The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2759] From: Dr Robert Innes / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Dr Robert Innes (Patient) / 31 January 1786 / (Incoming)
Letter from Robert Innes, concerning his own case. He seems to have suffered from two different (or two bouts of the same) 'pain' or 'uneasiness' in his breast. He refers to the 'original' pain at one point and at another identifies the new sensation as 'heartburn'. The letter may have been hand delivered by or enclosed a note from Mrs Innes, the writer's wife, as he mentions that she'll provide further details about his diet.
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- Normalized Text
- Diplomatic Text
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2759 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1798 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 31 January 1786 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Robert Innes, concerning his own case. He seems to have suffered from two different (or two bouts of the same) 'pain' or 'uneasiness' in his breast. He refers to the 'original' pain at one point and at another identifies the new sensation as 'heartburn'. The letter may have been hand delivered by or enclosed a note from Mrs Innes, the writer's wife, as he mentions that she'll provide further details about his diet. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:808] |
Case of Dr Robert Innes who, over several years, has stomach complaints, then piles, then a cold and cough. |
6 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:3089] | Author | Dr Robert Innes |
[PERS ID:3089] | Patient | Dr Robert Innes |
[PERS ID:3360] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mrs Innes |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Woodhall / Woodhal | Port Glasgow | Glasgow and West | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Mentioned / Other | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Mentioned / Other | Chapel Street | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Woodhall 31st January
Since I last wrote you my Complaints
have put on a very different appearance - In my first Letter
to you I observed that bringing up wind gave my Pain, which
Symptom I could not easily Account for -- This Day five weeks
past, in the Morning at Breakfast, I felt an uneasiness about
the under part of the Osophagus, upon Swallowing the Bread
& Butter, The Same uneasiness at Dinner, Tea, & Supper --
[w]hich has Continued ever Since, some Days it is more So then
[o]thers, and Always worst at Dinner, and although my Breast
be pretty easy before I begin to eat, yet before I have done
It feels quite weary with a degree of pain & tenderness which
[C]ontinues from half to more then an hour Sometimes after I
have done eating - At other Times I swallow with more
ease and am not Sensible of the pain Continuing.- The original
Pain in My Breast is precisely in the Same place immediately
Under the Cartilago xiphoides, This pain you'll observe was
four weeks in that place before I found any uneasiness in
Swallowing, but the bringing up Wind always did and Still
[C]ontinues to give me Pain, and I think the pain feels as if it
[w]ere partly in that part of the Diaphragm through which the
Osophagus passes, and in the Osophagus itself where it passes
[Page 2]
the Diaphragm - The uneasiness in bringing up Wind is
only [omited?] when the Diaphragm is moved both upwards and
downwards before the Wind makes its escape, as I can bring
wind Continuously out of my Stomach without feeling any Pain
I am Seldom troubled with the Pain in My Breast through the
night - For two or three nights before I complained of Pain i[n]
Swallowing, It was rather more uneasy than it has been Sinc[e]
one Night in particular, about 5 weeks ago it was so unea[sy]
that I could sleep none, & felt within the [Liructs?] of half a {illeg}
immediatly under the Cartilage - I am Sometimes ↑almost↑ quite free of
the Pain in my Breast for a whole Day nay Since I was
first Seized with it, ↑which is now upwards of 2 months↑ Sometimes nigh two Days, unless [after?]
in in Time of eating which always gives me more or less Pain -
I am frequently troubled with belching of Wind particularly after
Dinner - I have frequently had a Pain in the Joint of the {illeg}
as [Humin?] Since I complained of My Breast and formerly was
often Subject to a Pain below the left Clavicle which I have not
felt Since my Breast turned uneasy - I have likeways withi[n]
these 2 or 3 weeks felt slight wandering Pains in different Plac[es]
of My Back, Chest & Shoulders which went of immediately
The Pain in my Breast has sometimes when going of degenerate[d]
into a warm heated feeling, which has spread over part of the Sto[m¬]
ach, I likeways feel it uneasy when I press my finger in upo[n]
the Ensiform Cartilage
[Page 3]
I farther observe as to my swallowing that {illeg} when the
food Comes to the Place affected I feel a Small degree of Straitness
but rather more of tenderness which last is farther Confirmed
by either Solid or Liquid passing that place /unless more [then?]
Blood warm/ giving the Sensation of being quite Cold, and
when a little plain wine is swallowed it {illeg}tes a Heartburn
feeling, but this I have not tryed these Several Weeks, neither
do I ever Swallow any thing entirely solid but when mixed
with Liquid - Upon the whole both as to the Pain of my Breast
& Swallowing I cannot say they are either better or worse th[en]
when first Seized with these Complaints - I have never had
any Tendency either to ruminate or throw up any food ---
About 20 years ago I was Seized with a Pain ↑previously↑ in the
Region of the Right Kidney which I apprehended would turn
out to be a gravelish Disorder - It continued more or less
uneasy for 10 or 12 years at Times so painfull that I could neither
sleep on that Side nor ride a hard trotted horse, when it went
away I was Seized as youll remember in the ↑January↑ 1773 with a fixed
Pain in the Colon on the left side which Continued for Many
Months - It was likeways painfull when touched, that is gone
I have been long Subject to the Marisci with frequent Colics
and looseness, but less so of late then formerly -- At present I often
am troubled with a Creeping & Coldness all the way down the back
Bone chiefly whetn I lye down and in the Morning - My urine
is frequently thick and deposits a pale Brick dust Sediment
Though for Days it will continue quite Natural - I am always
[Page 4]
Costive unless I use a little Flowers of Sulphur : which {illeg} Sometimes
gripes me & gives more than one stool -- My Stomach is pretty
good and with the Exercise which I take through the Room
I sleep better then might be expected -- Mrs Innes will acquaint
you as to my Diet both in quantity & Quality -- I have taken no
Medicine -- I rather lose then gain flesh, but do not observe any
great difference for these several weeks -- I shall not trouble you
with any of my Conjectures as to the [return?] of my Complaints
but leave it to your better judgement to determine Quis Morbus
Quæ ratio Sympt: Prognosis & Mitti: Med: 1 - I must now My
Dear Doctor beg your Pardon for this tedious & Confused Account
of My Complaints which I could easily arrange in Medical
order, but at present am inclined to be rather indolent and have
Just jotted down what occurred without any previous Reflection ↑or Recollection↑
I will not ask your positive opinion immediately upon the per¬
usal of this Letter, till such Time as you have thought maturely
upon the Case -- As I find my Breast ↑easily↑ affected with Cold, I do not
think of being in Town while the frost Continues -- a few Lines
therefore from you when Convenient /which you'll please Send to my
house in Chapel Street/ will oblige Dear Doctor
P:S: The pain in my Breast for the first 4 weeks felt much nearer
the Surface then it has done Since - it now often strikes through between
my shoulders - My Pulse through the day pretty natural, but some nights
rather quicker & I feel hotter than usual
1: So that you can understand, from the sysmptoms, which disease [I suffer from], and send the medicines
Diplomatic Text
Woodhall 31st Janry
Since I last wrote you my Complaints
have put on a very different appearance - In my first Letter
to you I observed that bringing up wind gave my Pain, which
Symptom I could not easily Account for -- This Day five weeks
past, in the Morning at Breakfast, I felt an uneasiness about
the under part of the Osophagus, upon Swallowing the Bread
& Butter, The Same uneasiness at Dinner, Tea, & Supper --
[w]hich has Continued ever Since, some Days it is more So then
[o]thers, and Always worst at Dinner, and although my Breast
be pretty easy before I begin to eat, yet before I have done
It feels quite weary with a degree of pain & tenderness which
[C]ontinues from half to more then an hour Sometimes after I
have done eating - At other Times I swallow with more
ease and am not Sensible of the pain Continuing.- The original
Pain in My Breast is precisely in the Same place immediately
Under the Cartilago xiphoides, This pain you'll observe was
four weeks in that place before I found any uneasiness in
Swallowing, but the bringing up Wind always did and Still
[C]ontinues to give me Pain, and I think the pain feels as if it
[w]ere partly in that part of the Diaphragm through which the
Osophagus passes, and in the Osophagus itself where it passes
[Page 2]
the Diaphragm - The uneasiness in bringing up Wind is
only [omited?] when the Diaphragm is moved both upwards and
downwards before the Wind makes its escape, as I can bring
wind Continuously out of my Stomach without feeling any Pain
I am Seldom troubled with the Pain in My Breast through the
night - For two or three nights before I complained of Pain i[n]
Swallowing, It was rather more uneasy than it has been Sinc[e]
one Night in particular, about 5 weeks ago it was so unea[sy]
that I could sleep none, & felt within the [Liructs?] of half a {illeg}
immediatly under the Cartilage - I am Sometimes ↑almost↑ quite free of
the Pain in my Breast for a whole Day nay Since I was
first Seized with it, ↑which is now upwards of 2 months↑ Sometimes nigh two Days, unless [after?]
in in Time of eating which always gives me more or less Pain -
I am frequently troubled with belching of Wind particularly after
Dinner - I have frequently had a Pain in the Joint of the {illeg}
as [Humin?] Since I complained of My Breast and formerly was
often Subject to a Pain below the left Clavicle which I have not
felt Since my Breast turned uneasy - I have likeways withi[n]
these 2 or 3 weeks felt slight wandering Pains in different Plac[es]
of My Back, Chest & Shoulders which went of immediately
The Pain in my Breast has sometimes when going of degenerate[d]
into a warm heated feeling, which has spread over part of the Sto[m¬]
ach, I likeways feel it uneasy when I press my finger in upo[n]
the Ensiform Cartilage
[Page 3]
I farther observe as to my swallowing that {illeg} when the
food Comes to the Place affected I feel a Small degree of Straitness
but rather more of tenderness which last is farther Confirmed
by either Solid or Liquid passing that place /unless more [then?]
Blood warm/ giving the Sensation of being quite Cold, and
when a little plain wine is swallowed it {illeg}tes a Heartburn
feeling, but this I have not tryed these Several Weeks, neither
do I ever Swallow any thing entirely solid but when mixed
with Liquid - Upon the whole both as to the Pain of my Breast
& Swallowing I cannot say they are either better or worse th[en]
when first Seized with these Complaints - I have never had
any Tendency either to ruminate or throw up any food ---
About 20 years ago I was Seized with a Pain ↑previously↑ in the
Region of the Right Kidney which I apprehended would turn
out to be a gravelish Disorder - It continued more or less
uneasy for 10 or 12 years at Times so painfull that I could neither
sleep on that Side nor ride a hard trotted horse, when it went
away I was Seized as youll remember in the ↑Janry↑ 1773 with a fixed
Pain in the Colon on the left side which Continued for Many
Months - It was likeways painfull when touched, that is gone
I have been long Subject to the Marisci with frequent Colics
and looseness, but less so of late then formerly -- At present I often
am troubled with a Creeping & Coldness all the way down the back
Bone chiefly whetn I lye down and in the Morning - My urine
is frequently thick and deposits a pale Brick dust Sediment
Though for Days it will continue quite Natural - I am always
[Page 4]
Costive unless I use a little Flor: Sulph: : which {illeg} Sometimes
gripes me & gives more than one stool -- My Stomach is pretty
good and with the Exercise which I take through the Room
I sleep better then might be expected -- Mrs Innes will acquaint
you as to my Diet both in quantity & Quality -- I have taken no
Medicine -- I rather lose then gain flesh, but do not observe any
great difference for these several weeks -- I shall not trouble you
with any of my Conjectures as to the [return?] of my Complaints
but leave it to your better judgement to determine Quis Morbus
Quæ ratio Sympt: Prognosis & Mitti: Med: 1 - I must now My
Dr Doctor beg your Pardon for this tedious & Confused Account
of My Complaints which I could easily arrange in Medical
order, but at present am inclined to be rather indolent and have
Just jotted down what occurred without any previous Reflection ↑or Recollection↑
I will not ask your positive opinion immediately upon the per¬
usal of this Letter, till such Time as you have thought maturely
upon the Case -- As I find my Breast ↑easily↑ affected with Cold, I do not
think of being in Town while the frost Continues -- a few Lines
therefore from you when Convenient /which you'll please Send to my
house in Chapel Street/ will oblige Dear Doctor
P:S: The pain in my Breast for the first 4 weeks felt much nearer
the Surface then it has done Since - it now often strikes through between
my shoulders - My Pulse through the day pretty natural, but some nights
rather quicker & I feel hotter than usual
1: So that you can understand, from the sysmptoms, which disease [I suffer from], and send the medicines
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