The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2384] From: Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) (Patient) / 11 December 1783 / (Incoming)
Letter from Colonel George Clerk, concerning his own case. He describes how he has fared since coming to Bath to take the waters. He is still suffering from breathlessness and flatulent oppression of his stomach and bowels, and is being attended by a local apothecary, Mr Anderdon.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2384 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1439 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 11 December 1783 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Colonel George Clerk, concerning his own case. He describes how he has fared since coming to Bath to take the waters. He is still suffering from breathlessness and flatulent oppression of his stomach and bowels, and is being attended by a local apothecary, Mr Anderdon. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1473] |
Case of Colonel George Clerk [Clark, Clarke, Clerke] who becomes excessively weak and feeble from chronic costiveness, breathlessness, and other chronic complaints. In New York he has a perpetual fever and stomach complaint and mentions consulting Cullen before but no firm evidence traced unless he is the same patient as Case 283 in 1768. |
24 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:2507] | Author | Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2507] | Patient | Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:5681] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr William or Edmund? Anderdon |
[PERS ID:5682] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Bath | South-West | England | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Mentioned / Other | Dorset | South-West | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | London | London and South-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Weymouth | South-West | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Queen's Parade | Bath | South-West | England | Europe | certain |
Mentioned / Other | Rooks Nest | Godstone | London and South-East | England | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
I received the pleasure of your last
kind & Friendly letter - together with your very
ingenious advice and minute directions to me
which I have & mean to attend to as much as I can
and for which I return you a thousand thanks
but as you have been pleased to take so much
trouble & pains with me I think proper to give
you some accounts of myself since last I wrote
I had bathed at home 4 times a week – at the temper
of from /90/ to /92/ - the time from half an hour to One
hour & half – this last not above 2 or three times in
general one hour & Quarter – this I continued from
the 13th. September to the 27th. November the day I left home without
me perceiving any inconvenience from it – some
times I did feel myself a little weak after coming
out – but not always. I did think myself better in
the whole – and really thought gained a little flesh
on my bones – but could not walk better – I mean when
I walked I still was attacked – with the tightness &
oppression – at my stomach which occasioned my
difficult of breathing – and the least hasty motion
affected me much – but I rode a little on horseback –
I went to London – on my way to this place – was
[Page 2]
five days there – Bathed once – either in going to my
Lodgings after it – or my taking Rhubarb which
occasioned me getting up in the Night two or three
times in the night – I catched a great cold – in my
throat & Cough – however I went on my journey – three
nights on the road / eat & drank very little - I had
taken a little Rhubarb every day at dinner without
any effect from the Sunday - to Friday I arrived
at Bath – a little fatigued – before dinner that day
I took a little more Rhubarb than usual – thinking
it absolutely necessary to have passage – I had spoke
a good deal – and perhaps exerted myself too much
(speaking always hurts me much) – about 9 oClock
in the Evening found myself inclined to go to stool
I went upstairs – in going I was seized with that
great tightness & oppression at my stomach with
the difficulty of breathing near to suffocation
and after having a very plentifull stool – was
worse in my breathing which surprised and
alarmed me as I thought I wanted nothing else
to make me better - I continued very distressed – put
to bed – after bathing my feet in Warm Water – I
sent for an Apothecary of my acquaintance who sees
me here – I was very weak – and the breathing
very severe - I was so till two oClock when I
fell asleep from really exaustion (↑exhausted↑) after taking
a little paragoric Elixir – I got up in the morning very
weak - & relaxed with the oppression at my Stomach &
[Page 3]
difficulty in breathing – however I went into a Bath
about 2 oClock –– I did not find myself worse by it
I drank a small glass of Bath Water – I took on Sunday
Evening a dose of the Castor Oil – & on Monday Morning had a
motion from it – went that day again into the Bath
private Bath /the temper /92/ staid near an hour
came home – dined – and in the Evening found myself
very ill – weak – exhausted, relaxed – and the oppression
at my stomach – with short breathing – &c I sent for
my acquaintance my Apothecary /Mr. Anderdon/ he could
do little for me in my then state – however after being
quiet I slept tolerably well. I have not bathed since –
nor mean to do till I hear from you – from my own
opinion it might have been the Bath which affec¬
ted me – and as I still continue exceedingly weak
feeble – and relaxed – more I think than ever I was
with unhappy feeling at my stomach - and the
least motion affecting me – even to suffocation
I cant move up one step of stair - without feeling
and ever touching the outside of my stomach
affects me with uneasiness – my Bowels in the
same state – I was very ill last night again – &
had a severe fit of Coughing in the Evening – but I believe
nervous – as I am much better in my cold – the only
symptom of it remaining is Phlegm & a little cough
in the morning – I continue to drink one small
[Page 4]
glass of the Waters – in the morning in bed & at one
oClock – and shall do so till I hear from you
whether to give up the Bathing & it entirely
and leave Bath or not – as indeed – I am much dis¬
tressed I have got a house in one of the most es¬
teemed parts of the Town for free good & open
air /Queens Parade/ – the Cold hitherto /but we have
had little/ does affect me – I feel the good effects of
flannel next my skin my oppression at my
stomach - with the difficulty of breathing – with
my being like to be demolished at the smallest
motion alarms me – I dont desire you to take the
trouble to say a great deal to me – but of these last
affections – whether I should leave Bath or con¬
tinue drinking the Waters or not without bathing
I find the air of Bath considerably warmer than
my own house at home in the Country – indeed very
great the difference – our bed Room particularly
both without fires – 10 – degrees difference – our other
Rooms not so great, but considerable – in speaking of
warmth – a friend of mine who had been most of last
season at Weymouth in Dorsetshire – was advising
me these - for comfortable – heat – & warm – if other places
should fail – I have thought of it – in the summer season
for sea bathing if you approve – I shall remain here
till I hear from ↑you↑ – feeble as I am – I never used Bougies
in my life – that difficulty still remains with me – I beg
pardon for all this but hope forgiveness –
very truly with sincere regard your's &c
[Page 5]
I forgot to say any thing in regard – what I
think the tightness & oppression at my stomach is
owing to Wind – the flatulence is so great at times
that - it is like to choak me in the attempts it makes
to come up – and does not come freely but goes
back – which distresses me – if the cold weather
& frost affect me – how I shall feel it – or how
shall I know – that is the case – I mix with my
Tea as you formerly desired – a little Cinnamon
or – Simple Cinnamon Water – with some
Orange flower Water – this day very cold weather
Twas better in the morning – took a little thin Chocolate for
breakfast – then walked tolerably well up & downstairs
went out in my chaise to drink my Water & take a short
drive – when I came home I could scarcely get up stairs
& when I got into my Room almost dropped down with
the affection of my breath – and the feeling upon my
Diaphragm & Bowels even moving one step, hurt me
I lay down after warming myself but long before I re¬
covered – even to speak - this should indicate something
God knows what it is – it has also totally taken away
any appetite I had before
[Page 6]
Col: Clarke
December 1783
V. XV p. 356.
Diplomatic Text
I received the pleasure of your last
kind & Friendly letter - together with your very
ingenious advice and minute directions to me
which I have & mean to attend to as much as I can
and for which I return you a thousand thanks
but as you have been pleased to take so much
trouble & pains with me I think proper to give
you some accounts of myself since last I wrote
I had bathed at home 4 times a week – at the temper
of from /90/ to /92/ - the time from half an hour to One
hour & half – this last not above 2 or three times in
general one hour & Quarter – this I continued from
the 13th. Sepr. to the 27th. Novr. the day I left home without
me perceiving any inconvenience from it – some
times I did feel myself a little weak after coming
out – but not always. I did think myself better in
the whole – and really thought gained a little flesh
on my bones – but could not walk better – I mean when
I walked I still was attacked – with the tightness &
oppression – at my stomach which occasioned my
difficult of breathing – and the least hasty motion
affected me much – but I rode a little on horseback –
I went to London – on my way to this place – was
[Page 2]
five days there – Bathed once – either in going to my
Lodgings after it – or my taking Rhubarb which
occasioned me getting up in the Night two or three
times in the night – I catched a great cold – in my
throat & Cough – however I went on my journey – three
nights on the road / eat & drank very little - I had
taken a little Rhubarb every day at dinner wtout
any effect from the Sunday - to Friday I arrived
at Bath – a little fatigued – before dinner that day
I took a little more Rhubarb than usual – thinking
it absolutely necessary to have passage – I had spoke
a good deal – and perhaps exerted myself too much
(speaking always hurts me much) – about 9 oClock
in the Evening found myself inclined to go to stool
I went upstairs – in going I was seized with that
great tightness & oppression at my stomach with
the difficulty of breathing near to suffocation
and after having a very plentifull stool – was
worse in my breathing which surprised and
alarmed me as I thought I wanted nothing else
to make me better - I continued very distressed – put
to bed – after bathing my feet in Warm Water – I
sent for an Apothy of my acquaintance who sees
me here – I was very weak – and the breathing
very severe - I was so till two oClock when I
fell asleep from really exaustion (↑exhausted↑) after taking
a little paragoric Elixir – I got up in the morning very
weak - & relaxed with the oppression at my Stomach &
[Page 3]
difficulty in breathing – however I went into a Bath
about 2 oClock –– I did not find myself worse by it
I drank a small glass of Bath Water – I took on Sunday
Evg. a dose of the Castor Oil – & on Monday Morng had a
motion from it – went that day again into the Bath
private Bath /the temper /92/ staid near an hour
came home – dined – and in the Evening found myself
very ill – weak – exhausted, relaxed – and the oppression
at my stomach – with short breathing – &c I sent for
my acquaintance my Apothy /Mr. Anderdon/ he could
do little for me in my then state – however after being
quiet I slept tolerably well. I have not bathed since –
nor mean to do till I hear from you – from my own
opinion it might have been the Bath which affec¬
ted me – and as I still continue exceedingly weak
feeble – and relaxed – more I think than ever I was
with unhappy feeling at my stomach - and the
least motion affecting me – even to suffocation
I cant move up one step of stair - without feeling
and ever touching the outside of my stomach
affects me with uneasiness – my Bowels in the
same state – I was very ill last night again – &
had a severe fit of Coughing in the Evg – but I believe
nervous – as I am much better in my cold – the only
symptom of it remaining is Phlegm & a little cough
in the morning – I continue to drink one small
[Page 4]
glass of the Waters – in the morng in bed & at one
oClock – and shall do so till I hear from you
whether to give up the Bathing & it entirely
and leave Bath or not – as indeed – I am much dis¬
tressed I have got a house in one of the most es¬
teemed parts of the Town for free good & open
air /Queens Parade/ – the Cold hitherto /but we have
had little/ does affect me – I feel the good effects of
flannel next my skin my oppression at my
stomach - with the difficulty of breathing – with
my being like to be demolished at the smallest
motion alarms me – I dont desire you to take the
trouble to say a great deal to me – but of these last
affections – whether I should leave Bath or con¬
tinue drinking the Waters or not wtout bathing
I find the air of Bath considerably warmer than
my own house at home in the Country – indeed very
great the difference – our bed Room particularly
both without fires – 10 – degrees difference – our other
Rooms not so great, but considerable – in speaking of
warmth – a friend of mine who had been most of last
season at Weymouth in Dorsetshire – was advising
me these - for comfortable – heat – & warm – if other places
should fail – I have thought of it – in the summer season
for sea bathing if you approve – I shall remain here
till I hear from ↑you↑ – feeble as I am – I never used Bougies
in my life – that difficulty still remains with me – I beg
pardon for all this but hope forgiveness –
very truly with sincere regard your's &c
[Page 5]
I forgot to say any thing in regard – what I
think the tightness & oppression at my stomach is
owing to Wind – the flatulence is so great at times
that - it is like to choak me in the attempts it makes
to come up – and does not come freely but goes
back – which distresses me – if the cold weather
& frost affect me – how I shall feel it – or how
shall I know – that is the case – I mix with my
Tea as you formerly desired – a little Cinnamon
or – Simple Cinnamon Water – with some
Orange flower Water – this day very cold weather
Twas better in the morning – took a little thin Chocolate for
breakfast – then walked tolerably well up & downstairs
went out in my chaise to drink my Water & take a short
drive – when I came home I could scarcely get up stairs
& when I got into my Room almost dropped down with
the affection of my breath – and the feeling upon my
Diaphragm & Bowels even moving one step, hurt me
I lay down after warming myself but long before I re¬
covered – even to speak - this should indicate something
God knows what it is – it has also totally taken away
any appetite I had before
[Page 6]
Col: Clarke
Decr. 1783
V. XV p. 356.
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