
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2209] From: Dr John Young / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Lieutenant William Waddell (Captain Waddell of Crawhill) (Patient), Dr John Young (Patient) / 16 May 1782 / (Incoming)

Letter from John Young, concerning 'our Patient Captain Waddell of Crawhill', who has suffered some sort of paralysis, and also concerning his own complex array of symptoms including a skin eruption (Herpes).


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DOC ID 2209
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1281
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date16 May 1782
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John Young, concerning 'our Patient Captain Waddell of Crawhill', who has suffered some sort of paralysis, and also concerning his own complex array of symptoms including a skin eruption (Herpes).
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:231]
Case of Lieutenant William Waddell who took ill while riding home drunk, suffers a 'Cynic Spasm' (facial paralysis) and undergoes a sweating treatment.
[Case ID:1922]
Case of Dr John Young who is suffering from an eruption of the skin along with some stomach complaints.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2953]AuthorDr John Young
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2953]PatientDr John Young
[PERS ID:188]PatientLieutenant William Waddell (Captain Waddell of Crawhill)
[PERS ID:2953]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr John Young
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Bridghouse / Glenavon Linlithgow (Lithgow) Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Bridghouse May 16th. 1782

Our Patient Captain Waddell of
Crawhil is very fond of trying something, now
the weather is more favourable, sometimes he
thinks himself better sometimes not, upon the
whole he certainly is a good deal better, the Cynic
is not so bad, he walks perfectly well, has a
good appetite and digestion looks better and is fatter
two or three days ago he Complained of a pain
in his hams, in his right palm likeways there is
a substance about the bigness of a pea and hard,
in his left palm one of the flexor Tendons of the
is a litle enlarged and very tense, He is obliged
Constantly to use the Electuary to procure Stools
he thinks the noise in his head not so bad either
if you think it necessary to come out, or to try
something farther before you see him be so kind as
let me know, he thinks himself greatly

[Page 2]

the better of the sweats as he certainly has
beem, and is very fond of them, he makes
a Constant use of the Elixir Guaiaci Volatile,

My own Complaint that I mentioned in my last
is not removed yet it seems to be very obstinate,
nothing that either reason or experience has thought
of or tryed but I have put in practice, about the time
it began I was using large quantities of Magnesia alba
for an acidetic of my Stomack I was troubled with and
which I then thought was the cause of the piles I
was then troubled with, but the more Magnesia I used
the sourness turned worse, and indeed I have found
since that the cause of the piles was owing to a
relaxed state of the intestines from using relaxing
medicines almost constantly to Obviate a Costiveness
which undoubtedly was brought on by the very means
I thought to relieve it Viz the Intestines being more and
more weakened by repeated purging had not the
power to propell the feces fast enough till the

[Page 3]

thinner parts being taking up the remainder
became very proper for being the caus of the piles
now from all this I am beginning to think that
the Herpes is owing to some weakness of the system
Sometimes it dries up a litle and then breaks out with
prodigious Itching and on being scratched ouzes out
a viscid Lymph, sometimes upon using any thing
that is irritating it inflames terribly with great
pain and when my foot does so the Lymphatic
near the top of the thigh swell and are
painfull, two of the Conglobate glands of my
have been a litle swelled to for some time
now if any of my friends had ever had the
I would have been afraid of it but
as there never was any such thing I do not
know what to think of it, I have very frequently
a small palpitation of my heart which goes and comes
and likeways a frequent salivation of a thin insipid saliva.
Very suddenly I find my self much out of order on
wearing warm Cloths is always better on using

[Page 4]

very thin Cloths at the time the Herpes
first began when just like two or three pimples
I used a Solution of Nitre having seen that put
away such an Eruption Whether that may
have been the cause of all that followed I can't
tell it did not put it away, but was always rather
worse when any thing irritating touched it, it seem[s]
to be worse likeways of any thing greasy, sometimes
near the part a pimple will arise with great
pain then a head like a blister comes on it and
white which being broken a thinnish matter
a litle white and tinged with a reddish Cast comes
out. The skin below as red and hot as fire even
on the foremost phalanges of my fingers there
are litle Clusters of Vesicles scarsely elevated which
if [they?] increase much turn to the appearance of
the larger Herpes at other times they go away
I have likeways a heat which comes and goes in the
palms of my hands
, I hope you'l excuse the
length of my letter and am Dear Doctor

Your Very Humble Servant
John Young

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Bridghouse May 16th. 1782

Our Patient Capt. Waddell of
Crawhil is very fond of trying something, now
the weather is more favourable, sometimes he
thinks himself better sometimes not, upon the
whole he certainly is a good deal better, the Cynic
is not so bad, he walks perfectly well, has a
good appetite and digestion looks better and is fatter
two or three days ago he Complained of a pain
in his hams, in his right palm likeways there is
a substance about the bigness of a pea and hard,
in his left palm one of the flexor Tendons of the
is a litle enlarged and very tense, He is obliged
Constantly to use the Electuary to procure Stools
he thinks the noise in his head not so bad either
if you think it necessary to come out, or to try
something farther before you see him be so kind as
let me know, he thinks himself greatly

[Page 2]

the better of the sweats as he certainly has
beem, and is very fond of them, he makes
a Constant use of the Elix: Guiac: Vol:,

My own Complaint that I mentioned in my last
is not removed yet it seems to be very obstinate,
nothing that either reason or experience has thought
of or tryed but I have put in practice, about the time
it began I was using large quantities of Magnesia alb:
for an acidetic of my Stomack I was troubled with and
which I then thought was the cause of the piles I
was then troubled with, but the more Magnesia I used
the sourness turned worse, and indeed I have found
since that the cause of the piles was owing to a
relaxed state of the intestines from using relaxing
medicines almost constantly to Obviate a Costiveness
which undoubtedly was brought on by the very means
I thought to relieve it Viz the Intestines being more and
more weakened by repeated purging had not the
power to propell the feces fast enough till the

[Page 3]

thinner parts being taking up the remainder
became very proper for being the caus of the piles
now from all this I am beginning to think that
the Herpes is owing to some weakness of the system
Sometimes it dries up a litle and then breaks out with
prodigious Itching and on being scratched ouzes out
a viscid Lymph, sometimes upon using any thing
that is irritating it inflames terribly with great
pain and when my foot does so the Lymphatic
near the top of the thigh swell and are
painfull, two of the Conglobate glands of my
have been a litle swelled to for some time
now if any of my friends had ever had the
I would have been afraid of it but
as there never was any such thing I do not
know what to think of it, I have very frequently
a small palpitation of my heart which goes and comes
and likeways a frequent salivation of a thin insipid saliva.
Very suddenly I find my self much out of order on
wearing warm Cloths is always better on using

[Page 4]

very thin Cloths at the time the Herpes
first began when just like two or three pimples
I used a Solution of Nitre having seen that put
away such an Eruption Whether that may
have been the cause of all that followed I can't
tell it did not put it away, but was always rather
worse when any thing irritating touched it, it seem[s]
to be worse likeways of any thing greasy, sometimes
near the part a pimple will arise with great
pain then a head like a blister comes on it and
white which being broken a thinnish matter
a litle white and tinged with a reddish Cast comes
out. The skin below as red and hot as fire even
on the foremost phalanges of my fingers there
are litle Clusters of Vesicles scarsely elevated which
if [they?] increase much turn to the appearance of
the larger Herpes at other times they go away
I have likeways a heat which comes and goes in the
palms of my hands
, I hope you'l excuse the
length of my letter and am Dr. Doctor

Your Very Hub. Sert.
John Young


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