
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:151] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Dr Richard Story / Regarding: Mrs Harrison (Patient), Mrs Wyvil (Wyvill) (Patient) / 20 June 1781 / (Outgoing)

Reply, 'For Mrs Harrison'. Directions regarding Mrs Harrison's onging condition. Cullen mentions his other reply to 2019, regarding Mrs Wyvil (letter 152), which he seems to have composed first.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 151
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/1/14/37
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date20 June 1781
Annotation None
TypeMachine copy
Enclosure(s) Enclosure(s) present
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Reply, 'For Mrs Harrison'. Directions regarding Mrs Harrison's onging condition. Cullen mentions his other reply to 2019, regarding Mrs Wyvil (letter 152), which he seems to have composed first.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:301]
Case of Mrs Wyvill who has a disease of the breast.
[Case ID:1344]
Case of Mrs Harrison who has a schirrous breast.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:118]AddresseeDr Richard Story
[PERS ID:117]PatientMrs Harrison
[PERS ID:119]PatientMrs Wyvil (Wyvill)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:118]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Richard Story

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Penrith North-West England Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
For Mrs Harrison

Mrs Harrisons ailment has been such as threatened
very disagreable consequences but by the means which have
been employed, it is presumed that these consequences have
been averted and tho it is very doubtful, if the ailment
can be discussed, it is hoped that it will never give her
any further trouble.

However to secure this, it will be very proper for
her to continue the same Diet, as she has used for some
time past, avoiding almost entirely animal food and
all fermented or Spirituous liquors.

She must also avoid having her body any ways heated
by Exercise by being in the Sun, or by very warm cham¬

She should continue to take the Malt Infusion every
morning, and if it keeps her belly regular, she need
take no other laxative Medicine; but if the wort does
not answer, she must frequently take some other

[Page 2]

gentle Laxative.

She may continue to take some Hemlock as she has
done, but I do not think it very necessary, unless
she shall come to have pains in her breast, and in
that Case, she should take it pretty largely and
observe with regard to it, all the directions I have given
about the management of it to Mrs Wyvill

In the mean time I have ordered on the other page a
Medicine, which I hope may be of great service towards
discussing Mrs Harrisons ailment; and at least in
preventing its coming to give her any further trouble.

Edinburgh June 20th
William Cullen

[Page 3]
For Mrs Harrison

Take one ounce of a preparation of raw Antimony and half an ounce of Mercury. With the Antimony in a glass or stone mortar, add the Mercury gradually and grind thoroughly until the little beads of Mercury completely disappear and make Aethiops. Let the Patient take five grains of this powder, mixed with a little conserve of roses. Let her take a dose in the morning and evening every day, and if her belly bear it well, without nausea or vomiting, let the Dose be increased gradually to ten grains.

June 20th 1781.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
For Mrs Harrison

Mrs Harrisons ailment has been such as threatened
very disagreable consequences but by the means which have
been employed, it is presumed that these consequences have
been averted and tho it is very doubtful, if the ailment
can be discussed, it is hoped that it will never give her
any further trouble.

However to secure this, it will be very proper for
her to continue the same Diet, as she has used for some
time past, avoiding almost entirely animal food and
all fermented or Spirituous liquors.

She must also avoid having her body any ways heated
by Exercise by being in the Sun, or by very warm cham¬

She should continue to take the Malt Infusion every
morning, and if it keeps her belly regular, she need
take no other laxative Medicine; but if the wort does
not answer, she must frequently take some other

[Page 2]

gentle Laxative.

She may continue to take some Hemlock as she has
done, but I do not think it very necessary, unless
she shall come to have pains in her breast, and in
that Case, she should take it pretty largely and
observe with regard to it, all the directions I have given
about the management of it to Mrs Wyvill

In the mean time I have ordered on the other page a
Medicine, which I hope may be of great service towards
discussing Mrs Harrisons ailment; and at least in
preventing its coming to give her any further trouble.

Edinr June 20th
William Cullen

[Page 3]
For Mrs Harrison

Antimon. crud. præp. ℥j
Hydrargyr. ℥ſs
In mortario vitreo vel lapideo Antimonio
adde paulatim Hydrargyrum, et terito
diligenter, donec globuli Mercuriales
penitus dispareant et fiat Æthiops.
Hujus pulveris capiat Ægra grana
quinque, cum pauxillo conservæ rosarum
mista. Capiat dosin mane et vesperi quo¬
tidie, et si bene ferat ventriculus, sine
nausea vel vomitu, sensim augeatur Dosis
ad grana decem.

June 20th 1781.


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