
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2955] From: Dr John Moore / To: Miss Agnes Eleonora Dunlop / Regarding: Mrs Frances Anna Dunlop (Wallace) (of Dunlop) (Patient) / September? 1786? / (Misc)

Letter from 'J. M.', probably J. Moore, to Miss Dunlop, concerning the case of Mrs Dunlop.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2955
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1988
Main Language English
Document Direction Misc
DateSeptember? 1786?
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from 'J. M.', probably J. Moore, to Miss Dunlop, concerning the case of Mrs Dunlop.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1138]
Case of Frances Dunlop who has a fever and becomes delirious.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:769]AuthorDr John Moore
[PERS ID:1477]AddresseeMiss Agnes Eleonora Dunlop
[PERS ID:2680]PatientMrs Frances Anna Dunlop (of Dunlop)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:769]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr John Moore
[PERS ID:1993]Other Physician / SurgeonMr William Dean (Deane)
[PERS ID:1477]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMiss Agnes Eleonora Dunlop

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Hamilton House Hamilton Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Dunlop Glasgow and West Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Dear Madam

It is impossible for any body to be more Un¬
successful in prevailing on Your Mother than
I was -- After begging in the most earnest terms
of her not to go to Glasgow & shewing the Im¬
propriety of it in a thousand Shapes, I asked it
as a favour on my knees & was refused. There
is no Reason therefore to think I could have
perswaded her to take the draught -- or anything
else - This unyieldingness which is not her
Natural Character must be Considered as
part of her disease.

I can Say Nothing to the purpose Concerning
the treatment but repeating what I left in
writing & repeated in my last -

She ought to have Something to Cleanse her
bowels - it is not of So much moment

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what the Physic be as that she should have
one dose of Physic -- Since she dislikes the
draught, ask if she will take a little Sina tea,
A dose Salts, 20 grains of Powder of Jalap
what ever she takes should be renewed every
five hours till it takes effect -- I believe
this would do her important Service at once
and her body should afterwards kept open
by the pills as directed formerly -- She once
Seem'd to Agree to take a little Spoonful
of White Mustard Seed Night & Morning
if she will take Nothing else let her take
that - but it will be of little Use without
it is preceded by Physick - As for the
Rest I must refer to former directions --

Tranquility of body & Mind - a Cooling
diet &c &c

[Page 3]

I shall Send no Medical Person because they can
be of no Use till she agrees to take what is ordered
& her Relations are more likely to prevail than
any other person.

If she will take no other Physick you may
tell Dr Dean or whoever is with you that
I have known five grains of Calomel given
in a little Jelly do well -- this will
hardly change the taste of the Jelly & is of
little Bulk perhaps she will take that,
or it may be made into a Single pill
with a little Soft of Bread.

As I am to Set off tomorrow I am exceedingly
hurried now - yet I have Said every thing
Material -

If you can perswade Your Mother to take
any thing Purgative all I dare Say will
soon take a favourable turn, after

[Page 4]

that essential point is gained all you have
to do afterwards is to prevent Costiveness
without purging - Confining her to Cooling
diet, gentle exercise occasionally in her
Carriage and Tranquility - I have Patience
If the faultering in her Speech does not
go away after the purgative - her head
Should be Shaved & a Blister Applied.

Adieu My Dear Miss Dunlop - I
remain with good wishes & hopes
of Your Dear Mother Most Cordially


Hamilton House
Friday Night

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Dear Madam

It is impossible for any body to be more Un¬
successful in prevailing on Your Mother than
I was -- After begging in the most earnest terms
of her not to go to Glasgow & shewing the Im¬
propriety of it in a thousand Shapes, I asked it
as a favour on my knees & was refused. There
is no Reason therefore to think I could have
perswaded her to take the draught -- or anything
else - This unyieldingness which is not her
Natural Character must be Considered as
part of her disease.

I can Say Nothing to the purpose Concerning
the treatment but repeating what I left in
writing & repeated in my last -

She ought to have Something to Cleanse her
bowels - it is not of So much moment

[Page 2]

what the Physic be as that she should have
one dose of Physic -- Since she dislikes the
draught, ask if she will take a little Sina tea,
A dose Salts, 20 grains of Powder of Jalap
what ever she takes should be renewed every
five hours till it takes effect -- I believe
this would do her important Service at once
and her body should afterwards kept open
by the pills as directed formerly -- She once
Seem'd to Agree to take a little Spoonful
of White Mustard Seed Night & Morning
if she will take Nothing else let her take
that - but it will be of little Use without
it is preceded by Physick - As for the
Rest I must refer to former directions --

Tranquility of body & Mind - a Cooling
diet &c &c

[Page 3]

I shall Send no Medical Person because they can
be of no Use till she agrees to take what is ordered
& her Relations are more likely to prevail than
any other person.

If she will take no other Physick you may
tell Dr Dean or whoever is with you that
I have known five grains of Calomel given
in a little Jelly do well -- this will
hardly change the taste of the Jelly & is of
little Bulk perhaps she will take that,
or it may be made into a Single pill
with a little Soft of Bread.

As I am to Set off tomorrow I am exceedingly
hurried now - yet I have Said every thing
Material -

If you can perswade Your Mother to take
any thing Purgative all I dare Say will
soon take a favourable turn, after

[Page 4]

that essential point is gained all you have
to do afterwards is to prevent Costiveness
without purging - Confining her to Cooling
diet, gentle exercise occasionally in her
Carriage and Tranquility - I have Patience
If the faultering in her Speech does not
go away after the purgative - her head
Should be Shaved & a Blister Applied.

Adieu My Dear Miss Dunlop - I
remain with good wishes & hopes
of Your Dear Mother Most Cordially


Hamilton House
Friday Night


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