The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2052] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mr Y. Z. (Patient) / 27 August 1781 / (Outgoing)
Loose reply for Mr Y. Z., signed by Cullen and 'J. H.'. The patient is advised on continuing with a regimen and prescribed a strengthener and laxative.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2052 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1127 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Outgoing |
Date | 27 August 1781 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | Enclosure(s) present |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | Yes |
Regimen | Yes |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Loose reply for Mr Y. Z., signed by Cullen and 'J. H.'. The patient is advised on continuing with a regimen and prescribed a strengthener and laxative. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1447] |
Case of 'Mr Y. Z' who is being advised by Cullen and 'J.H.' [probably Dr John Hope]. |
1 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1] | Author | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1116] | Patient | Mr Y. Z. ( ) |
[PERS ID:312] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr John Hope |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:312] | Supplemental Author | Dr John Hope |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Cullen's House / Mint Close | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
For Mr Y. Z.
Take twenty grains of prepared refined Steel seven grains of powdered Cinnamon twenty grains of pure White Sugar Mix and let a powder be made and let it be given hourly dose Number 28 Label: Strengthening Powders one to be taken in a little Currant Jelly twice a day washing it down with a small cupfull of the following.
Take half an ounce of Peruvian Bark two drachms of Ginseng Root one drachm of Cinnamon crush and pour on two pounds of boiling water leave to absorb for twelve hours and add two ounces each of Tincture of Peruvian Bark and Tincture of Kino Gum strain the sediment through paper and Label: Strengthening Tincture a small Cupfull to be taken after every dose of the powders.
Take three ounces of the best Castor Oil one ounce of Daffy's Elixir Ph. Ed. Mix. Label: Laxative Oil a table Spoonfull more or less to be taken in the morning when costiveness requires Shaking the phial always very well before pouring out.
Take two ounces of Balsam of Capivi two drachms of Balsam of Peru Mix. Label: Strengthening Balsam forty drops to be taken for a dose at bedtime.
J.H. -
[Page 2]
For Mr Y. Z.
We have again considered the circumstances of this
Case and tho it is not yet entirely cured it is so much bet¬
ter since we were last consulted that we have much less doubt
than we had before of its being in some time entirely recove¬
To attain this end we judge the regimen formerly ad¬
vised to be very properly adapted and we are more fully per¬
suaded of this as it seems in several particulars to be con¬
firmed by the patients own experience. We are therefore -
clear in advising now a continuance of the same regimen
and the observance of it as exactly and compleatly as possible
till he shall be in every respects as he would wish.
We do not either find room to make any addition to
the ↑particulars of regimen↑ advice we have ↑already↑ given. There is one part of them which
which we find he has not found convenience to execute but we now
advise him to be provided with a proper bidet & from the pretty
constant use of it we expect some adv great advantage.
In our former directions we proposed his putting on
a flannel shirt next his skin and the wearing it both by
day and night. We are still of opinion that against the
frost of October he should put on such a shirt and ↑for the winter↑ wear it
constantly in the day time but as it is of consequence to
keep his body very cool during the night we shall not
advise his wearing the flannel shirt during the night
till we shall find more reason for it. ---
[Page 3]
We still think the medicines formerly prescribed
very well adapted to the Case but as they have hither to
agreed quite well with the stomach we can now venture
to go further in the dose and also to make some additions
to them which may render them still more effectual in
restoring the natural vigour. We have therefore in
a separate paper given new prescriptions for the powders
and infusion (↑Tincture↑) and have on the Same paper prescribed
a medicine altogether new, from which we have formerly
found and now expect some considerable advantage. -
The directions for the use of the use of the ↑several↑ Medicines
are subjoined to the prescriptions and for the powders and
Infusion Tincture we need ↑not↑ repeat them here but for the
Balsam now first advised it is necessary to be more parti¬
cular here.
We propose that the powders and Tincture Should
be employed for a fortnight only at one time & when they
are then laid [aside?] the Balsam is there to be employed for
as long in the manner following. Put a tea spoonfull
or two ↑of powdered sugar↑ into the bottom of a tea cup. Upon this Sugar drop
forty drops of the balsam. Stir it well amongst the Sugar
with the back of the tea spoon then, pouring upon it two
or three table spoonfulls of water, Stir the whole together -
drink it off & if necessary wash it down with a little water.
This dose is to be taken every night immediately before going to bed -
for a fortnight but then to be laid aside. If after such a course matters Shall
not be found to be much mended Mr Z. after a fortnight or three weeks intermission
may again take a course of the Powders Tincture & Balsam as before. ---
Diplomatic Text
For Mr Y. Z.
℞ Limatur. Mart. ppt. gr. xx
Cinnamom. pulv. gr. vij
Sacchar. alb. puriss. gr. xx
ℳ. f. pulvis et f. h. m. dos. № xxviij
Signa Strengthening Powders one to be taken in a little Currant Jelly
[t]wice a day washing it down with a small cupfull of the following.
℞ Cort. Peruvian. ℥ſs
Rad. Guiseng. ʒij
Cinnamom. ʒj
Contusis affunde Aq. bullient. lbij Digeri horas duodecim et adde
Tinct. cort. Peruvian.
--- c Kino @ ℥ij
et cum Subsederint fæces per chartam cola et Signa Strengthening
Tincture a small Cupfull to be taken after every dose of the powders. -
℞ Ol. ricin. opt. ℥iij
Tinct. Senn. comp. Ph. Ed. ℥j
ℳ. Signa Laxative Oil a table Spoonfull more or less to be taken in
the morning when costiveness requires Shaking the phial always
very well before pouring out.
℞ Bals. Copaib. ℥ij
--- Peruvian. ʒij
ℳ. Signa Strengthening Balsam forty drops to be taken for a
dose at bedtime.
J.H. -
[Page 2]
For Mr Y. Z.
We have again considered the circumstances of this
Case and tho it is not yet entirely cured it is so much bet¬
ter since we were last consulted that we have much less doubt
than we had before of its being in some time entirely recove¬
To attain this end we judge the regimen formerly ad¬
vised to be very properly adapted and we are more fully per¬
suaded of this as it seems in several particulars to be con¬
firmed by the patients own experience. We are therefore -
clear in advising now a continuance of the same regimen
and the observance of it as exactly and compleatly as possible
till he shall be in every respects as he would wish.
We do not either find room to make any addition to
the ↑particulars of regimen↑ advice we have ↑already↑ given. There is one part of them which
which we find he has not found convenience to execute but we now
advise him to be provided with a proper bidet & from the pretty
constant use of it we expect some adv great advantage.
In our former directions we proposed his putting on
a flannel shirt next his skin and the wearing it both by
day and night. We are still of opinion that against the
frost of October he should put on such a shirt and ↑for the winter↑ wear it
constantly in the day time but as it is of consequence to
keep his body very cool during the night we shall not
advise his wearing the flannel shirt during the night
till we shall find more reason for it. ---
[Page 3]
We still think the medicines formerly prescribed
very well adapted to the Case but as they have hither to
agreed quite well with the stomach we can now venture
to go further in the dose and also to make some additions
to them which may render them still more effectual in
restoring the natural vigour. We have therefore in
a separate paper given new prescriptions for the powders
and infusion (↑Tincture↑) and have on the Same paper prescribed
a medicine altogether new, from which we have formerly
found and now expect some considerable advantage. -
The directions for the use of the use of the ↑several↑ Medicines
are subjoined to the prescriptions and for the powders and
Infusion Tincture we need ↑not↑ repeat them here but for the
Balsam now first advised it is necessary to be more parti¬
cular here.
We propose that the powders and Tincture Should
be employed for a fortnight only at one time & when they
are then laid [aside?] the Balsam is there to be employed for
as long in the manner following. Put a tea spoonfull
or two ↑of powdered sugar↑ into the bottom of a tea cup. Upon this Sugar drop
forty drops of the balsam. Stir it well amongst the Sugar
with the back of the tea spoon then, pouring upon it two
or three table spoonfulls of water, Stir the whole together -
drink it off & if necessary wash it down with a little water.
This dose is to be taken every night immediately before going to bed -
for a fortnight but then to be laid aside. If after such a course matters Shall
not be found to be much mended Mr Z. after a fortnight or three weeks intermission
may again take a course of the Powders Tincture & Balsam as before. ---
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