
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2042] From: Dr William Wilson / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Moodie (Moody) (Patient), Mrs Scot (Patient), Mr Galbraith (Galbreath) (Patient), Mr Johnston (Patient) / 9 August 1781 / (Incoming)

Letter from William Wilson, concerning the cases of Mr Moody, Mrs Scot, Mr Johnston and Mr Galbraith.


There are 2 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2042
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1117
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date9 August 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from William Wilson, concerning the cases of Mr Moody, Mrs Scot, Mr Johnston and Mr Galbraith.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1378]
Case of Mr. Johnston who has a throat complaint.
[Case ID:1399]
Case of Mr. Moody whose headaches, dimness of sight and other symptoms threaten a paralytic condition.
[Case ID:1416]
Case of Mrs. Scot who has a vaginal shanker and a discharge, possibly syphilitic in origin.
[Case ID:1417]
Case of Mr Galbraith who has returned from Jamaica 'broken by the warm climate', but he is now mending.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:132]AuthorDr William Wilson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2888]PatientMrs Scot
[PERS ID:2889]PatientMr Galbraith (Galbreath)
[PERS ID:2915]PatientMr Johnston
[PERS ID:106]PatientMr Moodie (Moody)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:132]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Wilson

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Greenock Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Jamaica West Indies certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Highlands East Highlands Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Greenock 9th August 1781

Dear Sir

Your Patient Mr Moody hase Continued
to take ↑the↑ Cephalic Electuary & wine ever since I had
the Pleasure of Seeing you at Edinburgh the
Issue on the Head was found very troublesome on
Account of the hair & hase been Heald for Some
time but prior to that I put a Seaton in
neck which discharges very plentifully
Upon the whol I know very little Alteration on
him what is is raither to the worse the Stupor
Seems raither more and he is totally uncapa¬
ble of reading his Belly hase been kept open with
the Pills but he hase not got any Apearance
of Haemorrhoids
. I have repeatedly taken ↑Electrical↑ Sparks from
the Leg & Arm of the Side Affected and have Sent
Some Slight Electrical Shoks thorough the Leg
and Arm he hase Sometimes after the Electricity found
himself lighter & more Chearful but not Always
if you think of Any thing Use for him I beg you
will Mention it --- Mrs Scott came from the High¬
lands Yesterday and Sent for me beeing Much
Alam (↑r↑)med at the Apearance of two Small Sores
on the right Labia Pudendorum they have quite the
Apearance of Shankers the wartlike apearance I

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Mentioned to you is much the Same there is Still
Some discharge but the Matter is thin & white
she hase had Some of these Spots on the Skin She
had formerly but they Seem to be going away
She hase alsoe a Swelling in the Feet & Ankles
very Considerable towards Night Complains of
want of Apetite & bad Spirits She hase taken no
Medicine Since She left you but the Balsamic
dropes and Used Some of the Injection with [Carose?]
the first of these Sores apeared about a fortnight
Agoe on the Other Side of the labia & Healed of them¬
selves these ↑She hase now↑ have been out eight days and or rather
enlarging but I Shall doe nothing with them till
I hear from you ---- Mr Johnston is taking the
Antimonial Solution the quantity of Tart. Emetic is
now dubled and his Stomach bears it well he
feels very little Alteration as yet in his Throat
you have a very Old and intimate Acquaintance of
Mine for a Patient a Mr Galbreath from Jamaica
I shall be Glad to hear from you how he does
As his Friends here ar Much interrested for
him I am Most respectfully Dear Sir

Your Most Humble Servant

Will Wilson

Diplomatic Text

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Greenock 9th August 1781

Dear Sir

Your Patient Mr Moody hase Continued
to take ↑the↑ Cephalic Electuary & wine ever since I had
the Pleasure of Seeing you at Edinburgh the
Issue on the Head was found very troublesome on
Account of the hair & hase been Heald for Some
time but prior to that I put a Seaton in
neck which discharges very plentifully
Upon the whol I know very little Alteration on
him what is is raither to the worse the Stupor
Seems raither more and he is totally uncapa¬
ble of reading his Belly hase been kept open with
the Pills but he hase not got any Apearance
of Haemorrhoids
. I have repeatedly taken ↑Electrical↑ Sparks from
the Leg & Arm of the Side Affected and have Sent
Some Slight Electrical Shoks thorough the Leg
and Arm he hase Sometimes after the Electricity found
himself lighter & more Chearful but not Always
if you think of Any thing Use for him I beg you
will Mention it --- Mrs Scott came from the High¬
lands Yesterday and Sent for me beeing Much
Alam (↑r↑)med at the Apearance of two Small Sores
on the right Labia Pudend. they have quite the
Apearance of Shankers the wartlike apearance I

[Page 2]

Mentioned to you is much the Same there is Still
Some discharge but the Matter is thin & white
she hase had Some of these Spots on the Skin She
had formerly but they Seem to be going away
She hase alsoe a Swelling in the Feet & Ankles
very Considerable towards Night Complains of
want of Apetite & bad Spirits She hase taken no
Medicine Since She left you but the Balsamic
dropes and Used Some of the Injection with [Carose?]
the first of these Sores apeared about a fortnight
Agoe on the Other Side of the labia & Healed of them¬
selves these ↑She hase now↑ have been out eight days and or rather
enlarging but I Shall doe nothing with them till
I hear from you ---- Mr Johnston is taking the
Antimonial Solution the quantity of Tart. Emetic is
now dubled and his Stomach bears it well he
feels very little Alteration as yet in his Throat
you have a very Old and intimate Acquaintance of
Mine for a Patient a Mr Galbreath from Jamaica
I shall be Glad to hear from you how he does
As his Friends here ar Much interrested for
him I am Most respectfully Dear Sir

Your Mo Humble Servr

Will Wilson


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