
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:3461] From: Mrs Elizabeth Watt (McCall) (of Stranraer) / To: Mr Robert Brown (Broun) / Regarding: Mrs Elizabeth Watt (McCall) (of Stranraer) (Patient) / 12 February 1789 / (Incoming)

Letter from Elizabeth Watt to her cousins the Browns. The main letter is addressed to Robert Brown, asking him to acquaint 'Dr Culling' with the progress of her case: she now suffers from swelling all over her body, but worse on the stomach and belly, with breathlessness and strangury. She advises on the use of jam-jars to send medicines: 'if it is Electuary that is ordred let it be put in larger Jealy pots then formerly let them not be quite full as the work up and all the part that is Liquid is lost'. A postscript, and the wrapper, are addressed to his wife, who also seems to be in poor health: 'I wish we may be preparing for our last strugle with frail Mortality'. However, she also requests nutmeg, fabric, and a pair of gloves, and asks after a friend's family.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 3461
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/2349
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date12 February 1789
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Elizabeth Watt to her cousins the Browns. The main letter is addressed to Robert Brown, asking him to acquaint 'Dr Culling' with the progress of her case: she now suffers from swelling all over her body, but worse on the stomach and belly, with breathlessness and strangury. She advises on the use of jam-jars to send medicines: 'if it is Electuary that is ordred let it be put in larger Jealy pots then formerly let them not be quite full as the work up and all the part that is Liquid is lost'. A postscript, and the wrapper, are addressed to his wife, who also seems to be in poor health: 'I wish we may be preparing for our last strugle with frail Mortality'. However, she also requests nutmeg, fabric, and a pair of gloves, and asks after a friend's family.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1594]
Case of Mrs Elizabeth Watt of Stranraer, whose various symptoms over the course of ten years include a chest complaint, a sore mouth, and rheumatism.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2120]AuthorMrs Elizabeth Watt (of Stranraer)
[PERS ID:4171]AddresseeMr Robert Brown (Broun)
[PERS ID:2120]PatientMrs Elizabeth Watt (of Stranraer)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3011]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Brown (Broun)
[PERS ID:4171]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Robert Brown (Broun)
[PERS ID:4178]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Runnald
[PERS ID:4179]Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend Grizel? (Griz)
[PERS ID:4174]OtherMr William Steen (Will Steen)
[PERS ID:3011]Supplemental AddresseeMrs Brown (Broun)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Stranraer Borders Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter St Andrews Street Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Ayr (Air) Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Stranraer Borders Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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if you would take the troble to wait one
Dr Culling and acquaint him that I was much the
better of the Electuary I got last hervest for the swelling
but I Was so unlucky as to get a Cold in the first of
winter wich brought one a voilent Cough with a great
spitting of
Gros Defluction it keept me 2 months by
that time I was reduced to a great state of weaknese
when it left me I took the swelling it begun at my
and legs which is always Cold it came upwards
and is nou over the whole body a little but worst about
my stomach and Belly it goes round to the back my face
is much swelled I am greatly Distressed with a breathless
when I stur or make any Motion it is most
[di]stressing I think that their is a great deal of
{illeg}d in my disorder the swelling or the Breathlesness
[w]as not so violent before as it is nou I likewise
have for some weeks past been much trobled with
a pain in my right side it is fixed at the end of the
toward the stomach but all within the Ribs
and is very painfull and troblesom to me it sometimes
pains me upward I was advised to blister it but
my weakness made me unable to try any thing of that
Kind you will be at pains to inform the Dr of all this
likewise acquant him that I can take no medicine but what
is both a stomachick and Diuretice Diuretice as I am much
trobled with a strangury
and want of Digest I could
take no medecen for many years past but what Dr Culing
ordred the weakness of my stomach was so great if it
is Electuary that is ordred let it be put in larger Jealy
pots then formerly let them not be quite full as the work
up and all the part that is Liquid is lost it runs al over
befor it comes this {illeg}

[Page 2]

I wish the medicine may be a strenthner
of the Nerves as I think mine is very weak
as I am more easie to allarm then formerly
with any thing I am Extreamly weak
you most purchase a little box to put
all in Direct them to the care of
Wm Steen Carrier in Ayr and
given to him send me the account
as I enclosed Nothing but the Dr
Note let all be sent as soon
as possible excuse this

Elizth Watt

Stranraer february 12

[Page 3]

Dear Cousin I received yours {illeg} your Complaint & mine is not to
be removed I wish we [may?] be preparing for our last
strugle with frail Mortality send me 2 o 3 Nutmegs
with a yeard of good white Inglish flinen about Eighteen
pence a yeard 2 pair of dark grey Gloves pretty larg
let me knou if Mrs Runnald familie is doing weel
and if you are to Keep the lodging any longer

I am able to say no more Compliments to my
good friend Mr Broun & [Grizen?] send
the things as soon as posible


[Page 4]

Broun att her House
St Andrews Street
№ 6

Mrs. Watt
February 1789
V. XX. p. 87

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

if you would take the troble to wait one
Dr Culling and acquaint him that I was much the
better of the Elect. I got last hervest for the swelling
but I Was so unlucky as to get a Cold in the first of
winter wich brought one a voilent Cough with a great
spitting of
Gros Defluction it keept me 2 months by
that time I was reduced to a great state of weaknese
when it left me I took the swelling it begun at my
and legs which is always Cold it came upwards
and is nou over the whole body a little but worst about
my stomach and Belly it goes round to the back my face
is much swelled I am greatly Distressed with a breathless
when I stur or make any Motion it is most
[di]stressing I think that their is a great deal of
{illeg}d in my disorder the swelling or the Breathlesness
[w]as not so violent before as it is nou I likewise
have for some weeks past been much trobled with
a pain in my right side it is fixed at the end of the
toward the stomach but all within the Ribs
and is very painfull and troblesom to me it sometimes
pains me upward I was advised to blister it but
my weakness made me unable to try any thing of that
Kind you will be at pains to inform the Dr of all this
likewise acquant him that I can take no medicine but what
is both a stomachick and Diuretice Diuretice as I am much
trobled with a strangury
and want of Digest I could
take no medecen for many years past but what Dr Culing
ordred the weakness of my stomach was so great if it
is Electuary that is ordred let it be put in larger Jealy
pots then formerly let them not be quite full as the work
up and all the part that is Liquid is lost it runs al over
befor it comes this {illeg}

[Page 2]

I wish the medicine may be a strenthner
of the Nerves as I think mine is very weak
as I am more easie to allarm then formerly
with any thing I am Extreamly weak
you most purchase a little box to put
all in Direct them to the care of
Wm Steen Carrier in Ayr and
given to him send me the account
as I enclosed Nothing but the Dr
Note let all be sent as soon
as possible excuse this

Elizth Watt

Stranr febr 12

[Page 3]

Dr Cusn I received yours {illeg} your Complaint & mine is not to
be removed I wish we [may?] be preparing for our last
strugle with frail Mortality send me 2 o 3 Nutmegs
with a yeard of good white Inglish flinen about Eighteen
pence a yeard 2 pair of dark grey Gloves pretty larg
let me knou if Mrs Runnald familie is doing weel
and if you are to Keep the lodging any longer

I am able to say no more Compls to my
good friend Mr Broun & [Grizen?] send
the things as soon as posible


[Page 4]

Broun att her House
St Andrews Street
№ 6

Mrs. Watt
Feby. 1789
V. XX. p. 87


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