
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1226] From: Dr James Hamilton / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mr Reddie (Riddie) (Patient) / 9 January 1776 / (Outgoing)

Corrected draft of a set of numbered directions 'For Mr Reddie'. James Hamilton can be confirmed as co-author from the reply (letter 1227) to Hamilton which mentions receipt of "Dr Cullens and your opinions of my brothers case". Revised, retained draft of a joint consultation, bearing date at Edinburgh on recipe (the cover-note mentioning Dysart is probably a later annotation merely indicating the joint roles and patient's place of dwelling).


There are 8 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1226
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/326
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date9 January 1776
Annotation None
TypeScribal copy ( includes Casebook Entry)
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen Yes
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Corrected draft of a set of numbered directions 'For Mr Reddie'. James Hamilton can be confirmed as co-author from the reply (letter 1227) to Hamilton which mentions receipt of "Dr Cullens and your opinions of my brothers case". Revised, retained draft of a joint consultation, bearing date at Edinburgh on recipe (the cover-note mentioning Dysart is probably a later annotation merely indicating the joint roles and patient's place of dwelling).
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:19]
Case of Mr Reddie (Riddie) suffering from headaches and vertigo since a boyhood fall.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:812]AuthorDr James Hamilton
[PERS ID:488]PatientMr Reddie (Riddie)
[PERS ID:812]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr James Hamilton
[PERS ID:1]Supplemental AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Dysart Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
For Mr Reddie ---

9. January 1776 --


We have Considered with much attention
the peculiarities (↑✍history✍↑) of Mr. Reddie's Constitution, as also
the History (↑✍circumstances✍↑) of his present Complaints; from the Nature
of which we give it as our opinion that they are
chiefly seated in the Nerves; -- that the stomachic
Symptoms with the affection of the Heart are the
Consequence only of the primary Desease, and not
the immediate Object to be had on view o (↑i↑)n our
intentions of Cure. – In regard to the probable
event we are (↑entertain↑) Sanguine hopes of a happy one,
altho' at the Same time We must acknowledge
that much attention will be requisite on Mr.
Reddie's part, & time must be allowed for the
effectual oparation of the Regimen We mean to
propose, and of the Remedies we prescribe. -

1st. As to Diet, Mr. Reddies temperate Manner
of Living admits of little restriction -- We
advise him to continue the Same to which he
has been Accustomed for Some time past.
Namely a little meat at Dinner, making up
his Meal with Broath, Pudding, or Vegetables
of easy Digestion such as Studed Barley, or rice (↑✍every thing of the grain kind✍↑).
We likewise advise two or three glasses of
Port wine after Dinner, or of that at any time
sours upon the Stomach, its place may be supplied
by an equal quantity of Punch without Souring --

[Page 2]

Supper ought to be light, consisting only
of the above Mentioned Vegetables I
(↑✍without any animal food✍↑) & a little
Wine or Punch may be taken after it.

We could wish Mr. Reddie to dispence
entirely with ↑✍Indian✍↑ Tea, he may use in its place
an Infusion of Rosemary which we
hope will be agreable to him –-

2d: Attention must be paid to the State of
the BellyCostiveness must by all means
be avoided & occasionaly obviated by the
use of the Laxative Pills to which
Mr. Reddie has been accustomed.

3d. The exhibition of Vomits we esteem
unnecessary if not (↑✍& the frequent practice might be✍↑) hurtfull. – We are
therefore of opinion that this Practice
ought to be entirely Omitted. (↑✍be avoided except in some cases of evident soreness of the stomach✍↑). We say
this with the greater Confidence, because
we belive that as Mr. Reddie recovers
strength the Stomachic Complaints will
disapear, & that they will in the Mean
time be keep't at bay, by the Regimen
already prescribed, and by the Remedies
after mentioned

4. . –– In order to obviate the sickness
stomach in general & that faint¬
ishness that precedes the attack of a
fit, thirty drops of the Compound
Tincture of Castor with ten of Eau de Luce (↑✍drops of the Sp. Sal.
ammoniac caust.
) taken Occasionaly in an Ounce of Pepper¬
mint ↑✍or common✍↑ water
we hope will be found servicable

[Page 3]

5 - With a view to give present relief to
the Uneasy feelings in the Head, & in
the end to remove them & prevent their
return we propose the shaving of the
Head, and the application of a perpe¬
tual Blister (↑✍Issue✍↑) to the Crown of it. -

6. –– If this should either fail o (↑i↑)n pro¬
curing a Sufficient discharge, or give too
much pain and uneasiness a pea
in the Neck ↑✍on one or both sides of spine✍↑ may be Substituted
in its room, which will prove a Suffi¬
cient Æquivalent & be found of conside¬
rable Service.

7. –– With the same view we advise the
Pediluvium to be continued at Bed
time, and attention to be paid to keeping
the Legs & feet warm & dry. --

8. To the same propose also The
use of the Flesh:brush will continue to
the Same purpose, & on that account We
advise it to be regularly applied every
morning --

9. - Another intention of Cure and which
Strikes us in a Strong point of View,
is to restore the wonted strength &
vigor of the System which are evidently
considerably impaired – To this effect
We recom↑m↑end the Tincture of Steel
to be used according to the Directions subjoined

[Page 4]

to the Receipt

10. And farther with a view to the same ↑end↑
we have also prescribed a stomachic (strengthening)
Infusion, the Dose of which with ne¬
cessary Directions as is also added to the
Receipt –

11. – With regard to these two last articles
it may not be improper (↑amiss↑) to Observe
that in Some Circumstances {illeg} of [habit?]
may not be so proper. –– Mr Whyte will
judge of these to his discretion therefore
We without hesitation leave this Matter
after promising in general, that a
we would not desire them to be constantly {illeg}
employed and that a weeks intermission now and then may
render them more effectual and this we leave to Mr Whyte's
Constant & daily Use of them is Not Necessa¬
ry, but that on the contrary an inter¬
mission of a day or two may now and
then be made with advantage. --

[Start of margin text][Jan?][End of margin text]12. That we may not Co↑u↑nteract what we
wish by these means to bring about we
must not neglect to enter our Caveat
against Blood letting, which, except in cases
of the most cogent necessity must be

We conclude with observing that as we think Mr Reddie
has been a little exhausted, we would not wish to have
bloodletting practised tho some inflammatory affection
should return upon him at least unless that inflammation
is of a very urgent kind. ------

[Page 5]

Take one ounce of compound castor oil. Label: Asthmatick drops
thirty to be taken
along with ten drops
of the Caustic Spirit of
>Sal Ammoniac
in a
little water when the
Breathlessness is trouble¬
some –

1 Middle diet –– Water
2. A regular belly
3 No vomiting
4. No bleeding without necessity
5 Shaving the head and a per¬
petual Issue
6 If that fails a pea issue in the neck
7 For the sickness at stomach
Tincture of Castor with Eau de luce
{illeg} Pediluvium at bedtime
8 Flesh brush
9 Tinct. Martis
10 Infusion of bark & {illeg} Valerian

[Page 6]

[pork?] at Supper
To mention Bleeding
after vomiting -


Take two drachms each of Peruvian bark and Wild valerian Root in one pound of water, half an ounce of volatile aromatic Spirit. One to two ounces per dose after the drops.

[Page 7]

For Mr Reddie –

Take one ounce of [Tincture of Mars?] --- Label: N. P. – From
ten to twenty drops
to be taken on a little
Water twice a day. --

Take two drachms each of Peruvian bark and Valerian root. Let it be slowly pulverised in a marble mortar with water, then let it be poured one pound of water over. Let it stand for ten hours. Strain, and add half an ounce of volatile aromatic spirit. From one to two ounces a dose after the drops.

9. January 1776 --

[Page 8]

Mr. Reddie
Dysart January –76–

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
For Mr Reddie ---

9. Jany 1776 --


We have Considered with much attention
the peculiarities (↑✍history✍↑) of Mr. Reddie's Constitution, as also
the History (↑✍circumstances✍↑) of his present Complaints; from the Nature
of which we give it as our opinion that they are
chiefly seated in the Nerves; -- that the stomachic
Symptoms with the affection of the Heart are the
Consequence only of the primary Desease, and not
the immediate Object to be had on view o (↑i↑)n our
intentions of Cure. – In regard to the probable
event we are (↑entertain↑) Sanguine hopes of a happy one,
altho' at the Same time We must acknowledge
that much attention will be requisite on Mr.
Reddie's part, & time must be allowed for the
effectual oparation of the Regimen We mean to
propose, and of the Remedies we prescribe. -

1st. As to Diet, Mr. Reddies temperate Manner
of Living admits of little restriction -- We
advise him to continue the Same to which he
has been Accustomed for Some time past.
Namely a little meat at Dinner, making up
his Meal with Broath, Pudding, or Vegetables
of easy Digestion such as Studed Barley, or rice (↑✍every thing of the grain kind✍↑).
We likewise advise two or three glasses of
Port wine after Dinner, or of that at any time
sours upon the Stomach, its place may be supplied
by an equal quantity of Punch without Souring --

[Page 2]

Supper ought to be light, consisting only
of the above Mentioned Vegetables I
(↑✍without any animal food✍↑) & a little
Wine or Punch may be taken after it.

We could wish Mr. Reddie to dispence
entirely with ↑✍Indian✍↑ Tea, he may use in its place
an Infusion of Rosemary which we
hope will be agreable to him –-

2d: Attention must be paid to the State of
the BellyCostiveness must by all means
be avoided & occasionaly obviated by the
use of the Laxative Pills to which
Mr. Reddie has been accustomed.

3d. The exhibition of Vomits we esteem
unnecessary if not (↑✍& the frequent practice might be✍↑) hurtfull. – We are
therefore of opinion that this Practice
ought to be entirely Omitted. (↑✍be avoided except in some cases of evident soreness of the stomach✍↑). We say
this with the greater Confidence, because
we belive that as Mr. Reddie recovers
strength the Stomachic Complaints will
disapear, & that they will in the Mean
time be keep't at bay, by the Regimen
already prescribed, and by the Remedies
after mentioned

4. . –– In order to obviate the sickness
stomach in general & that faint¬
ishness that precedes the attack of a
fit, thirty drops of the Compound
Tincture of Castor with ten of Eau de Luce (↑✍drops of the Sp. Sal.
ammoniac caust.
) taken Occasionaly in an Ounce of Pepper¬
mint ↑✍or common✍↑ water
we hope will be found servicable

[Page 3]

5 - With a view to give present relief to
the Uneasy feelings in the Head, & in
the end to remove them & prevent their
return we propose the shaving of the
Head, and the application of a perpe¬
tual Blister (↑✍Issue✍↑) to the Crown of it. -

6. –– If this should either fail o (↑i↑)n pro¬
curing a Sufficient discharge, or give too
much pain and uneasiness a pea
in the Neck ↑✍on one or both sides of spine✍↑ may be Substituted
in its room, which will prove a Suffi¬
cient Æquivalent & be found of conside¬
rable Service.

7. –– With the same view we advise the
Pediluvium to be continued at Bed
time, and attention to be paid to keeping
the Legs & feet warm & dry. --

8. To the same propose also The
use of the Flesh:brush will continue to
the Same purpose, & on that account We
advise it to be regularly applied every
morning --

9. - Another intention of Cure and which
Strikes us in a Strong point of View,
is to restore the wonted strength &
vigor of the System which are evidently
considerably impaired – To this effect
We recom↑m↑end the Tincture of Steel
to be used according to the Directions subjoined

[Page 4]

to the Receipt

10. And farther with a view to the same ↑end↑
we have also prescribed a stomachic (strengthening)
Infusion, the Dose of which with ne¬
cessary Directions as is also added to the
Receipt –

11. – With regard to these two last articles
it may not be improper (↑amiss↑) to Observe
that in Some Circumstances {illeg} of [habit?]
may not be so proper. –– Mr Whyte will
judge of these to his discretion therefore
We without hesitation leave this Matter
after promising in general, that a
we would not desire them to be constantly {illeg}
employed and that a weeks intermission now and then may
render them more effectual and this we leave to Mr Whyte's
Constant & daily Use of them is Not Necessa¬
ry, but that on the contrary an inter¬
mission of a day or two may now and
then be made with advantage. --

[Start of margin text][Jan?][End of margin text]12. That we may not Co↑u↑nteract what we
wish by these means to bring about we
must not neglect to enter our Caveat
against Blood letting, which, except in cases
of the most cogent necessity must be

We conclude with observing that as we think Mr Reddie
has been a little exhausted, we would not wish to have
bloodletting practised tho some inflammatory affection
should return upon him at least unless that inflammation
is of a very urgent kind. ------

[Page 5]

Castor: Composit: ℥i
Sign: Asthmatick drops
thirty to be taken
along with ten drops
of the Caustic Spirit of
>Sal Ammoniac
in a
little water when the
Breathlessness is trouble¬
some –

1 Middle diet –– Water
2. A regular belly
3 No vomiting
4. No bleeding without necessity
5 Shaving the head and a per¬
petual Issue
6 If that fails a pea issue in the neck
7 For the sickness at stomach
Tincture of Castor wth Eau de luce
{illeg} Pediluvium at bedtime
8 Flesh brush
9 Tinct. Martis
10 Infus. of bark & {illeg} Valerian

[Page 6]

[pork?] at Supper
To mention Bleeding
after vomiting -


Cort. peruv Rad. valer Sylv.
@ Ʒij in aq. ℔j
Spir. vol. arom ℥ſs ---
℥i ad ℥ij p dosi after
the drops. ---

[Page 7]

For Mr Reddie –

℞ [T. Mart.?] ℥i.
Sign. N. P. - From
ten to twenty drops
to be taken on a little
Water twice a day. --

Pulv: Cort: Peruvian:
--- Rad: Valerian: ā Ʒii --
In Mortar. Marmor: cum aq: paulat:
terant: dein affundat: Aq: ℔i --
Stet. per horas decem - cola & adde
Spt. Volat: arromat: ℥ſs –
from one to two ℥s a dose after
the drops –

9. Jany. 1776 --

[Page 8]

Mr. Reddie
Dysart Jany –76–


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