The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2493] Case Note / Regarding: Provost John Molison (Mollison) (Patient) / July 1784 / (Incoming)
Unsigned case note describing the case of Provost Molison, and giving an account of his condition back to 1770.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2493 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1545 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | July 1784 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Unsigned case note describing the case of Provost Molison, and giving an account of his condition back to 1770. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1709] |
Case of Provost Molison who has a protracted history of sore throats and painful gout, especially in his feet. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3338] | Patient | Provost John Molison (Mollison) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Brechin | East Highlands | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Provost Molison at present is going fifty seven
years of age since January last He has all
along enjoyed a Whole and sound Constitution -
seldom or ever haveing any Complaints unless
a sore throat to which he was very subject
and which at times gave him much uneasiness
When he was young he was subject to slight
Rhumatic Pains in his Arms and a Cramp
his Thighs and Body at times
At no Period of life was he adicted to Drinking
tho he was not Abstemious and could drink
a Chearfull Glass with good Company In
Eating he was moderat especially of Animal
food Fish was his favourite Dish and his ordi¬
nary Drink in his own family was sharp
& well refined small Beer & sometimes strong
Beer the former he preferred & perhaps to
drank too much of it which Occasioned his
Corpulency when he was not able to take his
wonted Exercise a great Deall of which he took
previous to the year 1780
In the 1770 and in the summer time when it
was very warm he had heated himself much
by exercise upon his farm for tho he was not
then Corpulent he sweated much & upon
coming home found his Toes Blistered with the
heat & sweat upon which he plunged his
feets and legs up to the Knees nearly in
cold water To this rash step he attributed his
subsequent Distress
For in a few Days after he felt a smart pain
amongst the Toes of his left foot but particu¬
larly on the Ball of his great Toe which
however in a few Days was over but from that
period to this Day his feet seldom or ever sweated
to any Degree as formerly
[Page 2]
[Start of margin text]1771[End of margin text] In May 1771 He was seized with the G{illeg}
gave him much pain for eight Days {illeg}
abated but a swelling of ↑the↑ whole left fo{illeg}
ed which went of in Ten or twelve Days {illeg}
upon this he was advised to hear wollen {illeg}
and stockens which he did which brought
his feet to sweat but not near so much as for¬
merly and he has wore woollen stockings
ever since.
During the following winter he felt slight [Gouty?]
pains at times in in the fingers of both hands {illeg}
had a Cramp in his left leg and thigh
[Start of margin text]April 1772[End of margin text] On the 4th April 1772 was again taken with the Gou{illeg}
in the left foot but the pain was slight to what
it was formerly the preceeding year tho the
swelling was as much but he was able all
the time it continued to walk upon a staf and
in about Ten Days he was quite well {illeg}
[Start of margin text]September 8[End of margin text] On the 8th September following he sprained {illeg}
of of his right Leg which made him Ha{illeg}
rably and on the 12th was seized with {illeg}
in the Right foot which in few hours {illeg}
[Start of margin text]painfull[End of margin text] that he could not put his foot to the flo{illeg} {illeg}
the heell ↑and Ankle↑ around Bore the Appearance {illeg}
a Bruise which was not removed Untill {illeg}
when he was able to walk a little upon {illeg}
[Start of margin text]1774[End of margin text] In the latter part of summer 1774 He {illeg}
& then Rhumatic or Gouttish pains flying thr{illeg}
his whole Body hands legs and feet which
he attributed to the then excessive rainy seas{illeg}
for such weather allways affect him
[Start of margin text]September[End of margin text] In the end of September that year was taken {illeg}
violent Rhumatic pains in his [back?] {illeg}
confined him to his Bed for several Days
was Blooded a good Deall from his {illeg}
which had a very sudden effect and he was
soon well again but in three weeks it recur¬
red but not with the same violence and in a {illeg}
Two he gott well again
[Page 3]
[Start of margin text]{illeg} 1775[End of margin text] On the 21st January 1775 Was Ill of the Gout which con¬
tinued more or less severe untill the 8d February
On the 12th June following had a slight Touch of
the Goutt which continued only a few Days when
he attributed to the then fine warm weather
↑1778↑ On Munday the 2d November 1778 was taken with the
Gout in his right foot which Occasioned him much
pain for about Twenty four hours the weather
Came then very Tempestuous & on Wednessday
following was seized with the Gout in his left
foot and at the same ↑time↑ was taken very ill of a
Sore Throat in which he became Delirious and
Insensible at times which continued eight or Ten
Days during which space had the Gout in both
feet tho he had no violent pains from it during
the Time of the sore throat but upon the throat
growing well the Gout Returned with violence
and continued more or less severe to the end of Decem¬
ber when he was able to walk a little upon
a staf both feet being very tender at that time &
[Start of margin text]{illeg} in {illeg} egter as {illeg}ine--[End of margin text] the soles of each having Cart of a thick skin
His Right foot was more affected at this Time
that the left but it was the end of January
[Start of margin text]January1779[End of margin text] 1779 before he could walk with any freedom
and ever since he has found a weakness in both
Ankles & which are easily affected with Cold
for which reason unless when the weather is
very warm he constantly wears half boots
of Cloth or Double stockens
[Start of margin text]February[End of margin text] On the 1st february following was taken ill of the
Gout in his right foot pains but slight but
felt much pain in his Heall and Ankle
all that month and ↑which↑ occasioned him halting
much The pains continuing all that summer
tho slighter
[Start of margin text]Excepting that on the [1?]9thFebruary[End of margin text] 1783 {illeg}[me some ffew Days?] {illeg} had a regular {illeg}ght Touch {illeg}
From the above period he has had no regular
fit of the Goutt but now and then flying Pains
in Different parts of his Body and Joints X but
has been much Distressed with a violent pains
[Page 4]
Pains Over his Kidneys which are Occas{illeg} {illeg}
smallest Fatigue or upon going up a {illeg}
and these pains are more frequent & Acute {illeg}
than warm weather for this he was advi{illeg}
to wear a flannell shirt which ↑or Cotten wrapped↑ he has used
ever since but without success for this last winter
the pains are more Acute than ever and besides
he has had a stiffness in both his Thighs so his p{illeg}
prevents him from mounting on horseback
with freedom or raising his foot upon a Chair
at same time the Coldnes & weakness in the Ank{illeg}
Remains tho He feels but little Pain
Provost Molison is very apt to sweat which
may in part be owing to his Corpulency but
it is Constitutional with him ↑[at--?]↑ for he was not
in his younger Days and when he was
slender. The sweating never gave him {illeg}
uneasiness & even yet he is never in be{illeg} {illeg}
& health than when sweating which {illeg}
Pain in his Back ease for at that {illeg}
it less whereas Cold has the very {illeg}
Provost Mollison
July 1784
XVI. p. 112
Diplomatic Text
Provost Molison at present is going fifty seven
years of age since January last He has all
along enjoyed a Whole and sound Constitution -
seldom or ever haveing any Complaints unless
a sore throat to which he was very subject
and which at times gave him much uneasiness
When he was young he was subject to slight
Rhumatic Pains in his Arms and a Cramp
his Thighs and Body at times
At no Period of life was he adicted to Drinking
tho he was not Abstemious and could drink
a Chearfull Glass with good Company In
Eating he was moderat especially of Animal
food Fish was his favourite Dish and his ordi¬
nary Drink in his own family was sharp
& well refined small Beer & sometimes strong
Beer the former he preferred & perhaps to
drank too much of it which Occasioned his
Corpulency when he was not able to take his
wonted Exercise a great Deall of which he took
previous to the year 1780
In the 1770 and in the summer time when it
was very warm he had heated himself much
by exercise upon his farm for tho he was not
then Corpulent he sweated much & upon
coming home found his Toes Blistered wt. the
heat & sweat upon which he plunged his
feets and legs up to the Knees nearly in
cold water To this rash step he attributed his
subsequent Distress
For in a few Days after he felt a smart pain
amongst the Toes of his left foot but particu¬
larly on the Ball of his great Toe which
however in a few Days was over but from that
period to this Day his feet seldom or ever sweated
to any Degree as formerly
[Page 2]
[Start of margin text]1771[End of margin text] In May 1771 He was seized with the G{illeg}
gave him much pain for eight Days {illeg}
abated but a swelling of ↑the↑ whole left fo{illeg}
ed which went of in Ten or twelve Days {illeg}
upon this he was advised to hear wollen {illeg}
and stockens which he did which brought
his feet to sweat but not near so much as for¬
merly and he has wore woollen stockings
ever since.
During the following winter he felt slight [Gouty?]
pains at times in in the fingers of both hands {illeg}
had a Cramp in his left leg and thigh
[Start of margin text]April 1772[End of margin text] On the 4th April 1772 was again taken wt the Gou{illeg}
in the left foot but the pain was slight to what
it was formerly the preceeding year tho the
swelling was as much but he was able all
the time it continued to walk upon a staf and
in about Ten Days he was quite well {illeg}
[Start of margin text]Septr 8[End of margin text] On the 8th Septr following he sprained {illeg}
of of his right Leg which made him Ha{illeg}
rably and on the 12th was seized with {illeg}
in the Right foot which in few hours {illeg}
[Start of margin text]painfull[End of margin text] that he could not put his foot to the flo{illeg} {illeg}
the heell ↑and Ankle↑ around Bore the Appearance {illeg}
a Bruise which was not removed Untill {illeg}
when he was able to walk a little upon {illeg}
[Start of margin text]1774[End of margin text] In the latter part of summer 1774 He {illeg}
& then Rhumatic or Gouttish pains flying thr{illeg}
his whole Body hands legs and feet which
he attributed to the then excessive rainy seas{illeg}
for such weather allways affect him
[Start of margin text]Septr[End of margin text] In the end of Septemr that year was taken {illeg}
violent Rhumatic pains in his [back?] {illeg}
confined him to his Bed for several Days
was Blooded a good Deall from his {illeg}
which had a very sudden effect and he was
soon well again but in three weeks it recur¬
red but not with the same violence and in a {illeg}
Two he gott well again
[Page 3]
[Start of margin text]{illeg} 1775[End of margin text] On the 21st Jany 1775 Was Ill of the Gout which con¬
tinued more or less severe untill the 8d February
On the 12th June following had a slight Touch of
the Goutt which continued only a few Days when
he attributed to the then fine warm weather
↑1778↑ On Munday the 2d Novr 1778 was taken with the
Gout in his right foot which Occasioned him much
pain for about Twenty four hours the weather
Came then very Tempestuous & on Wednessday
following was seized with the Gout in his left
foot and at the same ↑time↑ was taken very ill of a
Sore Throat in which he became Delirious and
Insensible at times which continued eight or Ten
Days during which space had the Gout in both
feet tho he had no violent pains from it during
the Time of the sore throat but upon the throat
growing well the Gout Returned with violence
and continued more or less severe to the end of Decem¬
ber when he was able to walk a little upon
a staf both feet being very tender at that time &
[Start of margin text]{illeg} in {illeg} egter as {illeg}ine--[End of margin text] the soles of each having Cart of a thick skin
His Right foot was more affected at this Time
that the left but it was the end of January
[Start of margin text]Jany1779[End of margin text] 1779 before he could walk with any freedom
and ever since he has found a weakness in both
Ankles & which are easily affected with Cold
for which reason unless when the weather is
very warm he constantly wears half boots
of Cloth or Double stockens
[Start of margin text][Fe?]bry[End of margin text] On the 1st febry following was taken ill of the
Gout in his right foot pains but slight but
felt much pain in his Heall and Ankle
all that month and ↑which↑ occasioned him halting
much The pains continuing all that summer
tho slighter
[Start of margin text]Excepting that on the [1?]9thFebry[End of margin text] 1783 {illeg}[me some ffew Days?] {illeg} had a regular {illeg}ght Touch {illeg}
From the above period he has had no regular
fit of the Goutt but now and then flying Pains
in Different parts of his Body and Joints X but
has been much Distressed with a violent pains
[Page 4]
Pains Over his Kidneys which are Occas{illeg} {illeg}
smallest Fatigue or upon going up a {illeg}
and these pains are more frequent & Acute {illeg}
than warm weather for this he was advi{illeg}
to wear a flannell shirt which ↑or Cotten wrapped↑ he has used
ever since but without success for this last winter
the pains are more Acute than ever and besides
he has had a stiffness in both his Thighs so his p{illeg}
prevents him from mounting on horseback
with freedom or raising his foot upon a Chair
at same time the Coldnes & weakness in the Ank{illeg}
Remains tho He feels but little Pain
Provost Molison is very apt to sweat which
may in part be owing to his Corpulency but
it is Constitutional with him ↑[at--?]↑ for he was not
in his younger Days and when he was
slender. The sweating never gave him {illeg}
uneasiness & even yet he is never in be{illeg} {illeg}
& health than when sweating which {illeg}
Pain in his Back ease for at that {illeg}
it less whereas Cold has the very {illeg}
Provost Mollison
July 1784
XVI. p. 112
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