
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2019] From: Dr Richard Story / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs Harrison (Patient), Mrs Wyvil (Wyvill) (Patient) / 14 June 1781 / (Incoming)

Letter from a former student of Cullen, Richard Story, concerning the cases of Mrs Harrison and Mrs Wyvill, who both have tumours in their breasts. Mrs Harrison, accompanied by Mrs Wyvill, hand-delivered the letter to Cullen (possibly at the University of Edinburgh) and told him further particulars of her case. Cullen replies in letters 151 and 152, after he has examined the two patients.


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DOC ID 2019
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1096
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date14 June 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction Yes
Case Note Yes
Summary Letter from a former student of Cullen, Richard Story, concerning the cases of Mrs Harrison and Mrs Wyvill, who both have tumours in their breasts. Mrs Harrison, accompanied by Mrs Wyvill, hand-delivered the letter to Cullen (possibly at the University of Edinburgh) and told him further particulars of her case. Cullen replies in letters 151 and 152, after he has examined the two patients.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:301]
Case of Mrs Wyvill who has a disease of the breast.
[Case ID:1344]
Case of Mrs Harrison who has a schirrous breast.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:118]AuthorDr Richard Story
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:119]PatientMrs Wyvil (Wyvill)
[PERS ID:117]PatientMrs Harrison
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:118]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Richard Story
[PERS ID:4031]Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Penrith North-West England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir,
Penrith 14th. June 1781

Mrs Harrison (who will deliver this letter to you),
applied to me on the 13th. of March last; she then complained of a Scirrhus
of her
Breast, which at times were attended with sharp stinging pains.

I immediately put her under a course of Extract of Cicuta, beginning with
small doses & increasing gradually as her Stomach would bear it till She
was able to take 48 grains every day without any trouble. Her Belly was
ordered to be kept open with Magnesia, & her diet consisted chiefly of Milk
& Vegetables. There was no external application made to her Breast
except a little Wool, contrived to keep it moderately warm & free from accidents.

The Magnesia not being able to keep her Belly open without taking very
large doses, it was omited; & in place of it she drank half apint of fresh
Wort every morning, or as often as it was found necessary to keep her
Belly open, & this had a very good effect. She likewise took alarge quantity
of Millepedes every day. By this course the pain of her Breast has
gradually lessened, & her Spirits are much better; but the appearance of
her Breast during the Course, & at this present time is exactly the same
as when I saw it at first. Therefore, I shall not trouble you with a
long detail, as Mrs Harrison is very able to give you every information

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that is necessary.

Mrs Wyvill who will wait upon you along with Mrs Harrison has
laboured under a complaint similar to the above ever since December last
& has taken the same medicines & followed the same regimen that Mrs
Harrison have done. She has likewise been let blood at three different times,
twice to relieve the pain of her Breast, & once for a violent stitch of her left
, & it always had the desired effect. She likewise took a Diet Drink
& some of the Spring Juices by the directions of a Female friend, the
particulars of Which I do not exactly know.

When I first saw Mrs Harrisons Wyvills Breast in December last
it was alittle inflamed, not very hard, at intervals very painful, &
considerably swelled, which pain & swelling extended to the Axilla & down
the inside of her Arm. About six Weeks ago little dry scales appeared on
Breast & small White Vesications round the Nipple, about a fort¬
night ago the Vesications begun to discharge a brown matter which
it has continued to do ever since.

They have both a very great dread of their disorder, particularly
Mrs Wyvill; I beg therefore, you will encourage them as much as you
can with propriety.

I am great Sir
Your old Pupil, & most Humble. Servant
Richd. Story

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Doctor William Cullen
Professor of Medicine in the University of

Mr Story - Penrith
Concerning Mrs Harrison and
Mrs Wyvill. June 1781.
V. XIII.p. 70. & 72

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Dr Sir,
Penrith 14th. June 1781

Mrs Harrison (who will deliver this letter to you),
applied to me on the 13th. of March last; she then complained of a Scirrhus
of her
Breast, which at times were attended with sharp stinging pains.

I immediately put her under a course of Extract: Cicutæ, beginning with
small doses & increasing gradually as her Stomach would bear it till She
was able to take 48 grains every day without any trouble. Her Belly was
ordered to be kept open with Magnesia, & her diet consisted chiefly of Milk
& Vegetables. There was no external application made to her Breast
except a little Wool, contrived to keep it moderately warm & free from accidents.

The Magnesia not being able to keep her Belly open without taking very
large doses, it was omited; & in place of it she drank half apint of fresh
Wort every morning, or as often as it was found necessary to keep her
Belly open, & this had a very good effect. She likewise took alarge quantity
of Millepedes every day. By this course the pain of her Breast has
gradually lessened, & her Spirits are much better; but the appearance of
her Breast during the Course, & at this present time is exactly the same
as when I saw it at first. Therefore, I shall not trouble you with a
long detail, as Mrs Harrison is very able to give you every information

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that is necessary.

Mrs Wyvill who will wait upon you along with Mrs Harrison has
laboured under a complaint similar to the above ever since December last
& has taken the same medicines & followed the same regimen that Mrs
Harrison have done. She has likewise been let blood at three different times,
twice to relieve the pain of her Breast, & once for a violent stitch of her left
, & it always had the desired effect. She likewise took a Diet Drink
& some of the Spring Juices by the directions of a Female friend, the
particulars of Which I do not exactly know.

When I first saw Mrs Harrisons Wyvills Breast in December last
it was alittle inflamed, not very hard, at intervals very painful, &
considerably swelled, which pain & swelling extended to the Axilla & down
the inside of her Arm. About six Weeks ago little dry scales appeared on
Breast & small White Vesications round the Nipple, about a fort¬
night ago the Vesications begun to discharge a brown matter which
it has continued to do ever since.

They have both a very great dread of their disorder, particularly
Mrs Wyvill; I beg therefore, you will encourage them as much as you
can with propriety.

I am great Sir
Your old Pupil, & most Humble. Servt.
Richd. Story

[Page 3]

Doctor William Cullen
Professor of Medicine in the University of

Mr Story - Penrith
C. Mrs Harrison and
Mrs Wyvill. June 1781.
V. XIII.p. 70. & 72


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