The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2302] From: Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) (Patient) / 11 August 1783 / (Incoming)
Letter from Colonel George Clerk, giving details of his own case on the advice of his brother, Mr Clerk of Mavisbank. He is in his 53rd year. His obstinate costiveness and breathing problems continue, now accompanied by nephritic pains, and he is emaciated. He explains why he has not gone to Buxton this season, but is at home in Surrey. He describes his diet, clothing, and other treatments. While he has difficulty walking, he is now 'able to sit on horseback an hour – and to drive my Phaeton'.
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- Normalized Text
- Diplomatic Text
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- Case
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2302 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1359 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 11 August 1783 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from Colonel George Clerk, giving details of his own case on the advice of his brother, Mr Clerk of Mavisbank. He is in his 53rd year. His obstinate costiveness and breathing problems continue, now accompanied by nephritic pains, and he is emaciated. He explains why he has not gone to Buxton this season, but is at home in Surrey. He describes his diet, clothing, and other treatments. While he has difficulty walking, he is now 'able to sit on horseback an hour – and to drive my Phaeton'. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1473] |
Case of Colonel George Clerk [Clark, Clarke, Clerke] who becomes excessively weak and feeble from chronic costiveness, breathlessness, and other chronic complaints. In New York he has a perpetual fever and stomach complaint and mentions consulting Cullen before but no firm evidence traced unless he is the same patient as Case 283 in 1768. |
24 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:2507] | Author | Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:2507] | Patient | Colonel George Clerk (Clarke, Clark) |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:5676] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr John Adair |
[PERS ID:3181] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Mr Robert Clerk (Clarke; Clerke; of Mavisbank) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Rooks Nest | Godstone | London and South-East | England | Europe | certain |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Therapeutic Recommendation | Buxton | Midlands | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | France | Europe | certain | |||
Mentioned / Other | Italy | Europe | certain | |||
Mentioned / Other | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | London | London and South-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Spa | Belgium | Belgium | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Mavisbank House | Loanhead | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
From what my Brother Mr Clerk /Mavisbank
acquainted me and what you was so good as to
say in your last directions relating to me – I
sit down to take the liberty to give you some
further accounts of my past & present bad state
of health which will be done very unconnect¬
edly and without order and which you will
be pleased to excuse as I shall put down every
thing as they may occur – the reason of my not
following your advice of going to Buxton this
season which at the same time I approved much
of was that I thought I would rest - from being
much shook in my journey thro' Italy & France
with the report of the bad accommodation of
the Plan and bad Climate – I wished for tranq¬
uility & ease - that I could not meet with any where
so well as at my own house – I must previously
tell you that in my long journey – I was not
able to sit up an hour in the day – but lay con¬
stantly having a bed in my Coach – from which
posture I fear I contracted the Nephritic pains
and other gravelly Symptoms which I have for
some time been troubled with added to my other
complaints – I have had no Physical Gentleman
attending me since my return to England but
Mr John Adair – a very old Freind who has known
and attended one in various Climates, & in various
disorders near these thirty Years – he approved
much of my going to Buxton &c. as directed
by you – he is now at Spa – I see nobody at
[Page 2]
With all my care and attention I do not gain
ground, rather the worse –– what sometimes
gives me hopes – I feel that I have more strength
of Body and Spirits – than any one could expect
I am able at times when somewhat free of
feverto sit on horseback an hour – and to
drive my Phaeton with great precaution
nothing hurts me so much as that I feel mor
more than from walking which I cannot do
without much difficulty in breathing – and
the least exertion - or much motion – almost
ready to be suffocated – my feelings of weakness
are in my stomach & Bowels – without acute
pain or nay pain indeed – but a sense of
fulness and great tension and heaviness in
these parts – I believe really great part flatu¬
lency - more weakness in my ancles than
knees – without any swelling – emaciated
beyond anything I can describe less in my
Legs than any other part of my body – almost
a total relaxation - and I fear a total indiges¬
tion approaching fast – I have none now but
with much difficulty and uneasiness the
constant & obstinate Costiveness – the sole cause
and grounds of all my evils – for which
I tryed the Oil & Tincture of Senna as prescribd
by you as it went thro' me very quick I fan¬
cied it did not carry with it fully enough
the hard fæces - in my bowels – an infusion of
Rhubarb in water is almost the only medecine
I use – two days ago I tryed a Tincture of Bark
with Rhubarb which I prepared myself - and
fancied it did not agree with me – I am sure
[Page 3]
I am to be cured – if we could fall on the method
and particular treatment - of Regimen I have
the greatest hopes from – if a proper one could
be found out for me – or if I could find it out
myself – I must have your kind and ingeni¬
ous advice - I may have any thing this world
can give – but I fear good health – I do not expect
a thorough Cure – I only seek for an alleviation
to my sufferings – which are attended with many
disagreeable feelings – anxieties - at times
almost to Frenzy – all from my Stomach &
Bowels – the Nephritic pains much better - but
the difficulty in the beginning of making
Water - and uneasiness – during the time still
continued – I scarcely eat – but I have oppression
immediately – nothing digests without aid from
Rhubarb – or something else – I begin to lose my
appetite which I generally had to my break¬
fast & dinner – I never sup – my breakfast
I cant yet off habit – Tea with sometimes dry
toast – butter I like more than any thing
but dare not indulge in it – honey I eat a good
deal of – I can have everything if I know what
was best – my dinner – a little Meat – fowls or fish
with French red & White wines, in general –
but very little of any – were I to be put upon a
Regimen by you I should keep to it – be what it
would - Whey I have often tryed – and have since
you advised – but does not agree – were I put
on a Course of any – Medicine – I could follow it
in my young days – I was all over a dry scaly
Scurvy – it has totally disappeared these 10 – or 12.
years – I had one severe fit of the Gout – at the
age of 18 years – but never since – but sometimes
feelings in my feet – after a March or other exercise
[Page 4]
when my stomach is very bad – eating or even drin¬
king tea - affects my breathing – I never sleep
above 3 hours – and that unsound – it is
astonishing how I exist – at the same a stranger
seeing me sitting or hearing me speak – often
would think nothing was the matter with
me – Clysters I used abroad – but thought they
did not agree – Warm bathing I apprehend is
not good at least I have not tryed it since at
Bath & in my own house two years ago –
I thought they relaxed too much at Bath
I perhaps did it improperly – it was in the
Evenings – some hours after dinner – but I am
ready to try them at bath or otherwise as you
shall direct – I am much in the open Air –
and I have Cloathing not too Warm at present
it consists - within these few days only from a
Cold I had catched – a flannel vest above my
shirt – with a silk vest interlined with fla¬
nnel – I wish much to drink Beer if it would
agree – I have it in perfection – Milk & Vegetables
I should be happy were they to agree – but I fear they
will not answer from repeated tryals I have made
when abroad – I was obliged to be carried up all
[s]tairs – from a suffocation that siezed me on
[[a]ny?] or the least motion ascending I am better
in that respect and less palpitations – is Acids
good – such as Oranges – gelly of Currants or any
of that tribe – white or brown bread – toasted or plain
best – fruit I dare not venture on – I dont know if you
are acquainted with my Age – I am in my 53rd. year
if the Season was not too far advanced I wished to have
paid my respects to you in Person at Edinburgh – it will
happen if I can be propped up – till next year –
do be so godd – as give me your directions – for the
[Page 5]
care of myself - next winter – and where it is
best for me to spend it – I am still very susceptible
of Cold – indeed having so little on my bones
makes me so – I beg to have your opinion
of my state in a particular manner – whether
good or bad – I am now not to be affected much
about my fate. I perhaps have lived long enough
I should be happy was it possible I could have the
pleasure of seeing you at my Place here – it is
a dry situation and every way adapted for ease
and tranquillity – much retired altho' only
20 miles from London – nothing but the fear
of the Climate prevents me from living as near
↑my↑ own native place – I really think the most of my
disorders proceed /after the Costiveness/ from
some great affection in the second digestion.
if Tea - or anything else I use – You disapprove
of I am ready to give them up – is it weakness -
that occasions the affection in my stomach &
breathing upon walking – with the tightness and
oppression – I beg pardon a thousand times for
this long detail - of so shattered Fabrick I hope you
will excuse it – and be pleased to answer it at your
Leisure – my Brother will repeat them on his
return to Edinburgh – I am with Esteem – very truly
your most Obedient & most
humble Servant
Rooks Nest
11th. August 1783 ––
Dr Willm Cullen Edinburgh
[Page 6]
Doctor William Cullen
Diplomatic Text
From what my Brother Mr Clerk /Mavisbank
acquainted me and what you was so good as to
say in your last directions relating to me – I
sit down to take the liberty to give you some
further accounts of my past & present bad state
of health which will be done very unconnect¬
edly and without order and which you will
be pleased to excuse as I shall put down every
thing as they may occur – the reason of my not
following your advice of going to Buxton this
season which at the same time I approved much
of was that I thought I would rest - from being
much shook in my journey thro' Italy & France
with the report of the bad accommodation of
the Plan and bad Climate – I wished for tranq¬
uility & ease - that I could not meet with any where
so well as at my own house – I must previously
tell you that in my long journey – I was not
able to sit up an hour in the day – but lay con¬
stantly having a bed in my Coach – from which
posture I fear I contracted the Nephritic pains
and other gravelly Symptoms which I have for
some time been troubled with added to my other
complaints – I have had no Physical Gentleman
attending me since my return to England but
Mr John Adair – a very old Freind who has known
and attended one in various Climates, & in various
disorders near these thirty Years – he approved
much of my going to Buxton &c. as directed
by you – he is now at Spa – I see nobody at
[Page 2]
With all my care and attention I do not gain
ground, rather the worse –– what sometimes
gives me hopes – I feel that I have more strength
of Body and Spirits – than any one could expect
I am able at times when somewhat free of
feverto sit on horseback an hour – and to
drive my Phaeton with great precaution
nothing hurts me so much as that I feel mor
more than from walking which I cannot do
without much difficulty in breathing – and
the least exertion - or much motion – almost
ready to be suffocated – my feelings of weakness
are in my stomach & Bowels – without acute
pain or nay pain indeed – but a sense of
fulness and great tension and heaviness in
these parts – I believe really great part flatu¬
lency - more weakness in my ancles than
knees – without any swelling – emaciated
beyond anything I can describe less in my
Legs than any other part of my body – almost
a total relaxation - and I fear a total indiges¬
tion approaching fast – I have none now but
with much difficulty and uneasiness the
constant & obstinate Costiveness – the sole cause
and grounds of all my evils – for which
I tryed the Oil & Tincture of Senna as prescribd
by you as it went thro' me very quick I fan¬
cied it did not carry with it fully enough
the hard fæces - in my bowels – an infusion of
Rhubarb in water is almost the only medecine
I use – two days ago I tryed a Tincture of Bark
with Rhubarb which I prepared myself - and
fancied it did not agree with me – I am sure
[Page 3]
I am to be cured – if we could fall on the method
and particular treatment - of Regimen I have
the greatest hopes from – if a proper one could
be found out for me – or if I could find it out
myself – I must have your kind and ingeni¬
ous advice - I may have any thing this world
can give – but I fear good health – I do not expect
a thorough Cure – I only seek for an alleviation
to my sufferings – which are attended wt many
disagreeable feelings – anxieties - at times
almost to Frenzy – all from my Stomach &
Bowels – the Nephritic pains much better - but
the difficulty in the beginning of making
Water - and uneasiness – during the time still
continued – I scarcely eat – but I have oppression
immediately – nothing digests without aid from
Rhubarb – or something else – I begin to lose my
appetite which I generally had to my break¬
fast & dinner – I never sup – my breakfast
I cant yet off habit – Tea with sometimes dry
toast – butter I like more than any thing
but dare not indulge in it – honey I eat a good
deal of – I can have everything if I know what
was best – my dinner – a little Meat – fowls or fish
with French red & White wines, in general –
but very little of any – were I to be put upon a
Regimen by you I should keep to it – be what it
would - Whey I have often tryed – and have since
you advised – but does not agree – were I put
on a Course of any – Medicine – I could follow it
in my young days – I was all over a dry scaly
Scurvy – it has totally disappeared these 10 – or 12.
years – I had one severe fit of the Gout – at the
age of 18 years – but never since – but sometimes
feelings in my feet – after a March or other exercise
[Page 4]
when my stomach is very bad – eating or even drin¬
king tea - affects my breathing – I never sleep
above 3 hours – and that unsound – it is
astonishing how I exist – at the same a stranger
seeing me sitting or hearing me speak – often
would think nothing was the matter with
me – Clysters I used abroad – but thought they
did not agree – Warm bathing I apprehend is
not good at least I have not tryed it since at
Bath & in my own house two years ago –
I thought they relaxed too much at Bath
I perhaps did it improperly – it was in the
Evenings – some hours after dinner – but I am
ready to try them at bath or otherwise as you
shall direct – I am much in the open Air –
and I have Cloathing not too Warm at present
it consists - within these few days only from a
Cold I had catched – a flannel vest above my
shirt – with a silk vest interlined with fla¬
nnel – I wish much to drink Beer if it would
agree – I have it in perfection – Milk & Vegetables
I should be happy were they to agree – but I fear they
will not answer from repeated tryals I have made
when abroad – I was obliged to be carried up all
[s]tairs – from a suffocation that siezed me on
[[a]ny?] or the least motion ascending I am better
in that respect and less palpitations – is Acids
good – such as Oranges – gelly of Currants or any
of that tribe – white or brown bread – toasted or plain
best – fruit I dare not venture on – I dont know if you
are acquainted with my Age – I am in my 53rd. year
if the Season was not too far advanced I wished to have
paid my respects to you in Person at Edinr – it will
happen if I can be propped up – till next year –
do be so godd – as give me your directions – for the
[Page 5]
care of myself - next winter – and where it is
best for me to spend it – I am still very susceptible
of Cold – indeed having so little on my bones
makes me so – I beg to have your opinion
of my state in a particular manner – whether
good or bad – I am now not to be affected much
about my fate. I perhaps have lived long enough
I should be happy was it possible I could have the
pleasure of seeing you at my Place here – it is
a dry situation and every way adapted for ease
and tranquillity – much retired altho' only
20 miles from London – nothing but the fear
of the Climate prevents me from living as near
↑my↑ own native place – I really think the most of my
disorders proceed /after the Costiveness/ from
some great affection in the second digestion.
if Tea - or anything else I use – You disapprove
of I am ready to give them up – is it weakness -
that occasions the affection in my stomach &
breathing upon walking – with the tightness and
oppression – I beg pardon a thousand times for
this long detail - of so shattered Fabrick I hope you
will excuse it – and be pleased to answer it at your
Leisure – my Brother will repeat them on his
return to Edinr – I am with Esteem – very truly
your most Obedt. & most
humble Servant
Rooks Nest
11th. August 1783 ––
Dr Willm Cullen Edinr
[Page 6]
Doctor William Cullen
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