The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:876] From: Anonymous / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Anonymous (Patient) / 9 February 1774 / (Incoming)
Case history by an unnamed correspondent regarding a 24-year-old woman who has been suffering from headaches, with the pain now extending to the stomach and oesophagus. Two identical transcripts of the same account. The 'answer' indicated by the annotation is not present. No relevant cover-letter from this date has been traced.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 876 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/141 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 9 February 1774 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Scribal copy ( includes Casebook Entry) |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Case history by an unnamed correspondent regarding a 24-year-old woman who has been suffering from headaches, with the pain now extending to the stomach and oesophagus. Two identical transcripts of the same account. The 'answer' indicated by the annotation is not present. No relevant cover-letter from this date has been traced. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:458] |
Case of an unnamed correspondent regarding the history of a 24-year-old woman who has been suffering from headaches, with the pain now extending to the stomach and oesophagus. |
1 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:497] | Author | |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:498] | Patient | |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
A Lady of a thin, lax habit of Body, aged 25, about 5 years
ago was afflicted with a Head-ach and pain in the Stomach, during
Menstruation, for which she took a Vomit. A Fluor Albus was
the immediate consequence. This Disorder continued nine
Months, and then disappeared. She remained free of it, till
about 16 Months ago, when she was was seized with a violent
Head-ach, supposed to be the symptom of a Fever, for which
another Vomit was prescribed. The consequence of this Emetic
also was a Fluor albus. This Disease was not, at the begin¬
ning, attended with any complaints in the Primæ Viæ. Nine
months, however, after its first attack, a fixed pain, resembling
a Stitch, arose in the left side immediately below the false ribs
which was encreased by motion, or stooping. The pain remained
fixed during 4 months, and then extended to the Stomach and
OEsophagues. Her Menses have been mostly regular: But
the Fluor Albus continued in the intervals. The discharge
was white, pritty thick, and not at all acrimonious, tho' some¬
times in larger quantity. About a Month ago it stoped, &
continued so for three or four Weeks, during which she was worse
of her Stomachic and intestine Complaints, which she observed
to be generally the Case. About seven days ago she was seized
with a violent Head-ach, tenasmus and spasms on her Bowels,
for which she was Blooded, without any advantage; but was
relieved by the coming down of the Menses.
At present the pain in her side is more extensive, &
[Page 2]
uneasy to any pressure. She cant stretch herself, nor lie on
the side affected. The Menses are on, and in Moderation. She
has an uneasy Sensation of heaviness in her Head; is considerably
debilitated; complains of thirst; and was this day seized with a
fluttering, as if frightened, which however did not continue long.
Her countenance is pale; but her Eyes not sunk. Her
Extremities mostly cold. Her pulse small, and feeble.
And she has a Blotch like a Ring-worm at the root of her
Thumb which moves from one hand to the other, but affects
no other part.
The Bark, Compound Lime Water, Steele, Opium,
Deobstruent Gums, Bitters, spiritous purges to open the
Belly, the Cold Bath, and riding on Horse back, have been
used. The riding encreased the pain in her side so much that
she could not bear it. One small pill of the deobstruent
Gums purged her so much that they were of necessity laid
aside. Neither Injections, nor Fumigations were applied.
An antihysteric Plaister was laid to the side, with very little
advantage. She has avoided all smoaked, salt, and dried
Flesh or Fish, Hogs flesh, Cheese, and Eggs. Her diet con¬
sisted chiefly of fresh Meats, Milk, Chocolate, a little Tea,
Bread, and such like. Milk agrees very well with her.
Wine she dislikes; and it heats her too much. Her appetite
is very Bad.
[Page 3]
A Lady of a thin, lax habit of Body, aged 25, about 5 years ago
was afflicted with a Head-ach and pain in the Stomach, during
Menstruation, for which she took a Vomit. A Fluor albus was the
immediate consequence. This Disorder continued nine months,
and then disappeared. She remained free of it, till about 16 months,
ago, when she was was seized with a violent Head-ach, sup¬
posed to be the symptoms of a Fever, for which another Vomit
was prescribed. The consequence of this Emetic also was a
Fluor albus. This Disease was not, at the beginning, attended
with any complaints in the Primæ Viae. Nine months,
however, after its first attack, a fixed pain, resembling a
Stitch, arose in the left side immediately below the false ribs
Which was encreased by motion, or stooping. The pain re¬
mained fixed during 4 months, and then extended to the
Stomach and Oesophagues. Her Menses have been mostly
regular: but the Fluor albus continued in the intervals.
The discharge was white, pritty thick, and not at all acrimonious,
tho' sometimes in larger quantity. About a Month ago it
stoped, and continued so for three or four weeks, during
which she was worse of her Stomachic and intestine Complaints,
which she observed to be generally the Case.
About seven days ago she was seized with a violent Head-¬
ach, tenasmus and spasms on her bowels, for which she
was blooded, Without any advantage; but was relieved by the
coming down of the Menses.
At present the pain in her side is more extensive, and
uneasy to the (↑any↑) pressure. She cannot stretch herself, nor lie on the
side affected. The Menses are on, and in Moderation. She has an uneasy
sensation of heaviness in her Head; is considerably debilitated,
Complains of thirst; and was this day seized with a fluttering,
as if frightened, which however did not continue long. Her
Countenance is pale; but her Eyes not sunk. Her pulse small
and feeble, herExtremities mostly cold, and she has a
Blotch like a ring-worm at the root of her Thumb, which
moves from one hand to the other, but affects no other part.
The Bark, compound lime water, Steele, Opium,
Deobstruent Gums, Bitters, Spiritous purges to open the Belly
the Cold Bath, and riding the horse-back, have been used.
The riding encreased the pain in her side so much that
she could not bear it. One small pill of the
[Page 4]
Deobstruent Gums purged her so much that they were of
necessity laid aside. Neither Injections, nor Fumigations
were applied, An antihysteric Plaister was laid to the
side, with very little advantage. She has avoided all
smoaked, salt, and dryed Flesh or Fish, hogs flesh, Cheese,
and Eggs. Her diet consisted chiefly of fresh meats,
Milk, Chocolate, a little tea, Bread, and such like.
Milk agrees very well with her, Wine she dislikes,
and it heats her too much. Her appetite is
very Bad.
A Young Lady's Case
February –– 74.
with its answer
Diplomatic Text
A Lady of a thin, lax habit of Body, aged 25, about 5 years
ago was afflicted with a Head-ach and pain in the Stomach, during
Menstruation, for which she took a Vomit. A Fluor Albus was
the immediate consequence. This Disorder continued nine
Months, and then disappeared. She remained free of it, till
about 16 Months ago, when she was was seized with a violent
Head-ach, supposed to be the symptom of a Fever, for which
another Vomit was prescribed. The consequence of this Emetic
also was a Fluor albus. This Disease was not, at the begin¬
ning, attended with any complaints in the Primæ Viæ. Nine
months, however, after its first attack, a fixed pain, resembling
a Stitch, arose in the left side immediately below the false ribs
which was encreased by motion, or stooping. The pain remained
fixed during 4 months, and then extended to the Stomach and
OEsophagues. Her Menses have been mostly regular: But
the Fluor Albus continued in the intervals. The discharge
was white, pritty thick, and not at all acrimonious, tho' some¬
times in larger quantity. About a Month ago it stoped, &
continued so for three or four Weeks, during which she was worse
of her Stomachic and intestine Complaints, which she observed
to be generally the Case. About seven days ago she was seized
with a violent Head-ach, tenasmus and spasms on her Bowels,
for which she was Blooded, without any advantage; but was
relieved by the coming down of the Menses.
At present the pain in her side is more extensive, &
[Page 2]
uneasy to any pressure. She cant stretch herself, nor lie on
the side affected. The Menses are on, and in Moderation. She
has an uneasy Sensation of heaviness in her Head; is considerably
debilitated; complains of thirst; and was this day seized with a
fluttering, as if frightened, which however did not continue long.
Her countenance is pale; but her Eyes not sunk. Her
Extremities mostly cold. Her pulse small, and feeble.
And she has a Blotch like a Ring-worm at the root of her
Thumb which moves from one hand to the other, but affects
no other part.
The Bark, Compound Lime Water, Steele, Opium,
Deobstruent Gums, Bitters, spiritous purges to open the
Belly, the Cold Bath, and riding on Horse back, have been
used. The riding encreased the pain in her side so much that
she could not bear it. One small pill of the deobstruent
Gums purged her so much that they were of necessity laid
aside. Neither Injections, nor Fumigations were applied.
An antihysteric Plaister was laid to the side, with very little
advantage. She has avoided all smoaked, salt, and dried
Flesh or Fish, Hogs flesh, Cheese, and Eggs. Her diet con¬
sisted chiefly of fresh Meats, Milk, Chocolate, a little Tea,
Bread, and such like. Milk agrees very well with her.
Wine she dislikes; and it heats her too much. Her appetite
is very Bad.
[Page 3]
A Lady of a thin, lax habit of Body, aged 25, about 5 years ago
was afflicted with a Head-ach and pain in the Stomach, during
Menstruation, for which she took a Vomit. A Fluor albus was the
immediate consequence. This Disorder continued nine months,
and then disappeared. She remained free of it, till about 16 months,
ago, when she was was seized with a violent Head-ach, sup¬
posed to be the symptoms of a Fever, for which another Vomit
was prescribed. The consequence of this Emetic also was a
Fluor albus. This Disease was not, at the beginning, attended
with any complaints in the Primæ Viae. Nine months,
however, after its first attack, a fixed pain, resembling a
Stitch, arose in the left side immediately below the false ribs
Which was encreased by motion, or stooping. The pain re¬
mained fixed during 4 months, and then extended to the
Stomach and Oesophagues. Her Menses have been mostly
regular: but the Fluor albus continued in the intervals.
The discharge was white, pritty thick, and not at all acrimonious,
tho' sometimes in larger quantity. About a Month ago it
stoped, and continued so for three or four weeks, during
which she was worse of her Stomachic and intestine Complaints,
which she observed to be generally the Case.
About seven days ago she was seized with a violent Head-¬
ach, tenasmus and spasms on her bowels, for which she
was blooded, Without any advantage; but was relieved by the
coming down of the Menses.
At present the pain in her side is more extensive, and
uneasy to the (↑any↑) pressure. She cannot stretch herself, nor lie on the
side affected. The Menses are on, and in Moderation. She has an uneasy
sensation of heaviness in her Head; is considerably debilitated,
Complains of thirst; and was this day seized with a fluttering,
as if frightened, which however did not continue long. Her
Countenance is pale; but her Eyes not sunk. Her pulse small
and feeble, herExtremities mostly cold, and she has a
Blotch like a ring-worm at the root of her Thumb, which
moves from one hand to the other, but affects no other part.
The Bark, compound lime water, Steele, Opium,
Deobstruent Gums, Bitters, Spiritous purges to open the Belly
the Cold Bath, and riding the horse-back, have been used.
The riding encreased the pain in her side so much that
she could not bear it. One small pill of the
[Page 4]
Deobstruent Gums purged her so much that they were of
necessity laid aside. Neither Injections, nor Fumigations
were applied, An antihysteric Plaister was laid to the
side, with very little advantage. She has avoided all
smoaked, salt, and dryed Flesh or Fish, hogs flesh, Cheese,
and Eggs. Her diet consisted chiefly of fresh meats,
Milk, Chocolate, a little tea, Bread, and such like.
Milk agrees very well with her, Wine she dislikes,
and it heats her too much. Her appetite is
very Bad.
A Young Lady's Case
Febr. –– 74.
with its answer
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