The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1669] From: Dr John Mudie (Moodie) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs Henderson (Patient) / 7 May 1779 / (Incoming)
Letter from John Mudie concerning the case of Mrs Henderson. Addressed to Cullen and Dr Young.
- Facsimile
- Normalized Text
- Diplomatic Text
- Metadata
- Case
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1669 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/756 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 7 May 1779 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from John Mudie concerning the case of Mrs Henderson. Addressed to Cullen and Dr Young. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:855] |
Case of Mrs Henderson who has a severe pain in her side and such varied symptoms that Cullen is unsure of the underlying disease. |
7 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1646] | Author | Dr John Mudie (Moodie) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2490] | Patient | Mrs Henderson |
[PERS ID:1646] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr John Mudie (Moodie) |
[PERS ID:2562] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr Young |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2561] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mrs Walker |
[PERS ID:2562] | Supplemental Addressee | Dr Young |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Montrose | East Highlands | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Place of Handstamp | Montrose | East Highlands | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
I was favoured with Your Letter
of the 29th. of April concerning Mrs. Henderson, who was
distressed with the Pain in the lower part of Her Belly during
her Journey here and for several days after her Return.
May 2nd. She began with the Pill mercurial & Decoction Sarsaparilla. Agreeable to Your Directions, continued with
these Medicines for a fortnight, when Her Mouth being
affected they were intermitted for some days, and then
got two Doses of a gentle purgative, after that She took
the Pills and Decoction again, till the 26th. [April?] that She
menstruated and had that Discharge both as to time and
quantity in a natural way. She was quite easy and
seemed to recover slowly, till the 31st. [April?]; When She
felt herself uneasy and that night and that was seized
with severe Pain in the Umbilical Region, which was
higher up than the Pain affected her before. She as
usual hot, thirsty and Her Pulse quick & feeble.
She had a Stool on the morning of the 31st. She had a
violent Vomiting from the night She was attacked with
the Pain, and June 1st. threw up Laudanum and Every
thing She swallowed, and Her Mother told me that She
[Page 2]
vomited some Matter like what She had formerly
passed by Stool. 2nd. Current She has several loose
Stools and voided some of the same kind of Matter
with them. The Vomiting and Pain turned easier-
The rd 3 & 4th still easier but got no Stool from the Afternoon
of the 2nd.- She took Pill Aloetick gr. iv. ↑Evening & morning↑ from the Evening of
the 4th. to the morning of the 6th. when She had two
of more Stools with some Matter mixt with them.
She has had the Dysuria but in a small degree since
Her Return from Edinburgh, and of late has been free
from that Complaint -- She has been in the Country
at 2 Miles distance from this; since this Day sennight;
where She was before She came to Edinburgh, is commo¬
diously lodged but I cannot see Her but once in 3. or
4. days. I was with her on the 5th, when the inflammatory
Symptoms ↑and Pain↑ were abated & her pulse again about 90-
The Day She went to the Country last, She lay down on
a green Bank for some time, and that Evening took sour
Milk and Pottage for Supper, a very common Meal of Hers
but I scarce think these ↑tho improper↑ were the Cause of Her Relapse.
She complained in the morning before She left the Town and
there was little Moisture in the ↑short↑ Grass where She lay down in such
a dry Season, & for the Pottage & sour Milk She often took them
[Page 3]
without feeling and Inconveniency. However I don't
mean to approve of either, particularly laying down
on the Grass- I shall be glad to know what You
now think fit for Her, and am.-
with Respect
Your most humble Servant
Dr presents his respectful Compliments to
Doctor Young, and begs to know what State the Vagina
Os Uteri & Rectum seemed to be in by the Touch?
Doctors Cullen & Young Edinburgh
[Page 4]
Doctor Cullen
Physician in
Dr Mudie Concerning
Mrs Henderson
May 7th. 1779.
Diplomatic Text
I was favoured with Your Letter
of the 29th. of April concerning Mrs. Henderson, who was
distressed with the Pain in the lower part of Her Belly during
her Journey here and for several days after her Return.
May 2nd. She began with the Pil. mercurial & Decoct.
Sarsap.. Agreeable to Your Directions, continued with
these Medicines for a fortnight, when Her Mouth being
affected they were intermitted for some days, and then
got two Doses of a gentle purgative, after that She took
the Pills and Decoction again, till the 26th. [April?] that She
menstruated and had that Discharge both as to time and
quantity in a natural way. She was quite easy and
seemed to recover slowly, till the 31st. [April?]; When She
felt herself uneasy and that night and that was seized
with severe Pain in the Umbilical Region, which was
higher up than the Pain affected her before. She as
usual hot, thirsty and Her Pulse quick & feeble.
She had a Stool on the morning of the 31st. She had a
violent Vomiting from the night She was attacked with
the Pain, and June 1st. threw up Laudanum and Every
thing She swallowed, and Her Mother told me that She
[Page 2]
vomited some Matter like what She had formerly
passed by Stool. 2nd. Currt. She has several loose
Stools and voided some of the same kind of Matter
with them. The Vomiting and Pain turned easier-
The rd 3 & 4th still easier but got no Stool from the Afternoon
of the 2nd.- She took Pil. Aloet gr. iv. ↑Evening & morning↑ from the Evening of
the 4th. to the morning of the 6th. when She had two
of more Stools with some Matter mixt with them.
She has had the Dysuria but in a small degree since
Her Return from Edinburgh, and of late has been free
from that Complaint -- She has been in the Country
at 2 Miles distance from this; since this Day sennight;
where She was before She came to Edinburgh, is commo¬
diously lodged but I cannot see Her but once in 3. or
4. days. I was with her on the 5th, when the inflammatory
Symptoms ↑and Pain↑ were abated & her pulse again about 90-
The Day She went to the Country last, She lay down on
a green Bank for some time, and that Evening took sour
Milk and Pottage for Supper, a very common Meal of Hers
but I scarce think these ↑tho improper↑ were the Cause of Her Relapse.
She complained in the morning before She left the Town and
there was little Moisture in the ↑short↑ Grass where She lay down in such
a dry Season, & for the Pottage & sour Milk She often took them
[Page 3]
without feeling and Inconveniency. However I don't
mean to approve of either, particularly laying down
on the Grass- I shall be glad to know what You
now think fit for Her, and am.-
with Respect
Your most humble Servant
Dr presents his respectful Compliments to
Doctor Young, and begs to know what State the Vagina
Os Uteri & Rectum seemed to be in by the Touch?
Doctors Cullen & Young Edinburgh
[Page 4]
Doctor Cullen
Physician in
Dr Mudie C
Mrs Henderson
May 7th. 1779.
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