, concerning the case of Robert Cathcart.


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DOC ID 2466
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1520b
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date1? June? 1784
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case note by George Hamilton, concerning the case of Robert Cathcart.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1023]
Case of Robert Cathcart who has badly swollen legs.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:258]AuthorDr George Hamilton
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3107]PatientMr Robert Cathcart (of Genoch & Knockdolian)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:258]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr George Hamilton
[PERS ID:3108]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Gregory

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Genoch (Genoch Mains) Borders Scotland Europe inferred
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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In the beginning of the year 1782 Mr. Cathcart of
Genoch was atacked with a swelling his Legs
and feet, but did not rise higher for some time
than the Calfs of his Legs, save only the lower part
of his thigh above his Ham was affected in a large
solid lump --- upon which he applied to me, and I
gave him a Dose of the pulv: Jalapii. with Calomel
and Cream of Tartar, which operated well ---

In 1th. of June 82 Dr. Gregory Came into the Country, and
prescribed for him Camphorated oil, with which his Legs
and thighs were rubbed night and morning ----

In a few days after he ordered for him mercurial Pills 10 or
12 of which he took, and affected his gums so much that
he [wearied?] of them as they griped him and purged him at
the same time. --- He got an Anodyne Pill for some nights
which Carried of that uneasiness --- --- July 23d. -- 82
He ordered for him Radicis Scillæ recentis half an ounce bruised and
infused in a mutchkin of red wine of which he took a
Table spoonful every hour, beginning in the morning
which had a good diuretic effect upon him. Though he
never took more than 4 or 5 spoonfuls a day -- The swelling
not decreasing - he ordered the mercurial pills to be repeated
when was done, and he took them until his Gums --

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became sore and took no medicine for some weeks ---

In June 27th. He ordered 6 Doses Sudorific Powders for him which
having taken sweat him pretty freely -- But as the swelling
did not abate he soon after ordered a repetition of the powders
which he took and had the same effect as before --

By an addiction of 5 Grains more to each powder --

July 23d. - 82 He again ordered for him the wine as formerly
and the Pills to be repeated which was done, and had the
same effect as before - he continued taking the diuretic
at times which agreed with him very well till
1st. May 83 when Dr. Gregory thought proper to order for him
an infusion of the follium Digit. purpre of which he took a table
spoonful 2, 3 or 4 a day, without either vomiting or purging
him, but totally released and weakned him so much that he
was not able to walk up and Down the Room upon which
he tired of it, and Dr. Gregory was wrote to who desired
that it might be droped. --- The Squill Wine afterwards was
made use of which agreed still well with him, with the
Help of the mercurial Pills, by the use of which the swelling
has not increased till of late -- when about the end of
April last having gone to an Election, at some distance
either by sitting long in Court, or by Cold caught going from
it to his lodging -- Three days after when he returned

[Page 3]

his legs became more swelled than ever, and had got up
so far as to affect his Scrotum and [breathing?] -- some four
days after, I was Called and gave him the mercurial pills
as before which had the desired effect of making his Gums
sore -- he took ten of them -- To Carry of the Griping which
they usually gave him, he was obliged to take 4 or 5 drops
of Laudanum with each Pill -- He is now taking the Squill
to 4-5 or 6 Spoonfuls a day which agrees well with him
and proves very diuretic, and passes rather more that what
he drinks which is quite Clear without any Sediment

Since the beginning of these Complaints Mr. Cathcarts
Stomach has been always Good and still continues so, and
goes regularly to stool once a day -- His pulse has not been
so regular as could be wished. -- I very much wish that
he could be prevailed upon to take more exercise, and [possibly?]
your recommending it may have that effect ---

You'll please excuse the excuse the [incorrectness?] of this and am

Your Most obedient Humble Servant

George Hamilton

Diplomatic Text

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In the beginning of the year 1782 Mr. Cathcart of
Genoch was atacked with a swelling his Legs
and feet, but did not rise higher for some time
than the Calfs of his Legs, save only the lower part
of his thigh above his Ham was affected in a large
solid lump --- upon which he applied to me, and I
gave him a Dose of the pulv: Jalapii. with Calomel
and Cream of Tartar, which operated well ---

In 1th. of June 82 Dr. Gregory Came into the Country, and
prescribed for him Camphorated oil, with which his Legs
and thighs were rubbed night and morning ----

In a few days after he ordered for him mercurial Pills 10 or
12 of which he took, and affected his gums so much that
he [wearied?] of them as they griped him and purged him at
the same time. --- He got an Anodyne Pill for some nights
which Carried of that uneasiness --- --- July 23d. -- 82
He ordered for him Radicis Scillæ recentis ℥ſs bruised and
infused in a mutchkin of red wine of which he took a
Table spoonful every hour, beginning in the morning
which had a good diuretic effect upon him. Though he
never took more than 4 or 5 spoonfuls a day -- The swelling
not decreasing - he ordered the mercurial pills to be repeated
when was done, and he took them until his Gums --

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became sore and took no medicine for some weeks ---

In June 27th. He ordered 6 Doses Sudorific Powders for him which
having taken sweat him pretty freely -- But as the swelling
did not abate he soon after ordered a repetition of the powders
which he took and had the same effect as before --

By an addiction of 5 Grains more to each powder --

July 23d. - 82 He again ordered for him the wine as formerly
and the Pills to be repeated which was done, and had the
same effect as before - he continued taking the diuretic
at times which agreed with him very well till
1st. May 83 when Dr. Gregory thought proper to order for him
an infusion of the follium Digit. purpre of which he took a table
spoonful 2, 3 or 4 a day, without either vomiting or purging
him, but totally released and weakned him so much that he
was not able to walk up and Down the Room upon which
he tired of it, and Dr. Gregory was wrote to who desired
that it might be droped. --- The Squill Wine afterwards was
made use of which agreed still well with him, with the
Help of the mercurial Pills, by the use of which the swelling
has not increased till of late -- when about the end of
Aprl. last having gone to an Election, at some distance
either by sitting long in Court, or by Cold caught going from
it to his lodging -- Three days after when he returned

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his legs became more swelled than ever, and had got up
so far as to affect his Scrotum and [breathing?] -- some four
days after, I was Called and gave him the mercurial pills
as before which had the desired effect of making his Gums
sore -- he took ten of them -- To Carry of the Griping which
they usually gave him, he was obliged to take 4 or 5 drops
of Laudanum with each Pill -- He is now taking the Squill
to 4-5 or 6 Spoonfuls a day which agrees well with him
and proves very diuretic, and passes rather more that what
he drinks which is quite Clear without any Sediment

Since the beginning of these Complaints Mr. Cathcarts
Stomach has been always Good and still continues so, and
goes regularly to stool once a day -- His pulse has not been
so regular as could be wished. -- I very much wish that
he could be prevailed upon to take more exercise, and [possibly?]
your recommending it may have that effect ---

You'll please excuse the excuse the [incorrectness?] of this and am

Your Mo obedt. Humble Servt.

George Hamilton


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