
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1504] From: Dr Thomas Livingston / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mrs Charlotte Gordon (Boyd) (of Wardhouse) (Patient) / 13 March 1778 / (Incoming)

Letter from Thomas Livingston concerning the case of Mrs Gordon of Wardhouse.


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DOC ID 1504
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/598
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date13 March 1778
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Thomas Livingston concerning the case of Mrs Gordon of Wardhouse.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1034]
Case of Mrs Gordon of Wardhouse a young mother of four who developed a serious cough during last and recent pregnancy which persists and has left her very weakened.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:852]AuthorDr Thomas Livingston
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2258]PatientMrs Charlotte Gordon (of Wardhouse)
[PERS ID:852]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Thomas Livingston
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:22]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendEarl James Boyd Hay (15th Earl of Erroll, Lord Erroll, Lord Errol)
[PERS ID:2337]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Charles Edward Gordon (of Wardhouse; 11th Laird of Beldorney and 5th of Wardhouse and Kildrummy)
[PERS ID:2338]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Charles Boyd

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Gordonhall Wardhouse East Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Aberdeen East Highlands Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Gordon Hall. 13th. March. 1778.
Dear Sir

As Mrs Gordon of Wardhouse has
been for some time in a very weakly & Valetudinary
state, your advice & assistance will give great Satis¬
faction to all her Friends, & to me in particular.--

She has lately enter'd the 22d Year of her Age,
was marryed about five Years ago, & was deliver'd of
her fourth Child, the 4th day of last Month.- She
was naturally of a healthy Constitution & had a
very hale & blooming Appearance, but for some Winters
past She has been lyable to Coughs and a sore throat.--

In october last She was seiz'd with a severe Cold & Cough
which continued to distress her very much during the
remaining time of her Pregnancy, &for which She us'd
some Squill-medicines but without much benefit.- I did
not see her during that Period, but advis'd her to be bloo¬
, which She neglected to have done, being naturally
timerous at the Operation, & having no Practitioner near her
in whom She plac'd much confidence.- her Delivery was

[Page 2]

very favourable & easy, & I flatter'd myself that the Cough
would abate, as her recovery advanc'd, but hitherto my Expec¬
tations have been greatly disappointed.- for five or six
days after her Delivery, She appear'd to be better; the Lochia
were in sufficient quantity, & the Milk (for She never nurs'd
any of her Children) gave her very little trouble.- the Cough
still continued to distress her, especially in the night time, &
She complain'd of great weakness & universal uneasiness; her
Pulse generally about 100 strokes in the minute, has frequent
flushings & rigors, complains of pains in all her Joints, soon
wearies in any Position, & with difficulty can walk from her
bed to the Chair, when supported.- her Expectoration is very
Copious & extremely viscid & roapy.- as yet there are no certain
appearances of Purulent spitting, but upon a particular ex¬
amination this day, I begin to suspect some Suppurated
in the lungs, as the expectorated discharge has that
Colour & Consistence which commonly attends such cases.- She
has no deep seated pain in the thorax, & her breathing is free & easy

[Page 3]

in the intervalls of Coughing, but complains of flying
pains & stitches amongst her ribs, & can only sleep upon
the left side.- She sweats frequently in the night time, but
the sweatings, as yet, chiefly confin'd to her head & Neck.-
her pulse, tho' frequent, as already mentiond, is seldom
very hard
, & She is naturally of a costive habit; her feelings
very sensible & acute, & uncommonly alarm'd & apprehensive
about her Situation.- these, I think, are the most material
out-lines of her Case.-- About ten days after her delivery,
I put her upon a Watery Decoction of the Bark & a Course
of Asses-Milk, which She has continued ever since.- She gets
some Paregorick-Elixir with Diacodion at bed time, &
frequently uses a soft Pectoral Linctus for her Cough.-
her Appetite is very poor, & her Stomach naturally averse
to much medicine.- After a severe fit of Coughing She is
sometimes seizd with violent retchings, which affect her
with a sort of strangulation about the fauces, which occasions
much terror & uneasiness. Her Regimen is extremely plain &
simple. She tastes no wine nor Animal food, excepting a little

[Page 4]

Dr Livingstone
8. p. 42
Mrs Gordon of Wardhouse
March 13. 1778

weak Beef-tea once a day, & her Diet consists ↑of↑ Jellys, Pa¬
nada, weak Chocolate, & such like. her common drink is
Barly, or Rice-water, with such changes & alterations as her
taste requires.- Her belly is keep'd easy with soft Injec¬
repeated every second or third day.- I have proposd
a Blister, & to have an Issue betwixt her shoulders, but She has
an insuperable terror & prejudice at whatever she thinks
can give her any additional pain or trouble.- the Decoc¬
tion of the Bark
& the Asses-Milk have agreed with her
Stomach, but have produced no effects as restoratives, her
strength being daily more impair'd.- Change of Air or of
Climate, Exercise &ca cannot take place in her present reduc'd
& weakly state.- Mr. Gordon, her husband, desires me to enclose
two Guinea Notes for Your Opinion, which You may please to
direct for me at Aberdeen.- I am with great esteem

Dear Sir
Your most Obedient & humble
Thos. Livingston.-

Mrs. Gordon is Neice to Lord Errol
& Daughter of Mr. Charles Boyd.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Gordon Hall. 13th. March. 1778.
Dear Sir

As Mrs Gordon of Wardhouse has
been for some time in a very weakly & Valetudinary
state, your advice & assistance will give great Satis¬
faction to all her Friends, & to me in particular.--

She has lately enter'd the 22d Year of her Age,
was marryed about five Years ago, & was deliver'd of
her fourth Child, the 4th day of last Month.- She
was naturally of a healthy Constitution & had a
very hale & blooming Appearance, but for some Winters
past She has been lyable to Coughs and a sore throat.--

In october last She was seiz'd with a severe Cold & Cough
which continued to distress her very much during the
remaining time of her Pregnancy, &for which She us'd
some Squill-medicines but without much benefit.- I did
not see her during that Period, but advis'd her to be bloo¬
, which She neglected to have done, being naturally
timerous at the Operation, & having no Practitioner near her
in whom She plac'd much confidence.- her Delivery was

[Page 2]

very favourable & easy, & I flatter'd myself that the Cough
would abate, as her recovery advanc'd, but hitherto my Expec¬
tations have been greatly disappointed.- for five or six
days after her Delivery, She appear'd to be better; the Lochia
were in sufficient quantity, & the Milk (for She never nurs'd
any of her Children) gave her very little trouble.- the Cough
still continued to distress her, especially in the night time, &
She complain'd of great weakness & universal uneasiness; her
Pulse generally about 100 strokes in the minute, has frequent
flushings & rigors, complains of pains in all her Joints, soon
wearies in any Position, & with difficulty can walk from her
bed to the Chair, when supported.- her Expectoration is very
Copious & extremely viscid & roapy.- as yet there are no certain
appearances of Purulent spitting, but upon a particular ex¬
amination this day, I begin to suspect some Suppurated
in the lungs, as the expectorated discharge has that
Colour & Consistence which commonly attends such cases.- She
has no deep seated pain in the thorax, & her breathing is free & easy

[Page 3]

in the intervalls of Coughing, but complains of flying
pains & stitches amongst her ribs, & can only sleep upon
the left side.- She sweats frequently in the night time, but
the sweatings, as yet, chiefly confin'd to her head & Neck.-
her pulse, tho' frequent, as already mentiond, is seldom
very hard
, & She is naturally of a costive habit; her feelings
very sensible & acute, & uncommonly alarm'd & apprehensive
about her Situation.- these, I think, are the most material
out-lines of her Case.-- About ten days after her delivery,
I put her upon a Watery Decoction of the Bark & a Course
of Asses-Milk, which She has continued ever since.- She gets
some Paregorick-Elixir with Diacodion at bed time, &
frequently uses a soft Pectoral Linctus for her Cough.-
her Appetite is very poor, & her Stomach naturally averse
to much medicine.- After a severe fit of Coughing She is
sometimes seizd with violent retchings, which affect her
with a sort of strangulation about the fauces, which occasions
much terror & uneasiness. Her Regimen is extremely plain &
simple. She tastes no wine nor Animal food, excepting a little

[Page 4]

Dr Livingstone
8. p. 42
Mrs Gordon of Wardhouse
March 13. 1778

weak Beef-tea once a day, & her Diet consists ↑of↑ Jellys, Pa¬
nada, weak Chocolate, & such like. her common drink is
Barly, or Rice-water, with such changes & alterations as her
taste requires.- Her belly is keep'd easy with soft Injec¬
repeated every second or third day.- I have proposd
a Blister, & to have an Issue betwixt her shoulders, but She has
an insuperable terror & prejudice at whatever she thinks
can give her any additional pain or trouble.- the Decoc¬
tion of the Bark
& the Asses-Milk have agreed with her
Stomach, but have produced no effects as restoratives, her
strength being daily more impair'd.- Change of Air or of
Climate, Exercise &ca cannot take place in her present reduc'd
& weakly state.- Mr. Gordon, her husband, desires me to enclose
two Guinea Notes for Your Opinion, which You may please to
direct for me at Aberdeen.- I am with great esteem

Dear Sir
Your most Obedient & humble
Thos. Livingston.-

Mrs. Gordon is Neice to Ld. Errol
& Daughter of Mr. Charles Boyd.


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