The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:4084] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Dr / Regarding: Mr Armstrong (Patient) / 13 June 1777 / (Outgoing)
Reply for 'Mr Armstrong', with advice of diet and travel to relieve his 'obstructed bowels'.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 4084 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/1/9/57 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Outgoing |
Date | 13 June 1777 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Scribal copy ( includes Casebook Entry) |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | Yes |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Reply for 'Mr Armstrong', with advice of diet and travel to relieve his 'obstructed bowels'. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:899] |
Case of Mr Armstrong who is costive. |
1 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1] | Author | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2024] | Addressee | Dr |
[PERS ID:1937] | Patient | Mr Armstrong |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2027] | Other | Mr Doval |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Cullen's House / Mint Close | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Mr Armstrong
His ailments distressing but as I see no symptoms of any
fixed obstruction in his bowels, I hope he may recover ---
Nothing will contribute more than frequent gentle exercise
especially in the way of a journey, steadily pursued for 2 or 3
weeks, travelling about 30 or 40 miles a day. If this can¬
not be done, he must at home go often on horseback or in
a carriage 2 or 3 or 4 hours every forenoon.
If he go on a journey, take no medicine but the Sto¬
machic drops, & take 50 of these on a bit of sugar at
bed time; continue them at this dose for the 2 or 3 first nights.
On the 4th, diminish the dose to 40 drops & on the 5th night
to 30. -- & if then he find that he gets tolerable rest he
may lay them aside; or have recourse to them only when
he is liable to restless nights.
If in the journey he be Costive, take an Anderson's
pill at bedtime.
If Mr A. stay at home he must enter upon the Powders
& Infusion. One of the powders are to be taken twice every
day, washing down each dose with a small cupfull of the
Infusion. Take the powders in currant jelly or panada
but not in any liquid -- the times for taking them are an
hour before supper & before dinner --- They are to be
continued for a fortnight at a time; but then to be
intermitted for a week or 2. Then take another course of
them if his complaints either continue or recur.
While his appetite is bad I can order no particular
Diet but leave him to take what he best can. There is indeed
a choice of Diet but I must leave it to his own experience
desiring him to avoid what he finds difficult of digestion or
windy on his Stomach.
His ordinary drinks should be toast water avoiding all
malt liquors. He may take a little strong drink but very
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little - & spirits & water will probably agree better with
him than wine.
Take one and a half ounces of Spirits of sweet vitriol and six drachms of Thebaic Tincture. Mix. Label: stomachic drops, 50 for a dose &c, to be washed down to a little brandy & water.
Powders & Infusion -- See Page 25. Mr Doual 1
Edinburgh June. 13. 1777.
1: This original cross-reference refers back in this casebook to Cullen's reply to Dr Alexander Stevenson concerning Mr MacDoual (ID:4055).
Diplomatic Text
Mr Armstrong
His ailments distressing but as I see no symptoms of any
fixed obstruction in his bowels, I hope he may recover ---
Nothing will contribute more than frequent gentle exercise
especially in the way of a journey, steadily pursued for 2 or 3
weeks, travelling about 30 or 40 miles a day. If this can¬
not be done, he must at home go often on horseback or in
a carriage 2 or 3 or 4 hours every forenoon.
If he go on a journey, take no medicine but the Sto¬
machic drops, & take 50 of these on a bit of sugar at
bed time; continue them at this dose for the 2 or 3 first nights.
On the 4th, diminish the dose to 40 drops & on the 5th night
to 30. -- & if then he find that he gets tolerable rest he
may lay them aside; or have recourse to them only when
he is liable to restless nights.
If in the journey he be Costive, take an Anderson's
pill at bedtime.
If Mr A. stay at home he must enter upon the Powders
& Infusion. One of the powders are to be taken twice every
day, washing down each dose w a small cupfull of the
Infusion. Take the powders in currant jelly or panada
but not in any liquid -- the times for taking them are an
hour before supper & before dinner --- They are to be
continued for a fortnight at a time; but then to be
intermitted for a week or 2. Then take another course of
them if his complaints either continue or recur.
While his appetite is bad I can order no particular
Diet but leave him to take what he best can. There is indeed
a choice of Diet but I must leave it to his own experience
desiring him to avoid what he finds difficult of digestion or
windy on his Stomach.
His ordinary drinks should be toast water avoidg all
malt liquors. He may take a little strong drink but very
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little - & spirits & water will probably agree better with
him than wine.
X ℞ Spir. vitr. dulc. ℥jſs Tinct. Theb. ʒvi ℳ.
S. Stomachic drops, 50 for a dose &cc to be washed
down w a little brandy & water.
Powders & Infusion -- See Page 25. Mr Doual 1
Edinr. June. 13. 1777.
1: This original cross-reference refers back in this casebook to Cullen's reply to Dr Alexander Stevenson concerning Mr MacDoual (ID:4055).
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