The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2211] From: Dr Alexander Taylor (Sanders) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr James Orr (Patient), Mr William Orr ((later) of Ingliston, then Ralston) (Patient), Reverend Colin Gillies (of Paisley) (Patient) / 21 May 1782 / (Incoming)
Letter from Alexander Taylor, concerning the case of Mr Gillies, a minister, who 'was a quarter of a year ago suddenly seized with a severe faint which lasted for more than ten minutes', and then with a second attack when in Port Glasgow for a preaching engagement. He was treated there by Alexander Mollison. He has also been subject to cold-related eruptions on the nose, ear and mouth. Taylor also reports on the progress of the Orr brothers and mentions reading Archibald Cullen's medical dissertation De Frigore, Ejusque Vi Et Effectibus in Corpus Humanum (see Doc ID 526).
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2211 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1283 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 21 May 1782 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Alexander Taylor, concerning the case of Mr Gillies, a minister, who 'was a quarter of a year ago suddenly seized with a severe faint which lasted for more than ten minutes', and then with a second attack when in Port Glasgow for a preaching engagement. He was treated there by Alexander Mollison. He has also been subject to cold-related eruptions on the nose, ear and mouth. Taylor also reports on the progress of the Orr brothers and mentions reading Archibald Cullen's medical dissertation De Frigore, Ejusque Vi Et Effectibus in Corpus Humanum (see Doc ID 526). |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:553] |
Case of James Orr who has a venereal infection in 1778, but by 1782 has abdominal complaints and various bodily pains which Cullen eventually attributes to a disordered liver. |
13 |
[Case ID:554] |
Case of William Orr who has an eye condition. |
13 |
[Case ID:1286] |
Case of the Rev. Colin Gillies who has suffered several fainting fits almost like epileptic seizures. |
7 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:207] | Author | Dr Alexander Taylor (Sanders) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:211] | Patient | Mr William Orr ((later) of Ingliston, then Ralston) |
[PERS ID:1465] | Patient | Reverend Colin Gillies (of Paisley) |
[PERS ID:210] | Patient | Mr James Orr |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:121] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Alexander Mollison (Molison, Molyson) |
[PERS ID:207] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr Alexander Taylor (Sanders) |
[PERS ID:1424] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mrs Isabella Gillies |
[PERS ID:210] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr James Orr |
[PERS ID:211] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr William Orr ((later) of Ingliston, then Ralston) |
[PERS ID:545] | Other | Dr Archibald Cullen (Ar or Arch) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Paisley | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Port Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
This gentleman,
(Mr. Gillies one of our ministers,) who
now consults you, was a quarter of a
year ago suddenly seized with a severe
faint which lasted for more than ten
minutes, his neck as Mrs. Gillies observed
being at the time swelled and his face
flushed and red and his head writhed
round to one side; but there were no
violent motions of his hands nor (↑or↑) legs, nor
moisture from the mouth – that after¬
noon he had felt an unusual heaviness ↑about him↑
and Confusion in his head being unable
to think upon or recollect things distinctly;
but it was not till after after supper when
he had taken two or 3 glass of punch not exceed¬
ing half a [Dozen?] that this happened –– I saw
[Page 2]
him presently after his recovering from the
faint; he had vomited freely having drunk
some warm water and he was talking
confusedly and his pulse was quick and
smart. Blooding was then proposed but
he would not submit to it till next morn¬
ing when he was blooded freelly and got
a Dose of Salts –––– The his relations were
more alarmed with it than himself; but
from Mrs. Gillies' account I did not think the
ailment was to be disregarded and recom¬
mended a low Regimen to him and moderate
exercise; I likewise proposed to have a
blister applied to his head and a seton placed
in his neck; but he declined both and would
only allow of a Pea which was accordingly
placed in his Arm – from this time till
near three weeks ago he I believe kept prety
close to his Regimen when he began to com¬
plain of a heaviness and Confu and sometimes
of a Confusion resembling what he had formerly
felt before the faint – at first these Complaints
[Page 3]
led me to think of taking blood but I found
↑his skin↑ had a Cold feel and his pulse was remark¬
ably slow (64) and weak and his face ra¬
there appeared pale – on the Contrary I
encouraged him to take something of a better
diet and a glass or two of strong ale for
he had hitherto taken nothing stronger than
small beer –– but in this I believe I was
wrong for in a few days after at New
Port-Glasgow, whither he had gone to preach,
he was attacked a second time with a
faint as I am well informed resembling the
former very much –– but to have a full
view of his Case it is necessary to go farther
back – for these last eight years almost
every winter he has had an inflammatory
eruption upon his nose the matter exuding
matter of white forming ↑itself into↑ scabs and this he says
was occasioned by being exposed for a long con¬
siderable time to severe Cold; but even before
this such eruptions used to come out round his
mouth in Cold weather and his lips to be swelled
and for some time before the last faint such an
[Page 4]
eruption made its appearance on his
face and in particular upon one of his
ears; and this had in a great measure
gone off before the last Attack –– This
leads me to suspect acrimony owing per¬
haps to a deficiency of Perspiration and
besides the Course management formerly
proposed I intended to ↑have↑ given some
mercurial and antimonial ↑medicines↑ in small
quantities; but I think this Complaint
of such consequence tho' I wish and
hope that Mr. Gillies shall have no
more returns; yet this is at least uncer¬
tain and I think it is of consequence to
have your opinion before any thing
farther be done –– I got a line from
Mr. Mollison, Surgeon in Port-Glasgow
recommending small and frequent repeated
bloodings to prevent Plethora; but this
management I believe would be the surest
means to defeat the intention ––
[Page 5]
Mr. Orr the writer remains in health –
I have pointed out to him such parts of the
Dissertation de frigore 1 (which I have read
with information and pleasure,) as I
think relate to him –– his brother's eyes
remain as before ––
Your most humble servant
[Page 6]
Dr. William Cullen
Professor of Physic
Mr Taylor
Concerning the revd Mr C. Gillies
May 1782.
V XIV p 65
1: Archibald Cullen's medical dissertation, De Frigore, Ejusque Vi Et Effectibus in Corpus Humanum (Edinburgh: 1780). For William Cullen suggesting this be read see the previous Document ID 526 associated with this case.
Diplomatic Text
This gentleman,
(Mr. Gillies one of our ministers,) who
now consults you, was a quarter of a
year ago suddenly seized with a severe
faint which lasted for more than ten
minutes, his neck as Mrs. Gillies observed
being at the time swelled and his face
flushed and red and his head writhed
round to one side; but there were no
violent motions of his hands nor (↑or↑) legs, nor
moisture from the mouth – that after¬
noon he had felt an unusual heaviness ↑about him↑
and Confusion in his head being unable
to think upon or recollect things distinctly;
but it was not till after after supper when
he had taken two or 3 glass of punch not exceed¬
ing half a [Dozen?] that this happened –– I saw
[Page 2]
him presently after his recovering from the
faint; he had vomited freely having drunk
some warm water and he was talking
confusedly and his pulse was quick and
smart. Blooding was then proposed but
he would not submit to it till next morn¬
ing when he was blooded freelly and got
a Dose of Salts –––– The his relations were
more alarmed with it than himself; but
from Mrs. Gillies' acct. I did not think the
ailment was to be disregarded and recom¬
mended a low Regimen to him and moderate
exercise; I likewise proposed to have a
blister applied to his head and a seton placed
in his neck; but he declined both and would
only allow of a Pea which was accordingly
placed in his Arm – from this time till
near three weeks ago he I believe kept prety
close to his Regimen when he began to com¬
plain of a heaviness and Confu and sometimes
of a Confusion resembling what he had formerly
felt before the faint – at first these Complaints
[Page 3]
led me to think of taking blood but I found
↑his skin↑ had a Cold feel and his pulse was remark¬
ably slow (64) and weak and his face ra¬
there appeared pale – on the Contrary I
encouraged him to take something of a better
diet and a glass or two of strong ale for
he had hitherto taken nothing stronger than
small beer –– but in this I believe I was
wrong for in a few days after at New
Port-Glasgow, whither he had gone to preach,
he was attacked a second time with a
faint as I am well informed resembling the
former very much –– but to have a full
view of his Case it is necessary to go farther
back – for these last eight years almost
every winter he has had an inflammatory
eruption upon his nose the matter exuding
matter of white forming ↑itself into↑ scabs and this he says
was occasioned by being exposed for a long con¬
siderable time to severe Cold; but even before
this such eruptions used to come out round his
mouth in Cold weather and his lips to be swelled
and for some time before the last faint such an
[Page 4]
eruption made its appearance on his
face and in particular upon one of his
ears; and this had in a great measure
gone off before the last Attack –– This
leads me to suspect acrimony owing per¬
haps to a deficiency of Perspiration and
besides the Course management formerly
proposed I intended to ↑have↑ given some
mercurial and antimonial ↑medicines↑ in small
quantities; but I think this Complaint
of such consequence tho' I wish and
hope that Mr. Gillies shall have no
more returns; yet this is at least uncer¬
tain and I think it is of consequence to
have your opinion before any thing
farther be done –– I got a line from
Mr. Mollison, Surgeon in Port-Glasgow
recommending small and frequent repeated
bloodings to prevent Plethora; but this
management I believe would be the surest
means to defeat the intention ––
[Page 5]
Mr. Orr the writer remains in health –
I have pointed out to him such parts of the
Dissertation de frigore 1 (which I have read
with information and pleasure,) as I
think relate to him –– his brother's eyes
remain as before ––
Your most humble servt.
[Page 6]
Dr. William Cullen
Professor of Physic
Mr Taylor
C the revd Mr C. Gillies
May 1782.
V XIV p 65
1: Archibald Cullen's medical dissertation, De Frigore, Ejusque Vi Et Effectibus in Corpus Humanum (Edinburgh: 1780). For William Cullen suggesting this be read see the previous Document ID 526 associated with this case.
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