
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:850] From: Mr Charles Broughton / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Lord George van den Bempdé-Johnstone (Johnstone) (Marquess of Annandale; Marquis of Annandale; of Hackness) (Patient), Miss (Patient), Lady Catherine Northcote (Bradford) (Lady Northcote) (Patient), Miss (Patient), Mr (Patient) / 6 July 1773 / (Incoming)

Letter from Charles Broughton concerning the success of his ointment for curing tumours.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 850
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/117
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date6 July 1773
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) Enclosure(s) mentioned, but missing
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Charles Broughton concerning the success of his ointment for curing tumours.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:392]
Cases communicated by Charles Broughton, a London surgeon, who sends Cullen letters detailing the successful use of his proprietary ointment that is supposed to cure tumours.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:359]AuthorMr Charles Broughton
[PERS ID:733]PatientMr
[PERS ID:730]PatientMiss
[PERS ID:731]PatientLady Catherine Northcote (Lady Northcote)
[PERS ID:532]PatientLord George van den Bempdé-Johnstone (Marquess of Annandale; Marquis of Annandale; of Hackness)
[PERS ID:732]PatientMiss
[PERS ID:728]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Turton
[PERS ID:724]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Stonehouse
[PERS ID:729]Other Physician / SurgeonDr Meysey (Moysey)
[PERS ID:726]Other William Hay (William Hay of Drumellier)
[PERS ID:976]Other
[PERS ID:727]OtherMr Dichtus
[PERS ID:74]OtherMr John Wilson
[PERS ID:527]OtherCaptain Robert Preston

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing London London and South-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Bath South-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Henrietta Street Covent Garden London and South-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Lincoln's Inn Fields London London and South-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
London July 6 1773
Dear Sir

With a most sincere desire to serve
you on all occasions of want yesterday
to call on my old friend Captain Preston at Captain
Fowlis Country Seat / where he is at present
on a visit / and pressed much his Interest with
Mr Fowlis for your Son. My freind assured
me of his doing the utmost & would see me on
his return to Town the end of the Week shall
write you when I have any good Tidings
to Communicate ---

I shall send ↑you↑ a Cannister of Ointment per
first ship. I have a great Demand for it here
insomuch that I have no desire for any Pa¬
tients from distant parts, whom I cannot
occasionally visit and I purposed sometime ago
informing you thereof ---

The four cases in my printed letter are cured.
Dr Stonehouse wrote me that they were very
Extraordinary Ones; too well authenticated to be dis¬
puted & he thought merited Publick Attention.

I have [ever?] Effected a cure of Mr Johnston
of Harkness recommended by William [Hay?] of Drum¬
mellier, his case of Spina Ventosa of the Fibula
had been 8 months under Mr Ditchus cure at Bath
had the actual cautery applied twice a Day,

[Page 2]

when I saw him he walked by the help of
crutches, unable to putt the diseased
leg to
the Ground -- After using my Ointment 4
Months & nothing else was ever applyed, he
could Walk Miles without a stick & made me
a Deposit of his Wooden [Supporties?] -- Dr Turlon
attended with me but perscribed no Medicine
Mr Johnson is return to the Marquis of Annan¬
dale & had lately wrote me that his cure is
almost compleated & has wrote his cure to
Dr [Meysey?] of Bath ---

I have a prospect of suceeding in the cure
of a very bad cancerous Breast One
Counsellor Wallis's Maid of Lincelns Inn fields
& had an Estate in Cumberland Shire - John
Wilson Apothecary in Henrietta Street Convent
Garden begged me to assist her, Both He & his
son are astounded at the amendment. Am
also attending Lady Northcote with a familiar
complaint likewise Lord Bute's Maid & Lady
Cowper's Butler with Cancerated Noses. If
I succeed with the Counsillor's Maid, shall [riass?]
much credit - I am well assured it is by
far the best Externall Dressing for either the
scorfula or cancer I mean nought else

[Page 3]

to be Esteemed as posessing the best appli¬
cation for these terrible Deseases and can
claim no further merit to myself than
persevering strenously to ascertain its use
for believe me was it otherwise I [return?]
Honour & Honesty sufficient to have
distilled it and I express no more
than what I felt on the Occasion.

Enthusiastick with this principle I
have stemmed the Torrent of many low
selfish & illiberal Wretches who have laughed
at (&) spurned at my attempts -- I have
incontestibly proved the oral Utility of the
Ointment in scorfulous Tumours & Ulcers
& am very hopeful [ere?] long to ascertain
its Efficacy in Cancerous Ones -- new (v)er
Misleading or Uttering Falsehoods to my
distressed Fellow creatures. So that you
run no hazard of mentioning Charles Broughton as
an Honest Man which Character He will
always be Ambitious to Support

Excuse this tedious Narrative &

believe me
ever y Yours while
Chas Broughton

a cursed Pen & much tired
Please forward the Enclosed Letters --

[Page 4]


Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
London July 6 1773
Dear Sir

With a most sincere desire to serve
you on all occasions of want yesterday
to call on my old friend Capn Preston at Capn
Fowlis Country Seat / where he is at present
on a visit / and pressed much his Interest with
Mr Fowlis for your Son. My freind assured
me of his doing the utmost & would see me on
his return to Town the end of the Week shall
write you when I have any good Tidings
to Communicate ---

I shall send ↑you↑ a Cannister of Ointment per
first ship. I have a great Demand for it here
insomuch that I have no desire for any Pa¬
tients from distant parts, whom I cannot
occasionally visit and I purposed sometime ago
informing you thereof ---

The four cases in my printed letter are cured.
Dr Stonehouse wrote me that they were very
Extraordinary Ones; too well authenticated to be dis¬
puted & he thought merited Publick Attention.

I have [ever?] Effected a cure of Mr Johnston
of Harkness recommended by Wm [Hay?] of Drum¬
mellier, his case of Spina Ventosa of the Fibula
had been 8 months under Mr Ditchus cure at Bath
had the actual cautery applied twice a Day,

[Page 2]

when I saw him he walked by the help of
crutches, unable to putt the diseased
leg to
the Ground -- After using my Ointment 4
Months & nothing else was ever applyed, he
could Walk Miles without a stick & made me
a Deposit of his Wooden [Supporties?] -- Dr Turlon
attended with me but perscribed no Medicine
Mr Johnson is return to the Marquis of Annan¬
dale & had lately wrote me that his cure is
almost compleated & has wrote his cure to
Dr [Meysey?] of Bath ---

I have a prospect of suceeding in the cure
of a very bad cancerous Breast One
Counsellor Wallis's Maid of Lincelns Inn fields
& had an Estate in Cumberland Shire - John
Wilson Apothecary in Henrietta Street Convent
Garden begged me to assist her, Both He & his
son are astounded at the amendment. Am
also attending Lady Northcote with a familiar
complaint likewise Lord Bute's Maid & Lady
Cowper's Butler with Cancerated Noses. If
I succeed with the Counsillor's Maid, shall [riass?]
much credit - I am well assured it is by
far the best Externall Dressing for either the
scorfula or cancer I mean nought else

[Page 3]

to be Esteemed as posessing the best appli¬
cation for these terrible Deseases and can
claim no further merit to myself than
persevering strenously to ascertain its use
for believe me was it otherwise I [return?]
Honour & Honesty sufficient to have
distilled it and I express no more
than what I felt on the Occasion.

Enthusiastick with this principle I
have stemmed the Torrent of many low
selfish & illiberal Wretches who have laughed
at (&) spurned at my attempts -- I have
incontestibly proved the oral Utility of the
Ointment in scorfulous Tumours & Ulcers
& am very hopeful [ere?] long to ascertain
its Efficacy in Cancerous Ones -- new (v)er
Misleading or Uttering Falsehoods to my
distressed Fellow creatures. So that you
run no hazard of mentioning C.B. as
an Honest Man which Character He will
always be Ambitious to Support

Excuse this tedious Narrative &

believe me
ever y Yours while
Chas Broughton

a cursed Pen & much tired
Please forward the Enclosed Letters --

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