
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1531] From: Mr William Home / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Heriot (of Ladykirk) (Patient), Miss Home (Patient) / 12 July 1778 / (Incoming)

Letter from William Home, a former pupil of Cullen, reporting on the death of Mr Heriot of Ladykirk, and writing at greater length concerning his sister's pulmonary ailment. She has tried sea bathing and has consulted Alexander Wood.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1531
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/622
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date12 July 1778
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from William Home, a former pupil of Cullen, reporting on the death of Mr Heriot of Ladykirk, and writing at greater length concerning his sister's pulmonary ailment. She has tried sea bathing and has consulted Alexander Wood.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:890]
Case of the aged Mr Heriot at Ladykirk who is lethargic and has a weak bladder; he then develops a fever which proves fatal.
[Case ID:1044]
Case of Miss Home, sister of William Home at Berwick, who has a bad cough and spits blood; suspected of being a consumptive.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2139]AuthorMr William Home
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2138]PatientMr Heriot (of Ladykirk)
[PERS ID:2263]PatientMiss Home
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:588]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Alexander Wood
[PERS ID:2139]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr William Home
[PERS ID:2509]Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend Home?

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Berwick-upon-Tweed (Berwick) North-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Leith Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Berwick-upon-Tweed (Berwick) North-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Berwick July 1778

I consulted you some time ago
for Mr Heriot. He continued the Electuary and ri¬
ding in a single-Horse chaise some months but
his symptoms growing worse, he died. I again
ask your advice for my sister, and beg you will re¬
turn it immediately as her Relations are very anxious
about her, & want very much to have your Opinion.
She is now twenty two years of age & two years ago
was seized with the following symptoms, menses
for some months last flowing with pain and in
small quantity
, pain in the side & cough; the two
last went off by Blooding; was seized again about
a Year ago with Pain in the side, remarkable tight¬
ness across
the Breast and cough. She was at this
time in Edinburgh, but went down to Leith and
by some advise bathed in the sea; (the symptoms
before bathing had been much abated). After three
months she went back to Edinburgh & was in a few
weeks, again seized with Pain, Cough and Tight¬

[Page 2]

as before, and which except the Pain has continued
ever since. She was bled by Mr. Al. Wood's advise and
took some pectorals. Since she left Edinburgh which
is four months ago the cough and tightness has been at¬
tended with considerable expectoration of a yellowish
matter sometimes tinged with Blood
: Her Pulse was
all along hard & quick
, was bled several times within
the last three months, which at first releiv'd her very
much, but since has had no manifest effect. Her
thirst great which still continues, has taken the sa¬
line Juleb
in considerable quantities, the Asthmatic
as she could not sleep & soap Pills as These are
the symptoms as nearly as I could collect them from the
first, and the following the present, Pulse hard and
, Thirst considerable, expectoration yellow
mix'd with Blood
, want of sleep at night, great in¬
clination to sweat
if she indulges in Bed, frequent
Heats in the Palm of the Hands, flushing of the face with
paleness alternately
, difficulty of breathing & pain if
she attempts to lie on either side, vomiting of tough
when the cough is violent. I must not omit
here to inform you also the quantity of milk she has
taken, sometimes a Pint or a Pint & half of Goats Whey

[Page 3]

two quarts of Cow whey when the thirst was more vio¬
, and as much butter milk as could be got, which
amounted to upwards of a Pint in the day (I mean
English measure) also Asses milk was used for some
time. I must again beg the favor of you to write im¬
mediately as her Aunt in particular is very importu¬
nate, & as I had the Honor of studying what of Medi¬
cine I know, under You, I must hope I may not have ac¬
ted altogether contrary to your Instructions.

I am
Your most obedient
& humble servant
Wm Home

Direct at
Berwick upon

PS. Please to accept of a
couple Guineas.

She had a Blister open
for these weeks without
any releif ––––

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen

Mr Home. Berwick
his Sister.
July. 1778.
VIII. 14.
IX 14. & 42.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Berwick July 1778

I consulted you some time ago
for Mr Heriot. He continued the Electuary and ri¬
ding in a single-Horse chaise some months but
his symptoms growing worse, he died. I again
ask your advice for my sister, and beg you will re¬
turn it immediately as her Relations are very anxious
about her, & want very much to have your Opinion.
She is now twenty two years of age & two years ago
was seized with the following symptoms, menses
for some months last flowing with pain and in
small quantity
, pain in the side & cough; the two
last went off by Blooding; was seized again about
a Year ago with Pain in the side, remarkable tight¬
ness across
the Breast and cough. She was at this
time in Edinburgh, but went down to Leith and
by some advise bathed in the sea; (the symptoms
before bathing had been much abated). After three
months she went back to Edinburgh & was in a few
weeks, again seized with Pain, Cough and Tight¬

[Page 2]

as before, and which except the Pain has continued
ever since. She was bled by Mr. Al. Wood's advise and
took some pectorals. Since she left Edinburgh which
is four months ago the cough and tightness has been at¬
tended with considerable expectoration of a yellowish
matter sometimes tinged with Blood
: Her Pulse was
all along hard & quick
, was bled several times within
the last three months, which at first releiv'd her very
much, but since has had no manifest effect. Her
thirst great which still continues, has taken the sa¬
line Juleb
in considerable quantities, the Asthmatic
as she could not sleep & soap Pills as These are
the symptoms as nearly as I could collect them from the
first, and the following the present, Pulse hard and
, Thirst considerable, expectoration yellow
mix'd with Blood
, want of sleep at night, great in¬
clination to sweat
if she indulges in Bed, frequent
Heats in the Palm of the Hands, flushing of the face with
paleness alternately
, difficulty of breathing & pain if
she attempts to lie on either side, vomiting of tough
when the cough is violent. I must not omit
here to inform you also the quantity of milk she has
taken, sometimes a Pint or a Pint & half of Goats Whey

[Page 3]

two quarts of Cow whey when the thirst was more vio¬
, and as much butter milk as could be got, which
amounted to upwards of a Pint in the day (I mean
English measure) also Asses milk was used for some
time. I must again beg the favor of you to write im¬
mediately as her Aunt in particular is very importu¬
nate, & as I had the Honor of studying what of Medi¬
cine I know, under You, I must hope I may not have ac¬
ted altogether contrary to your Instructions.

I am
Your most obedient
& humble servt.
Wm Home

Direct at
Berwick upon

PS. Please to accept of a
couple Guineas.

She had a Blister open
for these weeks without
any releif ––––

[Page 4]

Doctor Cullen

Mr Home. Berwick
his Sister.
July. 1778.
VIII. 14.
IX 14. & 42.


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