
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1505] From: Mr Nicholas Tyzack / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Nicholas Tyzack (Patient) / 21 March 1778 / (Incoming)

Letter from Nicholas Tyzack regarding his own case. He mentions having received no response to his last letter.


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DOC ID 1505
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/599
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date21 March 1778
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Nicholas Tyzack regarding his own case. He mentions having received no response to his last letter.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:991]
Case of Nicolas Tyzack who has a painful problem in the septum of his nose which Cullen examined earlier at Edinburgh and did not think venereal.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2324]AuthorMr Nicholas Tyzack
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2324]PatientMr Nicholas Tyzack
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Newcastle upon Tyne North-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Newcastle upon Tyne North-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Dear Sir--

I took the Liberty of writing to you
the beginning of last Month requesting you in the most
earnest manner to give me your Opinion on the Cause
of my Disorder & to recommend to me what farther Course
of Medicines you wou'd chuse I shou'd pursue & what
Regimen observe & I wou'd most undoubtedly conform
thereto . To this I have received no Answer which adds very
much to my Affliction, for as I had plac'd my hopes
on your Judgment I have neither consulted any other
person since I saw you- nor have I taken any Medicine
since I wrote to you . I suffer more than the Pains of
Death every hour I live and yet there is no Appearance
of Complaint. I am now apt to think the Septum
is Carious as the Lint I make use of when not
dipp'd in Oil sometimes appears a little black.
Since I wrote last I was two or three days together with¬
out much Uneasiness and was able to do without any
Lint in either Nostril but a few days ago my Breathing
being obstructed by a little ↑thin↑ Skin form'd upon the Septum
on the left side which has been the principal Complain.↑t↑

[Page 2]

from the beginning I remov'd it with some Difficulty with the
Finger & experienced that gritty Feeling which I mention'd in
my Letter to you when in Edinburgh & which I then suppos'd
to be only the natural Secretion of the Nose inspissated
but now apprehend to be really a Caries of the Bone but
whether this is owing to a general ill state of Blood or is
only a mere local Disease occasion'd by the long continu'd
Inflammation of the Membrane kept up by the constant
Admission of Air to the part I am at a Loss to determine
Upon that knowledge much depends and on this Account it
is that I am so exceedingly anxious to have your
free Opinion and which I flatter myself you will now
give me in explicit Terms. If I knew in what Manner
to make a proper Compensation for the trouble I have
given Dr. Cullen I wou'd most readily most chear¬
fully do it. I cannot again offer a pecuniary Fee
after the most peremptory refusal from Dr. Cullen
when I was at Edinburgh. Doctor Cullen wou'd oblige
me much if he wou'd give me the least Hint in what
way I cou'd shew my Gratitude. Hoping for a speedy
Answer I conclude with my sincerest Thanks for past
Favours & am

Dear Sir--
Your much obliged
& most Obedient Servant
Nichs. Tyzack

March 21th 1778.
Newcastle upon Tyne

[Page 3]

Please to direct N. Tyzack Surgeon Newcastle upon

[Page 4]

Wm. Cullen Esquire M. D
Professor of Physick at the
University Edinburgh--

Tyzack. Newcastle
March. 1778.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Dear Sir--

I took the Liberty of writing to you
the beginning of last Month requesting you in the most
earnest manner to give me your Opinion on the Cause
of my Disorder & to recommend to me what farther Course
of Medicines you wou'd chuse I shou'd pursue & what
Regimen observe & I wou'd most undoubtedly conform
thereto . To this I have recd. no Answer wch. adds very
much to my Affliction, for as I had plac'd my hopes
on your Judgment I have neither consulted any other
person since I saw you- nor have I taken any Medicine
since I wrote to you . I suffer more than the Pains of
Death every hour I live and yet there is no Appearance
of Complaint. I am now apt to think the Septum
is Carious as the Lint I make use of when not
dipp'd in Oil sometimes appears a little black.
Since I wrote last I was two or three days together with¬
out much Uneasiness and was able to do without any
Lint in either Nostril but a few days ago my Breathing
being obstructed by a little ↑thin↑ Skin form'd upon the Septum
on the left side wch. has been the principal Complain.↑t↑

[Page 2]

from the beginning I remov'd it wth. some Difficulty with the
Finger & experienced that gritty Feeling wch. I mention'd in
my Letter to you when in Edinburgh & which I then suppos'd
to be only the natural Secretion of the Nose inspissated
but now apprehend to be really a Caries of the Bone but
whether this is owing to a general ill state of Blood or is
only a mere local Disease occasion'd by the long continu'd
Inflammation of the Membrane kept up by the constant
Admission of Air to the part I am at a Loss to determine
Upon that knowledge much depends and on this Acct. it
is that I am so exceedingly anxious to have your
free Opinion and which I flatter myself you will now
give me in explicit Terms. If I knew in what Manner
to make a proper Compensation for the trouble I have
given Dr. Cullen I wou'd most readily most chear¬
fully do it. I cannot again offer a pecuniary Fee
after the most peremptory refusal from Dr. Cullen
when I was at Edinburgh. Doctor Cullen wou'd oblige
me much if he wou'd give me the least Hint in what
way I cou'd shew my Gratitude. Hoping for a speedy
Answer I conclude wth. my sincerest Thanks for past
Favours & am

Dear Sir--
Your much obliged
& most Obedient Servt
Nichs. Tyzack

March 21th 1778.
Newcastle upon Tyne

[Page 3]

Please to direct N. Tyzack Surgeon Newcastle upon

[Page 4]

Wm. Cullen Esqre. M. D
Professor of Physick at the
University Edinburgh--

Tyzack. Newcastle
March. 1778.


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