
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2380] From: Mrs Jane Pearson / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Hannah Pearson (Patient) / 8 December 1783 / (Incoming)

Letter from Jane Pearson, concerning the case of her daughter.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2380
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1435
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date8 December 1783
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Jane Pearson, concerning the case of her daughter.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:532]
Case of Miss Hannah Pearson, a young woman with a menstrual irregularity, who conditon is diagnosed as nervous and hysteric.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:2639]AuthorMrs Jane Pearson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2638]PatientMiss Hannah Pearson
[PERS ID:2641]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Stamper
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2639]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Jane Pearson
[PERS ID:2642]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Pearson

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Greysouthen (Graysouthen) North-West England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Dublin Mid Ireland Ireland Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Moffat Borders Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Cockermouth North-West England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Graysouthen the 8 of 12mo 1783
Respected Friend

Esteeming my Self Under Obligation for the
Benefit my Daughter hath Received by Pursuing A Course
of Medicine Agreeable to thy Perscription as Also being
Desirous of thy Sentiments for our further Direction & Guidance
Induces at Present to this Address, Often I Received thing
Addressed to our Apothecary we Delayed About Six Weeks And
then went to Allonby A Place much Resorted too in Sommer
And Very Commodious for Sea Bathing She was Likewise
on the Sea in A Boat near four Hours She was not Sick
[and] in About A Month time there was A Small Menstrual
at which we Rejoiced and Kept her there two
{illeg} more in hopes it would take Place more
Powerfully but She has never Seen Any thing Since -- ---
but has Gaind flesh And Looks Lively And her Coular much
Better, Eats prity well And Sleeps Much Better, but Gets
No Stools Naturally
Without her pills which is the pill
As She Can Hold to None Else She takes four prity
Large pills Every Night What these Stimulating Ingredients
may Produce in time is Painfull to Reflect as She
has taken them Constantly this two years I would Observe
that while the Discharge was Upon her, tho small, much
Less pills Answered So that it apears if that Could be brought
About other Grievances would Subside, She has had one
Severe fitt of Vomiting Since She left Allonby but by
Administering the Opium it has not yet faild to Still
She has frequent Reachings but in General not so Severe
And has not taken one of those fitts which was Like Suffocation

[Page 2]

for Several Months, has taken Another Course of the powders
Since her Return from Bathing, which Seems to answer
Some Good purpose but its Effects are so soon Lost by A
Sedentary Life as She has got pretty Much to her old way
of Sitting I would willingly have thy Oppinion wheather a Voyage
to Dublin might be Ventured Upon or A Journey to Moffitt
as I have Entertained A favourable Oppinion of that Bath
but do Excuse me I am one of those Anxious Mothers that
desires Nothing may be Wanting which might tend to
Recover her Health, And Intends Concluding After I Have
Mentiond that her Father was Much Troubled with the Scurvy
had it upon him to A Great Degree And by {illeg}
in in one Night A Billious Disorder Ensued {illeg}
Under a Hypochondrian Ailing) or at Least the Doctor so terms it (
for About three months And Expired as it Never Could be
thrown out upon the Surface, Now the Inferrance I would have
Drawn from this is that perhaps Something Hereditary
may Reign About her as we have Observed flushes at times
on her Arms And Some Seasons Cannot Rest in bed
for Scratching tho no powerfull Eruption has been Seen
She frequently Complains of A pain in her Legs
my {illeg} purposes taking his Scotch Journey
in the Spring And Intends Calling Upon thee in the Mean
time begs A few Lines Directed Either to my Apothecary
Stamper, or to Jane Pearson Greysouthen Near Cockermouth
Which will oblige me

Jane Pearson

[Page 3]

I would just add that She has had Several Shocks of Elictry
Do Mention thy thoughts Respecting the Continud use of
the Pills She Can Now bear traveling on Horse Back
for Six Miles together yea ten without much fatigue

[Page 4]

Dr Cullon

Miss Pearson
December 1783.
V. xv p. 351

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Graysouthen ye 8 of 12mo 1783
Respectd. Frd.

Esteeming my Self Under Obligation for ye
Benefit my Daughter hath Receavd. by Pursuing A Course
of Medicine Agreeable to thy Perscription as Also being
Desirous of thy Sentiments for our further Direction & Guidance
Induces at Present to this Address, Often I Receav.d thing
Addressd. to our Apothecary we Delayd. About Six Weeks And
then went to Allonby A Place much Resorted too in Sommer
And Very Commodious for Sea Bathing She was Likewise
on the Sea in A Boat near four Hours She was not Sick
[and] in About A Month time there was A Small Menstrual
at which we Rejoiced and Kept her there two
{illeg} more in hopes it would take Place more
Powerfully but She has never Seen Any thing Since -- ---
but has Gaind flesh And Looks Lively And her Coular much
Better, Eats prity well And Sleeps Much Better, but Gets
No Stools Naturally
Without her pills which is ye pill
As She Can Hold to None Else She takes four prity
Large pills Every Night What these Stimulating Ingredients
may Produce in time is Painfull to Reflect as She
has taken them Constantly this two years I wd Observe
that while ye Discharge was Upon her, tho small, much
Less pills Answerd So that it apears if that Could be brought
About other Grievances wd Subside, She has had one
Severe fitt of Vomiting Since She left Allonby but by
Administering ye Opium it has not yet faild to Still
She has frequent Reachings but in General not so Severe
And has not taken one of those fitts which was Like Suffocation

[Page 2]

for Several Months, has taken Another Course of ye powders
Since her Return from Bathing, which Seems to answer
Some Good purpose but its Effects are so soon Lost by A
Sedentary Life as She has got pretty Much to her old way
of Sitting I wd willingly have thy Oppinion wheather a Voyage
to Dublin might be Ventured Upon or A Journey to Moffitt
as I have Entertaind A favourable Oppinion of that Bath
but do Excuse me I am one of those Anxious Mothers that
desires Nothing may be Wanting which might tend to
Recover her Health, And Intends Concluding After I Have
Mentiond that her Father was Much Troubled with ye Scurvy
had it upon him to A Great Degree And by {illeg}
in in one Night A Billious Disorder Ensued {illeg}
Under a Hypochondrian Ailing) or at Least ye Doctor so terms it (
for Abt three months And Expird as it Never Could be
thrown out upon ye Surface, Now ye Inferrance I wd have
Drawn from this is that perhaps Something Hereditary
may Reign Abt her as we have Observed flushes at times
on her Arms And Some Seasons Cannot Rest in bed
for Scratching tho no powerfull Eruption has been Seen
She frequently Complains of A pain in her Legs
my {illeg} purposes taking his Scotch Journey
in ye Spring And Intends Calling Upon thee in ye Mean
time begs A few Lines Directed Either to my Apothecary
Stamper, or to Jane Pearson Greysouthen Near Cockermouth
Which will oblige me

Jane Pearson

[Page 3]

I would just add that She has had Several Shocks of Elictry
Do Mention thy thoughts Respecting ye Continud use of
ye Pills She Can Now bear traveling on Horse Back
for Six Miles together yea ten without much fatigue

[Page 4]

Dr Cullon

Miss Pearson
Decr 1783.
V. xv p. 351


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