
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:4849] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr William Ingham / Regarding: Miss Ellison (Alison) (Patient) / 10 June 1784 / (Outgoing)

Reply, 'Miss Ellison'. The recipe for stomachic drops referred to on page two may be found in doc. 4796.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 4849
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/1/17/45
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date10 June 1784
Annotation None
TypeMachine scribal copy
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Reply, 'Miss Ellison'. The recipe for stomachic drops referred to on page two may be found in doc. 4796.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1572]
Case of Miss Ellison who suffers from a number of conditions including costiveness, a nervous complaint in her head and an inflamed eye.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:82]AddresseeMr William Ingham
[PERS ID:2597]PatientMiss Ellison (Alison)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:82]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr William Ingham

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Newcastle upon Tyne North-East England Europe inferred

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Miss Ellison
Dear Sir

I have again had the honour of a Visit
from our patient Miss Ellison and think it pro¬
per to address to you what course to [take?] with
regard to her complaints

Although she has not been so well as I
[cou]ld with and I doubt if ever her Nerves can
[be] strengthened as fas as we would desire I think
she is better and more free from the complaint
of her head than when I was first Consulted and
therefore I have little now to offer with respect
to her. I think she may still be the better
for taking during the Summer season the saline
I formerly prescribed for her. I expected
that it would keep her bowels regular and
I believe it commonly does so but she tells me
that is sometimes fails and that it is neces¬
[sary] {illeg} other {illeg}

[Page 2]

In such a case the Aloetics might {illeg}
pass but from {illeg} in Miss Ellisons
constitution I would avoid them if I could and
I have therefore given a prescription on other page
which I hope will answer the purpose. It does
not sit always easy upon every ladys stomach
but when compounded in the manner I have
proposed and that the Phial is always very well
shaken before pouring out and it is taken at bed
time I have reconciled many stomachs to it which
could not otherwise take Oil in any shape, and
if Miss Ellisons stomach bears it she will
probably find it a very convenient laxative and
to operate in a much less dose than I have at
present proposed. When Miss Ellison shall
unluckily happen to be affected with the Nervous
as I conceive them to be in her stomach
I cannot propose a better remedy than these
Stomachic drops for which I {illeg} you a

[Page 3]

{illeg} sometime ago.

If it shall happen that Miss Ellisons
nervous complaints seem to recur upon her more
[frequently th]an usual or to affect her symptom
more considerably it may be proper for her to
take a course of the Tonic Electuary and infusion
I formerly enclosed but the time of this I must
leave to your discretion.

The remedy that I very much {illeg} for
preserving Miss Ellison in good health is her
going very often on horseback and the Air of the
Cheviot hills is at this season very fit for the
purpose. I am always with great regard

Dear Sir,
your mose Obedient Servant
William Cullen

Edinburgh 10th June

[Page 4]
For Miss Ellison

Take three ounces of very good Castor oil, an ounce of Daffy's Elixir as per the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. Mix and label Laxative Oil a tablespoonful to be taken for a dose at bedtime taking care always to shake the phial very well before pouring out and to swallow the dose immediately after it is poured out.


10th June

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Miss Ellison
Dear Sir

I have again had the honour of a Visit
from our patient Miss Ellison and think it pro¬
per to address to you what course to [take?] with
regard to her complaints

Although she has not been so well as I
[cou]ld with and I doubt if ever her Nerves can
[be] strengthened as fas as we would desire I think
she is better and more free from the complaint
of her head than when I was first Consulted and
therefore I have little now to offer with respect
to her. I think she may still be the better
for taking during the Summer season the saline
I formerly prescribed for her. I expected
that it would keep her bowels regular and
I believe it commonly does so but she tells me
that is sometimes fails and that it is neces¬
[sary] {illeg} other {illeg}

[Page 2]

In such a case the Aloetics might {illeg}
pass but from {illeg} in Miss Ellisons
constitution I would avoid them if I could and
I have therefore given a prescription on other page
which I hope will answer the purpose. It does
not sit always easy upon every ladys stomach
but when compounded in the manner I have
proposed and that the Phial is always very well
shaken before pouring out and it is taken at bed
time I have reconciled many stomachs to it which
could not otherwise take Oil in any shape, and
if Miss Ellisons stomach bears it she will
probably find it a very convenient laxative and
to operate in a much less dose than I have at
present proposed. When Miss Ellison shall
unluckily happen to be affected with the Nervous
as I conceive them to be in her stomach
I cannot propose a better remedy than these
Stomachic drops for which I {illeg} you a

[Page 3]

{illeg} sometime ago.

If it shall happen that Miss Ellisons
nervous complaints seem to recur upon her more
[frequently th]an usual or to affect her symptom
more considerably it may be proper for her to
take a course of the Tonic Electuary and infusion
I formerly enclosed but the time of this I must
leave to your discretion.

The remedy that I very much {illeg} for
preserving Miss Ellison in good health is her
going very often on horseback and the Air of the
Cheviot hills is at this season very fit for the
purpose. I am always with great regard

Dear Sir,
your mose Obedient Servant
William Cullen

Edinr 10th June

[Page 4]
For Miss Ellison

Ol. Ricin. opt. ℥iij
Tinct. Senn. comp. Ph. Edin. ℥j
ℳ. Sig. Laxative Oil a table spoonfull to
be taken for a dose at bedtime taking care
always to shake the phial very well before
pouring out and to swallow the dose imme¬
diately after it is poured out


10th June


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