The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2543] From: Mr Edward Brown / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Edward Brown (Patient) / 18 November 1784 / (Incoming)
Letter from Edward Brown, concerning his own case. About a year ago, after 'getting the worse of Liquor with some friends', Brown 'unfortunately playd the fool and contracted something of a venereal disorder, which as affected me more or less almost ever since'. Has been reading Buchan.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2543 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1592 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 18 November 1784 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Edward Brown, concerning his own case. About a year ago, after 'getting the worse of Liquor with some friends', Brown 'unfortunately playd the fool and contracted something of a venereal disorder, which as affected me more or less almost ever since'. Has been reading Buchan. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | Yes |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1722] |
Case of Edward Brown [anonymised to: 'A. B.'] of Perth who fears he has contracted a venereal infection after a drunken indiscretion. |
4 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:3490] | Author | Mr Edward Brown |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3490] | Patient | Mr Edward Brown |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2979] | Other Physician / Surgeon | Dr William Buchan |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Perth | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | England | Europe | certain | |||
Place of Handstamp | Perth | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Your particular Attention to the following Case
and best advice is earnestly intreated.
About a Year ago being in this part of the Country
& getting the worse of Liquor with Some friends. I unfortun¬
ately. playd the fool and Contracted Something of a
Venereal disorder, which has Affected me more or less
Almost ever Since, with Slight pains through every part
of the body, resembling a Rheumatism, Sometimes like
warm flushes of heat in the Arms & breast., it generally
began in the Loins, then Affected the knees & ancles. after¬
wards the Shoulders & arms and at times brought on a
headach for a day a two ----
Had I been sober or even capable of Reflection on the
Consequences, this had Not happend -- but the
consciousness of such a piece of folly prevented my telling
any one, the real cause of my disorder, and I
followed the directions in Dr Buchans Family Medicine 1
the best way I could, & drank Sassafras tea, sometimes
decoction of Sarsaparilla. - but without much Effect
sometimes I rubbed Mercurial Ointment in the Loins &
shoulders. & at other times took a Mercurial pill inwardly
[Page 2]
but the pill being repeated for 3 or 4 Nights brought on
gripes, which Obliged me to give them over thinking they
did not agree with my Constitution. --
All these had little Effect, Altho perhaps it might have
been for want of perseverance --
Of late these pains are rather more troublesome, attended
with a very troublesome pain Across the breast. from
One pap to the Other. -- I have keept open a blister
for some weeks between the shoulders to see & remove
that with something of a Cough ↑got a few weeks since↑. -- it would therefore
be Most obliging to prescribe Either a regimen or Course
of gentle Medicine which could be followed without
confinement to the House. & if Any Other Substitute
than Mercury inwardly could be thought of, I believe
it might Answer my Constitution best -
If there is a possibility of getting these complaints
removed in the Course of 4 or 5 Weeks, it would be
a great Satisfaction, as I am then obliged to be in
England, & that is the time fixed for Altering my Situation
in Life -- & if it may require a longer Course of time
to remove these Complaints. -- be so good as Acquaint me
if there is Any risk of communications these Any of these
[Page 3]
pains by infection -- before a thorough cure could be
completed. --
I have enclosed 2 Guinea Notes of which I beg your
Acceptance. and if Any thing Should be omitted or
want An Explanation when I receive your Answer
I would request the favour to be permitted to write
you again. as I shall be for a week or two Yet in
this place & Neighbourhood ---
Please to let the Recipe be so plain as I may get
the things myself without asking an Explanation
of them here. I am Respectfully.
Your most Obedient Servant
Edward Brown.
Perth 18th. November 1784.
Please direct to me ↑at Perth↑ to be left at the post Office till Called for.
and you will be so good as take no notice of this letter to
any one. Your answer by Saturday or Sundays post
will be obliging
[Page 4]
Dr. Cullen
Physician in
E. Brown
Perth November 1784
V. XVI p.226.228
1: Dr William Buchan's Domestic Medicine, first published in 1769 and much reprinted, was a very successful "self-help" guide. Cullen thought that Buchan's book encouraged reckless habits of self-diagnosis and treatment, but nevertheless began to write his own work on 'The Art of Preserving Health' aimed at a not dissimilar readership (unpublished manuscript in Glasgow University Library).
Diplomatic Text
Your particular Attention to the following Case
and best advice is earnestly intreated.
About a Year ago being in this part of the Country
& getting the worse of Liquor with Some friends. I unfortun¬
ately. playd the fool and Contracted Something of a
Venereal disorder, which has Affected me more or less
Almost ever Since, with Slight pains through every part
of the body, resembling a Rheumatism, Sometimes like
warm flushes of heat in the Arms & breast., it generally
began in the Loins, then Affected the knees & ancles. after¬
wards the Shoulders & arms and at times brought on a
headach for a day a two ----
Had I been sober or even capable of Reflection on the
Consequences, this had Not happend -- but the
consciousness of such a piece of folly prevented my telling
any one, the real cause of my disorder, and I
followed the directions in Dr Buchans Family Medicine 1
the best way I could, & drank Sassafras tea, sometimes
decoction of Sarsaparilla. - but without much Effect
sometimes I rubbed Mercurial Ointment in the Loins &
shoulders. & at other times took a Mercl. pill inwardly
[Page 2]
but the pill being repeated for 3 or 4 Nights brought on
gripes, wc Obliged me to give them over thinking they
did not agree with my Constitution. --
All these had little Effect, Altho perhaps it might have
been for want of perseverance --
Of late these pains are rather more troublesome, attended
with a very troublesome pain Across the breast. from
One pap to the Other. -- I have keept open a blister
for some weeks between the shoulders to see & remove
that with something of a Cough ↑got a few weeks since↑. -- it would therefore
be Most obliging to prescribe Either a regimen or Course
of gentle Medicine which could be followed without
confinement to the House. & if Any Other Substitute
than Mercury inwardly could be thought of, I believe
it might Answer my Constitution best -
If there is a possibility of getting these complaints
removed in the Course of 4 or 5 Weeks, it would be
a great Satisfaction, as I am then obliged to be in
England, & that is the time fixed for Altering my Situation
in Life -- & if it may require a longer Course of time
to remove these Complaints. -- be so good as Acquaint me
if there is Any risk of communications these Any of these
[Page 3]
pains by infection -- before a thorough cure could be
completed. --
I have enclosed 2 Guinea Notes of which I beg your
Acceptance. and if Any thing Should be omitted or
want An Explanation when I receive your Answer
I would request the favour to be permitted to write
you again. as I shall be for a week or two Yet in
this place & Neighbourhood ---
Please to let the Recipe be so plain as I may get
the things myself without asking an Explanation
of them here. I am Respectfully.
Your most Obedt Servant
Edward Brown.
Perth 18th. Novr. 1784.
Please direct to me ↑at Perth↑ to be left at the post Office till Called for.
and you will be so good as take no notice of this letter to
any one. Your ansr by Saturday or Sundays post
will be obliging
[Page 4]
Dr. Cullen
Physician in
E. Brown
Perth Novr. 1784
V. XVI p.226.228
1: Dr William Buchan's Domestic Medicine, first published in 1769 and much reprinted, was a very successful "self-help" guide. Cullen thought that Buchan's book encouraged reckless habits of self-diagnosis and treatment, but nevertheless began to write his own work on 'The Art of Preserving Health' aimed at a not dissimilar readership (unpublished manuscript in Glasgow University Library).
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