The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1516] From: Mr Atkinson / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss C. (Patient) / May? 1778? / (Incoming)
Case of Miss C., aged 26, written by Mr Atkinson.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1516 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/609 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | May? 1778? |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Case of Miss C., aged 26, written by Mr Atkinson. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1057] |
Case of 'Miss C', aged twenty-six who has a fistula. |
1 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:2330] | Author | Mr Atkinson |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2327] | Patient | Miss C. |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2329] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
Miss. C Aged 26
Of a Phlegmatic habit, & rather Fat, Lives full,
Lies long a Bed, & Does nor use much exercise -------
Is affected with a Fistula, which is Situated about an Inch
from the anus, between it & the Tuberosity of the Os Ischium on the Left
Side, it runs up towards the Os Sacrum, but does not exceed an Inch
in Lenth, and just runs under the Skin, when projected into, does not
contain more than one Drachm of Liquid. There is also a Swelling,
of one, of the Inguinal Glands, on the Same Side, which enlarges or
Diminishes, according as the Fistula discharges, for when it discharges
freely, the Gland is less, but sometimes as the mouth of the Fistula
is very small, the matter hardens in it, & Stops it up, So that the
Fistula is much swelled, & seems reder & more inflamed; the Gland
at the Same time becomes larger & somewhat sore to the Touch, but
the Fistula is much uneasier than when it runs freely, and is then very
Troublesome when She sits; The matter discharges is sometimes of the
appearance of good Pus, at others is of a {illeg} appearance nature
This Disease began two Years & a Half since (it was about Christ
mass) when She first observed a small swelling where the Fistula is,
and it gradually increased, for a bout Six Months, when it came to
a small white Top, where it was opened with a Pin, by an ither
young Lady, at this Same time, the Inguinal Glands began to Swell.
Thinks these complaints were brought on by Cold, and finds
them much agravated by it --------------------------------
In other respects is very well, Menses regular, Appetite good &c
Her Brother when young, was affected with Scrophula,
it at present is very well & has been so, these twelve years past.
Has taken the following remedies, mercurials, Decoctions
of the Woods, Ethiops mineral, preparations of Antimony, and some
Purges, all without any effect; Was at the Sea Summer was
a Year for Six Weeks, & Both Beathed, & Drank the Water, with
very manifest advantage, but the Season being advanced & the
weather cold left it off, returned to it this last Summer, & remained
two Months, without any manifest advantage. Has had some
external applications to the parts, as Plasters of Hemlock & Mercury
which were continued Two months, without any Sensible effects,
also Tents made of the Same introduced into the Fistula ----
Was always particularly Healthy, & never had any eruption
or some before this, excepting her Leg which was hurt, & was particu¬
larly hard to Heal; it was twelve years Since ---- None of the other
Glands can be in the least observed to be Swelled . . . . -----
[Page 2]
Miss C
Mr Atkinson
Diplomatic Text
Miss. C Aged 26
Of a Phlegmatic habit, & rather Fat, Lives full,
Lies long a Bed, & Does nor use much exercise -------
Is affected with a Fistula, which is Situated about an Inch
from the anus, between it & the Tuberosity of the Os Ischium on the Left
Side, it runs up towards the Os Sacrum, but does not exceed an Inch
in Lenth, and just runs under the Skin, when projected into, does not
contain more than one Drachm of Liquid. There is also a Swelling,
of one, of the Inguinal Glands, on the Same Side, which enlarges or
Diminishes, according as the Fistula discharges, for when it discharges
freely, the Gland is less, but sometimes as the mouth of the Fistula
is very small, the matter hardens in it, & Stops it up, So that the
Fistula is much swelled, & seems reder & more inflamed; the Gland
at the Same time becomes larger & somewhat sore to the Touch, but
the Fistula is much uneasier than when it runs freely, and is then very
Troublesome when She sits; The matter discharges is sometimes of the
appearance of good Pus, at others is of a {illeg} appearance nature
This Disease began two Years & a Half since (it was about Christ
mass) when She first observed a small swelling where the Fistula is,
and it gradually increased, for a bout Six Months, when it came to
a small white Top, where it was opened with a Pin, by an ither
young Lady, at this Same time, the Inguinal Glands began to Swell.
Thinks these complaints were brought on by Cold, and finds
them much agravated by it --------------------------------
In other respects is very well, Menses regular, Appetite good &c
Her Brother when young, was affected with Scrophula,
it at present is very well & has been so, these twelve years past.
Has taken the following remedies, mercurials, Decoctions
of the Woods, Ethiops mineral, preparations of Antimony, and some
Purges, all without any effect; Was at the Sea Summer was
a Year for Six Weeks, & Both Beathed, & Drank the Water, with
very manifest advantage, but the Season being advanced & the
weather cold left it off, returned to it this last Summer, & remained
two Months, without any manifest advantage. Has had some
external applications to the parts, as Plasters of Hemlock & Mercury
which were continued Two months, without any Sensible effects,
also Tents made of the Same introduced into the Fistula ----
Was always particularly Healthy, & never had any eruption
or some before this, excepting her Leg which was hurt, & was particu¬
larly hard to Heal; it was twelve years Since ---- None of the other
Glands can be in the least observed to be Swelled . . . . -----
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Miss C
Mr Atkinson
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