The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:252] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: Mr Joseph Harris / Regarding: Miss Stanger (Patient), Miss Hannah Stanger (Patient) / 17 January 1782 / (Outgoing)
Letter to Dr Harris discussing the case of Miss Stanger which is thought uterine and which Cullen calls it 'a singular case of debility affecting the animal functions only', and [her sister?] Hannah Stanger who has an eye inflammation, which should be treated using electrical shocks.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 252 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/1/14/138 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Outgoing |
Date | 17 January 1782 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Machine copy |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | Yes |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter to Dr Harris discussing the case of Miss Stanger which is thought uterine and which Cullen calls it 'a singular case of debility affecting the animal functions only', and [her sister?] Hannah Stanger who has an eye inflammation, which should be treated using electrical shocks. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:299] |
Case Miss Stanger [sister? of Hannah Stanger] , whose uterine disorder is attributed to a general debility. |
4 |
[Case ID:2270] |
Case of Miss Hannah Stanger who has an eye inflammation. |
4 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1] | Author | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:214] | Addressee | Mr Joseph Harris |
[PERS ID:2714] | Patient | Miss Stanger |
[PERS ID:2729] | Patient | Miss Hannah Stanger |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:214] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr Joseph Harris |
[PERS ID:2727] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Stanger |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Destination of Letter | Whitehaven | North-West | England | Europe | inferred |
Normalized Text
Mr. Dr. Harris Concerning Miss Stanger
Dear Sir
Tho I have not found out your former
letter concerning Miss Stanger nor my answer to it I can ea¬
sily now from yours of the 12.th current and M.r Stangers infor¬
mation comprehend the whole of the Case. It is a sing↑u↑lar case
of debility affecting the animal functions only and that not de¬
pending upon any organic affection of the parts but upon some
general affection of the nervous System, and I am Sorry to observe
that this is confirmed by the disease becoming more general.
The cure of it will be difficult but it must be attempted and
as I think by Stimulants and tonics. The most powerfull
Stimulant I know of is Electricity and I learn from M.r Stanger
that it has been employed but as you Say nothing of it I am ---
afraid that hitherto it has been without effect. Allow me to ob¬
serve that in many cases it has been found effectual only after
a long continuance and therefore I would ↑not↑ have it laid aside but
{illeg} also observe that Strong Shocks are ambiguous and often
have a Stupifying effect. In this case I would have it applied
[Page 2]
gently, it may be employed if convenient every day and the Shocks
may be many but all of them very gentle. Besides this the only Sti¬
mulant I would employ is an aromatic oil such as follows.
Take two ounces of distilled Oil of Amber, one ounce of distilled Oil of Sassafrass and one drachm of each either essence or distilled oil of Lemon, Lavender and Rosemary. Mix.
With this oil let
the Spine of the back be anointed every night at bedtime covering
it with a Slip of flannel. The Oil may be also be applied to Some
of the joints affected particularly the original knee. If this
oil reddens wither the Spine or the joint to which it is applied it
must be laid aside till the redness goes off. If upon repeated ap¬
plications of this oil for two or three weeks it has no effect
in Strengthening the whole System or its parts I would propose
one other trial by adding to the above Six drams of the caustic
volatile alkali. This Should be perfectly caustic & will pretty
certainly redden the Skin and therefore must be used at intervals
only. With respect to tonics I did expect much from cold
bathing but it appears from last Summers trial that the debility
is so great as to prevent the reaction necessary to the good effects
of cold bathing. It cannot therefore now be attempted but if other
remedies can recover the System a little, cold bathing may here¬
[Page 3]
after have a Share in confirming it. In the mean time
some other tonics must be employed and that from which I ex¬
pect the most is the chalybeate. Since I saw you I have learned
to use chalybeates more freely and therefore more effectually than I
had done before. The preparation I employ is the Simple rust and
my formula is the following.
Take five grains of prepared Rust and five grains of powdered Cinnamon and ten grains of the purest white Sugar. Mix and let there be made a powder. From this, let there be obtained twelve doses. Label as Strengthening Powders. One to be taken in a little currant jelly twice a day and to be washed down with a small cupful of a light infusion of bark & cinnamon.
The above dose ↑of↑ five grains is
what I begin with but if the Stomach bears it I in¬
crease it by degrees to twenty grains twice a day. I hope
your patient will bear it but I say no more now as while M.r
Stanger remains here I Shall expect to hear from you frequently.
With regard to ↑the↑ other young Ladys eyes in any inflammation
remains upon them you may Safely take electrical Sparks from
[eyelid?] and it commonly discusses the inflammation for at
least Some time, but for more weakness I cannot promise So
much from Sparks and I think Shocks Sent through weak Eyes
[Page 4]
are hazardous. I am dear Sir very Sincerely your
most obedient Servant ----------
William Cullen
January 17 1782
Diplomatic Text
Mr. Dr. Harris C Miss Stanger
Dear Sir
Tho I have not found out your former
letter concerning Miss Stanger nor my answer to it I can ea¬
sily now from yours of the 12.th current and M.r Stangers infor¬
mation comprehend the whole of the Case. It is a sing↑u↑lar case
of debility affecting the animal functions only and that not de¬
pending upon any organic affection of the parts but upon some
general affection of the nervous System, and I am Sorry to observe
that this is confirmed by the disease becoming more general.
The cure of it will be difficult but it must be attempted and
as I think by Stimulants and tonics. The most powerfull
Stimulant I know of is Electricity and I learn from M.r Stanger
that it has been employed but as you Say nothing of it I am ---
afraid that hitherto it has been without effect. Allow me to ob¬
serve that in many cases it has been found effectual only after
a long continuance and therefore I would ↑not↑ have it laid aside but
{illeg} also observe that Strong Shocks are ambiguous and often
have a Stupifying effect. In this case I would have it applied
[Page 2]
gently, it may be employed if convenient every day and the Shocks
may be many but all of them very gentle. Besides this the only Sti¬
mulant I would employ is an aromatic oil such as follows.
℞ Ol. Succin. rectif. ℥ij Ol. Still. Sassafras ℥j Ol. Still. sive
essent. Limon. Lavendul. Roris marin @ ʒj ℳ.
With this oil let
the Spine of the back be anointed every night at bedtime covering
it with a Slip of flannel. The Oil may be also be applied to Some
of the joints affected particularly the original knee. If this
oil reddens wither the Spine or the joint to which it is applied it
must be laid aside till the redness goes off. If upon repeated ap¬
plications of this oil for two or three weeks it has no effect
in Strengthening the whole System or its parts I would propose
one other trial by adding to the above Six drams of the caustic
volatile alkali. This Should be perfectly caustic & will pretty
certainly redden the Skin and therefore must be used at intervals
only. With respect to tonics I did expect much from cold
bathing but it appears from last Summers trial that the debility
is so great as to prevent the reaction necessary to the good effects
of cold bathing. It cannot therefore now be attempted but if other
remedies can recover the System a little, cold bathing may here¬
[Page 3]
after have a Share in confirming it. In the mean time
some other tonics must be employed and that from which I ex¬
pect the most is the chalybeate. Since I saw you I have learned
to use chalybeates more freely and therefore more effectually than I
had done before. The preparation I employ is the Simple rust and
my formula is the following.
℞ Rubig. ferri pp.t, Cinnamom
in pulv trit. @ gr. V Sacchr. alb. puriss. gr. X. ℳ. f. pulvis et
fiant h. m. dos. № xij Sig. Strengthening Powders one to be
taken in a little currant jelly twice a day and to ↑be↑ washed
down with a small cupfull of a light infusion of
bark & cinnamon.
The above dose ↑of↑ five grains is
what I begin with but if the Stomach bears it I in¬
crease it by degrees to twenty grains twice a day. I hope
your patient will bear it but I say no more now as while M.r
Stanger remains here I Shall expect to hear from you frequently.
With regard to ↑the↑ other young Ladys eyes in any inflammation
remains upon them you may Safely take electrical Sparks from
[eyelid?] and it commonly discusses the inflammation for at
least Some time, but for more weakness I cannot promise So
much from Sparks and I think Shocks Sent through weak Eyes
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are hazardous. I am dear Sir very Sincerely your
most obedient Servant ----------
William Cullen
Jan.ry 17 1782
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