
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1765] From: Mr John McKie (Junior) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr John McKie (Junior) (Patient) / 9 December 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from John McKie concerning his own case. He has episodes of giddiness and a stomach complaint.


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DOC ID 1765
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/852
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date9 December 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John McKie concerning his own case. He has episodes of giddiness and a stomach complaint.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:792]
Case of John McKie [Mackie], Junior who undertakes cold bathing to treat a sore stomach and giddiness, but his abdominal troubles recur.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:114]AuthorMr John McKie (Junior)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:114]PatientMr John McKie (Junior)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Stranraer Borders Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Stranraer 9th.. December 1779

Dear Sir

Agreeable to your last order, I began a
Course of the Chalybeate & infusion, in which I had
advanced nearly through, the third week, when a
slight cold & sore throat obliged me to leave it off.
I do not find myself any better from the tryall
I have made, I have not indeed had any return
of the piles since, but my other complaints are
the same as when I wrote you last -- If you can
recolect, I was telling you when in Edinburgh that
I had often been troubled with a giddiness in
head, this complaint I was seldom troubled
with during the Summer, but it is lately
returned with as much violence as ever, it for
the most part begins with a working of what
I take to be wind in my Stomach & Bowells
flyes up to my head occasions a giddiness &
faintishness, tremor, extream feeblisness in my
knees, that I am scarse able to Support my
self. in short every thing at these times seems
to be in motion, & I think every moment
will be my last, with a variety of other dis¬
agreeable sensations, which ↑you will↑ be ↑better↑ able to imagine
than I can describe ---
Turn Over

[Page 2]

of all my Complaints this is by far the most
distressing, & the one I would wish you to pay
most attention too, but indeed I suppose as they
all proceed from one cause what will answer
to relieve the one will the other. I have been
quite regular in my body for many months
by past. & have never occasion to make use
of the laxative you prescribed -- There is one
part of your regimen that I cannot get altogether
complying with, & that is the plain Soup
you ordered, our markets are not at all
times furnished with meats proper for the purpose
especialy in the winter Season, indeed from what
tryalls I have made of it, I do not think it
agrees altogether well with my Stomach
being apter to sour than more solid food -
I take milk & Coccoa tea an equall quantity
for Breakfast, & for dinner a little bit of fresh
meat, beef mutton, veal or fowl - with a single
potatoe, & pancake or pudding to make up
deficiencies - turnip I think sours upon my
Stomach, but indeed every thing I eat does so
in a greater or less degree, for Supper I take
a single new laid egg soft boiled, & for drink
I take either rum & water or Brandy & water
& altho I live in this way with little variation

[Page 3]

using the same exercise (which as walking out
a mile or so in the fields) yet I find myself
much better some days than others --- ---

The Weather has been so very changeable of
late, that not with standing my greatest
care, I often get slight colds, which does me
no service upon the whole I do not find
myself so well as I was in the latter part of
the Summer, & altho I had many months
of better health then, than I had had for
near twelve months before, yet I recovered
no part of that great quantity of beef I
had lost
, which makes me think the cause
has never yet been removed, as I am nat¬
urally inclined to be fat, my complection was
become greatly better, but is now again
what it was last winter rather - sallow

I do not think my strength has decreased
in proportion to my flesh, as I find myself
nearly able to undergo as much fatigue as
when in good health - my appetite is not
so good as it was
-- neither do I rest so well
at night, my sleep is often disturbed with
& I find myself always sick & dis¬
when I first awake in the morning. ---
Turn Over

[Page 4]

with a bitter taste in my mouth, but then
soon vanish upon getting up -- -----

I purpose to give the Chalybeate & infusion
another tryal to the extent of the your last
order, provided you do not think of something
that may answer the purpose better, when
you order more than one powder to be
take in the fore or afternoon, do you
mean they shall be taken together or
at different times? -- -- You see I make
use of the Latitude you gave me in
writing, I am afraid I shall become a
troublesome correspondent, but youl
pardon me, long used to good health
I am anxious to get the better of this
disagreeable complaints which entire[ly]
disqualifies me for every kind of
business. -- I find myself often inclined to low
which I strive against as much as
possible -- let me hear from you with your

I am
Dear Sir
Your most Obedient humble Servant

John McKie Jun.r

P.S. bathing my feet
in warm water or chewing
a bit of ginger, sometimes
gives me relief in the sick fits,
which makes me believe them to
be occasioned by Wind ---

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Stranraer 9th.. Decr.. 1779

Dear Sir

Agreeable to your last order, I began a
Course of the Chalybeate & infusion, in which I had
advanced nearly through, the third week, when a
slight cold & sore throat obliged me to leave it off.
I do not find myself any better from the tryall
I have made, I have not indeed had any return
of the piles since, but my other complaints are
the same as when I wrote you last -- If you can
recolect, I was telling you when in Edin..r that
I had often been troubled with a giddiness in
head, this complaint I was seldom troubled
with during the Summer, but it is lately
returned with as much violence as ever, it for
the most part begins with a working of what
I take to be wind in my Stomach & Bowells
flyes up to my head occasions a giddiness &
faintishness, tremor, extream feeblisness in my
knees, that I am scarse able to Support my
self. in short every thing at these times seems
to be in motion, & I think every moment
will be my last, with a variety of other dis¬
agreeable sensations, which ↑you will↑ be ↑better↑ able to imagine
than I can describe ---
T Over

[Page 2]

of all my Complaints this is by far the most
distressing, & the one I would wish you to pay
most attention too, but indeed I suppose as they
all proceed from one cause what will answer
to relieve the one will the other. I have been
quite regular in my body for many months
by past. & have never occasion to make use
of the laxative you prescribed -- There is one
part of your regimen that I cannot get altogether
complying with, & that is the plain Soup
you ordered, our markets are not at all
times furnished with meats proper for the purpose
especialy in the winter Season, indeed from what
tryalls I have made of it, I do not think it
agrees altogether well with my Stomach
being apter to sour than more solid food -
I take milk & Coccoa tea an equall quantity
for Breakfast, & for dinner a little bit of fresh
meat, beef mutton, veal or fowl - with a single
potatoe, & pancake or pudding to make up
deficiencies - turnip I think sours upon my
Stomach, but indeed every thing I eat does so
in a greater or less degree, for Supper I take
a single new laid egg soft boiled, & for drink
I take either rum & water or Brandy & water
& altho I live in this way with little variation

[Page 3]

using the same exercise (which as walking out
a mile or so in the fields) yet I find myself
much better some days than others --- ---

The Weather has been so very changeable of
late, that not with standing my greatest
care, I often get slight colds, which does me
no service upon the whole I do not find
myself so well as I was in the latter part of
the Summer, & altho I had many months
of better health then, than I had had for
near twelve months before, yet I recovered
no part of that great quantity of beef I
had lost
, which makes me think the cause
has never yet been removed, as I am nat¬
urally inclined to be fat, my complection was
become greatly better, but is now again
what it was last winter rather - sallow

I do not think my strength has decreased
in proportion to my flesh, as I find myself
nearly able to undergo as much fatigue as
when in good health - my appetite is not
so good as it was
-- neither do I rest so well
at night, my sleep is often disturbed with
& I find myself always sick & dis¬
when I first awake in the morning. ---

[Page 4]

with a bitter taste in my mouth, but then
soon vanish upon getting up -- -----

I purpose to give the Chalybeate & infusion
another tryal to the extent of the your last
order, provided you do not think of something
that may answer the purpose better, when
you order more than one powder to be
take in the fore or afternoon, do you
mean they shall be taken together or
at different times? -- -- You see I make
use of the Latitude you gave me in
writing, I am afraid I shall become a
troublesome correspondent, but youl
pardon me, long used to good health
I am anxious to get the better of this
disagreeable complaints which entire[ly]
disqualifies me for every kind of
business. -- I find myself often inclined to low
which I strive against as much as
possible -- let me hear from you with your

I am
Dear Sir
Your mo: Ob.t hume Ser.t

John McKie Jun.r

P.S. bathing my feet
in warm water or chewing
a bit of ginger, sometimes
gives me relief in the sick fits,
which makes me believe them to
be occasioned by Wind ---


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