
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1729] From: Mr Robert Wallace / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Arthur Robertson (Patient), Mr John Napier (of Balikinrain) (Patient) / 18 September 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from Robert Wallace concerning the case of Mr Napier and of Arthur Robertson. He mentions an attack on Leith by the flotilla lead by John Paul Jones.


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DOC ID 1729
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/816
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date18 September 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Robert Wallace concerning the case of Mr Napier and of Arthur Robertson. He mentions an attack on Leith by the flotilla lead by John Paul Jones.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1191]
Case of John Napier of Balikinrain who has suffered from a pervasive inflammatory condition for some time and now has an open sore on his shin requiring the lancet.
[Case ID:1218]
Case of Mr Arthur Robertson who is passing bloody urine.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:216]AuthorMr Robert Wallace
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2660]PatientMr John Napier (of Balikinrain)
[PERS ID:751]PatientMr Arthur Robertson
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:216]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Robert Wallace
[PERS ID:5739]OtherCaptain John Paul Jones

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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I am desired by Mr Napier of Balikinrain
to inform you, that in consequence of the directions &
prescriptions which you gave him, the sore which he
had upon his leg is now perfectly heald. He is however
very much troubled with a heat & itching in his face
& hands. It is the itching which particularly plaques
him, He says that last year he has the same kind of
complaint & was cured by Sea Bathing. The part
of each hand chiefly affected is on the back of the hand
between the thumb & forefinger up towards the wrist. It
is that state of the skin, which generally passes under
the name of scorbutic. On the face there is numbers of
exceedingly small pimples, upon shaving or scratching,
these are broke, then little small scab are formed, which
again are rubbed off from the itchiness underneath.
Upon this account & the Cuticle often peeling off
there is always a sort of Mealy scurf on the face
However this is to no great degree & if it were not

[Page 2]

the itchiness he would not be uneasy about it.

He was at Balikinrain when he used the Decoction
of the Mezereon
& when he came to Glasgow two or
A three days ago, he shewed me his leg & mentioned the
itchiness of his face & hands; No other part of his skin
is in the least affected, He desired I would write to
you & beg your farther directions.

Mr Arthur Robertson tryed the Uva Ursi, but he
thought he did not find so much relief from it as he
did from the Gum Arabic & nitric powders, which he
has used pretty much since he got your advice

He has passed very little bloody urine lately, but
is obliged to make water very often & generally
with pain at the
Glans Penis

The small advance which I made on your account
was five guineas. There were five young surgeons
went from this; You wrote to me of four and
remitted twenty guineas and afterwards you

[Page 3]

desired another, who had been recommended to you
might be sent along with the other four and with
the same Viaticum.

I am sorry to hear of the alarm you have had on
the east coast. 1 I hope their force is not equal to
attempt any landing, & if they being long on the
coast, some of the Kings ships will be able to come
up with them.

I am with the greatest esteem
Dear Sir
Your much {illeg}
& most humble Servantt
Robert Wallace

September 18 1779

[Page 4]

Dr William Cullen

Mr R. Wallace Concerning
Mr Napier Balikinrain
September 18th 1779.
Vol. X. p93


1: A month earlier, in August 1779, at the height of the American War of Independence (Revolutionary War), in a diversionary tactic a flotilla of three vessels of the American Navy under the command of Scottish-born John Paul Jones had first appeared in the Firth of Forth. It caused widespread alarm in Edinburgh which was largely unprotected from attack. The previous year Jones had attacked the port of Whitehaven and also landed at St Mary's isle, Kirkudbright in an attempt to kidnap Cullen's patient and friend, the Earl of Selkirk.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

I am desired by Mr Napier of Balikinrain
to inform you, that in consequence of the directions &
prescriptions which you gave him, the sore which he
had upon his leg is now perfectly heald. He is however
very much troubled with a heat & itching in his face
& hands. It is the itching which particularly plaques
him, He says that last year he has the same kind of
complaint & was cured by Sea Bathing. The part
of each hand chiefly affected is on the back of the hand
between the thumb & forefinger up towards the wrist. It
is that state of the skin, which generally passes under
the name of scorbutic. On the face there is numbers of
exceedingly small pimples, upon shaving or scratching,
these are broke, then little small scab are formed, which
again are rubbed off from the itchiness underneath.
Upon this account & the Cuticle often peeling off
there is always a sort of Mealy scurf on the face
However this is to no great degree & if it were not

[Page 2]

the itchiness he would not be uneasy about it.

He was at Balikinrain when he used the Decoction
of the Mezereon
& when he came to Glasgow two or
A three days ago, he shewed me his leg & mentioned the
itchiness of his face & hands; No other part of his skin
is in the least affected, He desired I would write to
you & beg your farther directions.

Mr Arthur Robertson tryed the Uva Ursi, but he
thought he did not find so much relief from it as he
did from the Gum Arabic & nitric powders, which he
has used pretty much since he got your advice

He has passed very little bloody urine lately, but
is obliged to make water very often & generally
with pain at the
Glans Penis

The small advance which I made on your account
was five guineas. There were five young surgeons
went from this; You wrote to me of four and
remitted twenty guineas and afterwards you

[Page 3]

desired another, who had been recommended to you
might be sent along with the other four and with
the same Viaticum.

I am sorry to hear of the alarm you have had on
the east coast. 1 I hope their force is not equal to
attempt any landing, & if they being long on the
coast, some of the Kings ships will be able to come
up with them.

I am with the greatest esteem
Dr Sir
Your much {illeg}
& most h. Sertt
Robert Wallace

Sept. 18 1779

[Page 4]

Dr Willm Cullen

Mr R. Wallace C.
Mr Napier Balikinrain
Septr 18th 1779.
Vol. X. p93


1: A month earlier, in August 1779, at the height of the American War of Independence (Revolutionary War), in a diversionary tactic a flotilla of three vessels of the American Navy under the command of Scottish-born John Paul Jones had first appeared in the Firth of Forth. It caused widespread alarm in Edinburgh which was largely unprotected from attack. The previous year Jones had attacked the port of Whitehaven and also landed at St Mary's isle, Kirkudbright in an attempt to kidnap Cullen's patient and friend, the Earl of Selkirk.


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