
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2593] From: Mr Robert Ochiltree / To: Dr Ivie Campbell / Regarding: Miss Campbell (of Dunstaffnage) (Patient) / 4 April 1785 / (Incoming)

Letter from Robert Ochiltree, addressed to Mr Ivie Campbell, care of Mr James Stewart, Druggist.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2593
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1640b
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date4 April 1785
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Robert Ochiltree, addressed to Mr Ivie Campbell, care of Mr James Stewart, Druggist.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:512]
Case of Miss Campbell of Dunstaffnage who is suffering from severe headaches and pains in her side since developing an ulcer after ignoring a scratch on her shin.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1241]AuthorMr Robert Ochiltree
[PERS ID:336]AddresseeDr Ivie Campbell
[PERS ID:2705]PatientMiss Campbell (of Dunstaffnage)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:336]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Ivie Campbell
[PERS ID:1241]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Robert Ochiltree
[PERS ID:2709]OtherMr James Stewart

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Dunstaffnage Castle Oban West Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Inveraray West Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Bonawe (Bonaw) West Highlands Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Dunstaffnage 4th. April 1785

Dear Sir

When I wrote you to consult Dr. Cullen, the Spas¬
modic fitts
returned on our patient here, generally in the Evenings.
I was obliged to go to Inveraray on Saturday 19th. March, - For
some days before that, the fitts were very frequent, & often in the
day as well as Night - In my absence, they were almost constantly
upon her, with severe headach & pain in the Stomach; she took
every night 90 drops of Laudanum, -- On Wednesday Night, when
directions for the exhibition of the Musk & Opium arrived, which
I transmitted, she took 90 drops Liquid Laudanum & before Morning, being
still very uneasy 50 guttæ more. - ↑next day↑ at 7 o'Clock she took 10 grains
of the Musk; at 1 oClock she dropt asleep which continued
for 3 hours -- About 9 o'Clock I arrived, & found the fitts as fre¬
quent as before - she had a Moisture upon her palms & soles &
a gentle kindly glow all over her -- the pulse regular & easy at
- The Opiate was repeated, & the Musk in the Morning, as
before - The intervalls of the fitts longer, often 20 minutes, & her
other pains easier - She Slept several hours in the Evening, & the
opiate repeated as before -- On Saturday Morning 26th. She took 15 grains
of the Musk, but soon after her Stomach rejected it, & some very viscid
Phlegm with it - she felt disordered all day, the pain in her head & Bowels
encreased, but the fitts less Violent & with intervalls of near an hour
her palms & soles Moist, & a glow all over; pulse sometimes
above 90
- being Costive a laxative pill was given, with good effect,
but the Operation prevented the exhibition of the Opiate in the Even¬
ing --- Sunday 27th. Slept none, but had no fitts since 11 oClock last
night -- took 15 grains Musk which was retained, but had frequent inclina¬
tions to puke
- her pulse about 70 - towards Evening had a gentle
Moisture over her body
, & slept 2 or 3 hours -- About ½ ℔ saliva was
in an hour or two - frequent sick & faint fitts with inward
tremblings [as she expressed it?] (which she often felt before) & Globus came

[Page 2]

on -- This evening was prevailed on to take the Injection Arabic. with 150
guttæ Liquid Laudanum a few hours after, being Seized with severe pains all over
her, & knowing the Spasmodic fitts were approaching, She Swallowed
100 guttæ of Liquid Laudanum - - Soon after, the fitts returned with hardly any intervall,
with a Strong Subsultus in the Stomach & belly - her pulse weaker
than usual, and about 70
---- Monday 28th. Being Still in the Same
way, about 3 in the Morning took 50 guttæ Liquid Laudanum - At 8 o'Clock in the
Morning the fitts almost the Same, took 15 grains Musk, which she
vomited about 4 hours after, with some very viscid ropy phlegm, had a
gentle Moisture on her body & Slept some, but the fitts the same - had
the Opiate in the Evening - Tuesday 29th Slept a few hours last
Night - The fitts continuing - Refused the Musk as the Catamenia
had appeared -- at 4 in the Evening a general Sweat came on which
lasted till Midnight --- Wednesday 30 No fitts - the Catamenia
flowing aboundantly - at 2 oClock p.m. the pain in her Stomach and
Bowels encreasing took 100 guttæ Liquid Laudanum -- In the Evening, the pains being
very Violent, she had the Injection Arabic Arabic. with 180 guttæ Laudanum given - Some
sweet Spirit of Nitre was given, the effect of which, lessened a distention & pain
in the lower belly -- At 10 oClock p.m. the fitts & Subsultus in the
stomach, with severe headach returning, took 70 guttæ more Liquid Laudanum
Pulse all day from 70 to 80 --- Thursday 31st. The fitts conti¬
nued all Night, & had no sleep, pains Violent, with an inclination
to puke
which prevented the exhibition of the Musk untill 2 oClock
p:m. 15 grains were then given - before 4 o'Clock She began to Slumber
The pains encreasing, & fitts continuing, towards Evening had the
Injection Arabic with 200 guttæ Liquid Laudanum given - No Sweat all day - pulse
from 65 to 75
- Catamenia ceased last night --- Friday
April 1st. Fitts Still frequent -- being Costive took a laxative pill
last night, & another this Morning - At 5 p.m. no appearance
of the laxative operating took xx grains Musk - at 7 p.m. dropt asleep
which continued 7 or 8 hours, no Sweat -- Saturday 2d. took
another laxative pill which operated in the forenoon -- no fitts
since 7 o'Clock last night, & headach & Sto[ma]ch &c. much easier &

[Page 3]

continued so all day, towards Evening her pains began to recurr, with
a chillyness along the Spine & soreness in her limbs, - Refused the opiate in
any shape -- felt Languid & drowsy all day --- Sunday 3d. No
fitts - At 1 o'Clock this Morning being very uneasy under the pains of
last night, took 100 guttæ Liquid Laudanum ↑& sweated after it.↑ -- At 7 a.m. the fitts returned with
their former frequency -- Could not take the Musk -- At 6 p.m
the fitts continuing took twenty grains of the Musk, in less than two hours
the fitts stopt, & she dropt asleep -- Monday 4th. No fitts since last
night - Slept some - in the night, being much pained in the Stomach &
Bowels took 100 guttæ Liquid Laudanum complains of headach & pain in the Stomach,
& feels inclined to Sweat - pulse 72 --- --- ----- ---- ---

Tho' the frequency & duration of the Spasmodic fitts are much
the same yet I think their violence is less, for formerly the extremities were alternately
contracted & extented & the Back so much affected as to be raised, resting upon the
head & heels - She now remains quiet & almost always extended - I hope it will be
found the opiates has been given with some freedom, but as it is difficult to prevail
in favour of the Injection, it was often necessary to repeat it in draughts-
Two drams of the Musk has been given & from the two last doses remark¬
able effects have appeared - And I will be happy to have any further
directions Dr Cullen may think proper - In the meantime I will
follow the former prescription & carefully pursue any advantage may
be gained by it - As the laxative pill did its office so well I did not propose
the Russian Castor Oil being rather a more unpleasant medicine, & being obliged to use
every Argument for what has been done --- The Urine is very scarce and
the pain & difficulty in voiding it, always very severe - The sweet Spirit of Nitre
often eases, but the warm Bath almost always gave instant Relief --
I believe my expression with regard to the Bark, in my former letter was
too vague, for the intervalls in which it was given were at first, when
they extended to three or four days; she took none since the fitts came on
every day -- I can hardly say what Nourishment She takes a tea cupful
of thin water gruel being almost all in the day, & perhaps once in three
or four days she fancys a few raisins -- -- I shall expect to hear from
you in course or very soon after -- If more Musk is ordered, send me
some as I would rather trust to it than my own - This family & our
patient in particular joins me in best wishes for your prosperity And
believe me always

Dear Sir
Your Most Obedient
humble Servant

Robert Ochiltree

[Page 4]

Mr. Ivee Campbell
Care of Mr. James Stewart Druggist

Mr. Robert Ochiltree
Concerning Miss Campbell
of Dunstaffnage
April 1785
V. XVII. p.16

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Dunstaffnage 4th. April 1785

Dear Sir

When I wrote you to consult Dr. Cullen, the Spas¬
modic fitts
returned on our patient here, generally in the Evenings.
I was obliged to go to Inveraray on Saturday 19th. March, - For
some days before that, the fitts were very frequent, & often in the
day as well as Night - In my absence, they were almost constantly
upon her, with severe headach & pain in the Stomach; she took
every night 90 drops of Laudanum, -- On Wednesday Night, when
directions for the exhibition of the Musk & Opium arrived, which
I transmitted, she took 90 drops L. L. & before Morning, being
still very uneasy 50 gtt. more. - ↑next day↑ at 7 o'Clock she took 10 grains
of the Musk; at 1 oClock she dropt asleep which continued
for 3 hours -- About 9 o'Clock I arrived, & found the fitts as fre¬
quent as before - she had a Moisture upon her palms & soles &
a gentle kindly glow all over her -- the pulse regular & easy at
- The Opiate was repeated, & the Musk in the Morning, as
before - The intervalls of the fitts longer, often 20 minutes, & her
other pains easier - She Slept several hours in the Evening, & the
opiate repeated as before -- On Saturday Morning 26th. She took 15 gr.
of the Musk, but soon after her Stomach rejected it, & some very viscid
Phlegm with it - she felt disordered all day, the pain in her head & Bowels
encreased, but the fitts less Violent & with intervalls of near an hour
her palms & soles Moist, & a glow all over; pulse sometimes
above 90
- being Costive a laxative pill was given, with good effect,
but the Operation prevented the exhibition of the Opiate in the Even¬
ing --- Sunday 27th. Slept none, but had no fitts since 11 oClock last
night -- took 15 gr. Musk which was retained, but had frequent inclina¬
tions to puke
- her pulse about 70 - towards Evening had a gentle
Moisture over her body
, & slept 2 or 3 hours -- About ½ ℔ saliva was
in an hour or two - frequent sick & faint fitts with inward
tremblings [as she expressed it?] (which she often felt before) & Globus came

[Page 2]

on -- This evening was prevailed on to take the Inject. Arabic. with 150
gtt. L. L. a few hours after, being Seized with severe pains all over
her, & knowing the Spasmodic fitts were approaching, She Swallowed
100 gtts. of L. L. - - Soon after, the fitts returned with hardly any intervall,
with a Strong Subsultus in the Stomach & belly - her pulse weaker
than usual, and about 70
---- Monday 28th. Being Still in the Same
way, about 3 in the Morning took 50 gtts. L. L. - At 8 o'Clock in the
Morning the fitts almost the Same, took 15 gr. Musk, which she
vomited about 4 hours after, with some very viscid ropy phlegm, had a
gentle Moisture on her body & Slept some, but the fitts the same - had
the Opiate in the Evening - Tuesday 29th Slept a few hours last
Night - The fitts continuing - Refused the Musk as the Catamenia
had appeared -- at 4 in the Evening a general Sweat came on which
lasted till Midnight --- Wednesday 30 No fitts - the Catamenia
flowing aboundantly - at 2 oClock p.m. the pain in her Stomach and
Bowels encreasing took 100 gtts. L. L. -- In the Evening, the pains being
very Violent, she had the Inject: Arab: Arabic. with 180 gtts. L. L. given - Some
Spt. Nitr. dulc. was given, the effect of which, lessened a distention & pain
in the lower belly -- At 10 oClock p.m. the fitts & Subsultus in the
stomach, with severe headach returning, took 70 gtts. more L. L.
Pulse all day from 70 to 80 --- Thursday 31st. The fitts conti¬
nued all Night, & had no sleep, pains Violent, with an inclination
to puke
which prevented the exhibition of the Musk untill 2 oClock
p:m. 15 gr. were then given - before 4 o'Clock She began to Slumber
The pains encreasing, & fitts continuing, towards Evening had the
Inject: Arab with 200 gtts L. L. given - No Sweat all day - pulse
from 65 to 75
- Catamenia ceased last night --- Friday
April 1st. Fitts Still frequent -- being Costive took a laxative pill
last night, & another this Morning - At 5 p.m. no appearance
of the laxative operating took xx gr. Musk - at 7 p.m. dropt asleep
which continued 7 or 8 hours, no Sweat -- Saturday 2d. took
another laxative pill which operated in the forenoon -- no fitts
since 7 o'Clock last night, & headach & Sto[ma]ch &c. much easier &

[Page 3]

continued so all day, towards Evening her pains began to recurr, with
a chillyness along the Spine & soreness in her limbs, - Refused the opiate in
any shape -- felt Languid & drowsy all day --- Sunday 3d. No
fitts - At 1 o'Clock this Morning being very uneasy under the pains of
last night, took 100 gtts. L. L. ↑& sweated after it.↑ -- At 7 a.m. the fitts returned with
their former frequency -- Could not take the Musk -- At 6 p.m
the fitts continuing took gr xx of the Musk, in less than two hours
the fitts stopt, & she dropt asleep -- Monday 4th. No fitts since last
night - Slept some - in the night, being much pained in the Stomach &
Bowels took 100 gtts. L. L. complains of headach & pain in the Stomach,
& feels inclined to Sweat - pulse 72 --- --- ----- ---- ---

Tho' the frequency & duration of the Spasmodic fitts are much
the same yet I think their violence is less, for formerly the extremities were alternately
contracted & extented & the Back so much affected as to be raised, resting upon the
head & heels - She now remains quiet & almost always extended - I hope it will be
found the opiates has been given with some freedom, but as it is difficult to prevail
in favour of the Injection, it was often necessary to repeat it in draughts-
Two drams of the Musk has been given & from the two last doses remark¬
able effects have appeared - And I will be happy to have any further
directions Dr Cullen may think proper - In the meantime I will
follow the former prescription & carefully pursue any advantage may
be gained by it - As the laxative pill did its office so well I did not propose
the Ol. Ricini being rather a more unpleasant medicine, & being obliged to use
every Argument for what has been done --- The Urine is very scarce and
the pain & difficulty in voiding it, always very severe - The Spt Nitr. dulc.
often eases, but the warm Bath almost always gave instant Relief --
I believe my expression with regard to the Bark, in my former letter was
too vague, for the intervalls in which it was given were at first, when
they extended to three or four days; she took none since the fitts came on
every day -- I can hardly say what Nourishment She takes a tea cupful
of thin water gruel being almost all in the day, & perhaps once in three
or four days she fancys a few raisins -- -- I shall expect to hear from
you in course or very soon after -- If more Musk is ordered, send me
some as I would rather trust to it than my own - This family & our
patient in particular joins me in best wishes for your prosperity And
believe me always

Dear Sir
Your Most Obedient
humble Servant

Robert Ochiltree

[Page 4]

Mr. Ivee Campbell
Care of Mr. James Stewart Druggist

Mr. Robt. Ochiltree
C. Miss Campbell
of Dunstaffnage
April 1785
V. XVII. p.16


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