
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2286] From: Mr George Mackenzie / To: Dr James Macleod / Regarding: Mr Mackenzie (Patient) / 21 July 1783 / (Incoming)

Letter from George Mackenzie to James Macleod in Inverness, concerning the case of Mackenzie's brother-in-law. Letter sent on to Cullen to inform him about the case.


There are 2 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2286
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1344
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date21 July 1783
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from George Mackenzie to James Macleod in Inverness, concerning the case of Mackenzie's brother-in-law. Letter sent on to Cullen to inform him about the case.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1569]
Case of Mr Mackenzie who has a cough, asthma and whose body is very swollen from dropsy.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:3378]AuthorMr George Mackenzie
[PERS ID:3379]AddresseeDr James Macleod
[PERS ID:3380]PatientMr Mackenzie
[PERS ID:3379]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr James Macleod
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3381]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Kenneth Mackenzie
[PERS ID:3382]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Mackenzie
[PERS ID:3378]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr George Mackenzie
[PERS ID:3383]OtherMr
[PERS ID:3384]OtherMrs Macleod (M Leod)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Lechmelm (Leckmelm) North Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Inverness North Highlands Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Lechmelm 21st. July 1783

Dear Sir

My Brother in Law your patient came here three Days
ago for the Change of Air and he is a great deal unease than
when you saw him, with a Severe Cough and Asthma and
of Leat has got a great Sweling in all his Bodie down to his
Toes and the Sweling in his Bodie gets down in the Day
time to his Legs and in the night his Legs abates and
the Swelling gets to his Stomach and then the Asthma and
Cough Deprives him of the Nights rest; So if you dont Send
Medicines that will force him to rest he's gone his complent
is often attended with a severeness of Vomiting and some
times throws out Blood he has got a Stich since last night
in his left Shoulder before and behind and his Breathing this
day is more Unease
to him than formerly When the Sweling
came one first he had a great [Stooke?] in his Skin and over all
his Bodie I have no Skill but ↑by↑ all appearance his Complent
Seems to me to be a Dropsic He rides every fair Day In
short his in very great Distr[ess] and the Blister you applied
to his Back did him no great Service but I believe his Asthma
was less while the Blister was keeped open he was greatly
pained with the Blister and has aplyed none since nor
will he made to Do it he took the powders and the Oil you
sent for some Days but finding no relife he seems to [tire?]
I depend youl send what will cause him rest in the night
and at the same time what will abate the swelling if
possible I took ↑upon him↑ as a gone man and whey not find
him some things that will give relife while here It can
hardly ly in Bed for want of Breath I shall say no more
as it most be very little to the purpose My father writes

[Page 2]

you by the Bearer and hopes by your means your patient
may some how be relived I beg you keep the Bearer till all
the proper Medicines are Sent. Your patient and Mrs
Mackenzie Joins me in there most respectfull Comple¬
ments to you and Mrs M Leod tho unacquented

I remain Dear Sir
Your most Obedient Servant

George Mackenzie

PS I mistook where where the
Stich lay its above the
Right breast before [&?]
behind --- --- ---

Doctor James MacLeod
Inverness --

Mr. Mackenzie
V.xv p.149. 181
July 1783

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Lechmelm 21st. July 1783

Dear Sir

My Brother in Law your patient came here three Days
ago for the Change of Air and he is a great deal unease than
when you saw him, with a Severe Cough and Asthma and
of Leat has got a great Sweling in all his Bodie down to his
Toes and the Sweling in his Bodie gets down in the Day
time to his Legs and in the night his Legs abates and
the Swelling gets to his Stomach and then the Asthma and
Cough Deprives him of the Nights rest; So if you dont Send
Medicines that will force him to rest he's gone his complent
is often attended with a severeness of Vomiting and some
times throws out Blood he has got a Stich since last night
in his left Shoulder before and behind and his Breathing this
day is more Unease
to him than formerly When the Sweling
came one first he had a great [Stooke?] in his Skin and over all
his Bodie I have no Skill but ↑by↑ all appearance his Complent
Seems to me to be a Dropsic He rides every fair Day In
short his in very great Distr[ess] and the Blister you applied
to his Back did him no great Service but I believe his Asthma
was less while the Blister was keeped open he was greatly
pained with the Blister and has aplyed none since nor
will he made to Do it he took the powders and the Oil you
sent for some Days but finding no relife he seems to [tire?]
I depend youl send what will cause him rest in the night
and at the same time what will abate the swelling if
possible I took ↑upon him↑ as a gone man and whey not find
him some things that will give relife while here It can
hardly ly in Bed for want of Breath I shall say no more
as it most be very little to the purpose My father writes

[Page 2]

you by the Bearer and hopes by your means your patient
may some how be relived I beg you keep the Bearer till all
the proper Medicines are Sent. Your patient and Mrs
Mackenzie Joins me in there most respectfull Comple¬
ments to you and Mrs M Leod tho unacquented

I remain Dear Sir
Your most Obedt. Sert.

George Mackenzie

PS I mistook where where the
Stich lay its above the
Right breast before [&?]
behind --- --- ---

Doctor James MacLeod
Inverness --

Mr. Mackenzie
V.xv p.149. 181
July 1783


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