
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2143] From: Mr Alexander Dunlop (Sanders, Saunders) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr John Rowand (Patient) / January 1782 / (Incoming)

Letter from Alexander Dunlop, concerning the case of John Rowand, whose latest 'asthmatic fit' turned out to have 'all the symtoms of Peripneumony'. He was coughing bloody matter. Dunlop has been bleeding him, and he has been taking 'your Ammoniac scillitic mixture'. A recipe is writen on the reverse, presumably copied from Cullen's reply.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 2143
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1218
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
DateJanuary 1782
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Alexander Dunlop, concerning the case of John Rowand, whose latest 'asthmatic fit' turned out to have 'all the symtoms of Peripneumony'. He was coughing bloody matter. Dunlop has been bleeding him, and he has been taking 'your Ammoniac scillitic mixture'. A recipe is writen on the reverse, presumably copied from Cullen's reply.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1228]
Case of Mr John Rowand senior who has a cough and asthma.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:591]AuthorMr Alexander Dunlop (Sanders, Saunders)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:519]PatientMr John Rowand
[PERS ID:591]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Alexander Dunlop (Sanders, Saunders)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Mr John Rowand, a man of your acquain¬
tance here and for whom you formerly prescribed some pectoral medi¬
, begs your advice –– About six or seven days ago he sent for
me to the Country, and I found him in what he called one
of his asthmatic fits
–– he had been ill for two or three days
before but he imagined he would have got well as usual with¬
out doing any thing –– I found him with all the symtoms
of Peripneumony
–– I bled him applyed a Blister to his back
and otherwise heated it in the common way –– his pulse was above
an 100 and full
–– he was again bled, much against his Inclination
–– the third day after I saw him he was attacked with a pain of
the side
, for which I insisted he should again loose some more
blood and with a great deal of persuation it was agreed to
, but
he did not apply a blister to the side –– this pain went away &

[Page 2]

he expectorated a bloody sort of matter ↑slightly tinged with blood↑ –– his pulse came down, and
every thing looked well –– he took almost all this time your Am¬
moniac scillitic mixture
–– his expectoration two days ago lessened
in quantity considerably, and he grew more oppressed –– I gave him
a gentle emetic
, this increased the expectoration, but he is ↑still↑ very ill
I have neither seen him today nor yesterday, but he let me
know that his difficulty of breathing is considerable and desires
me to write to you –– his pulse day before yesterday was 85
he sits up in the day time pretty much and feels himself much
easier than in the night time –– he will be dissapointed if I dont
hear from you on Tuesday

I am Sir
your most Obedient humble
Alex Dunlop

I dont know on what footing Mr
Rowand is on with you, but he has
not desired me to send you any money

Glasgow Sunday afternoon

[Page 3]

Doctor Cullen Physician
Professor in the College

Take 10 grains of dried Squill root, a ½ drachm of prepared Millipedes, 4 scruples of Asafœtida, a drachm of Gentian extract, and enough Gum Arabic paste to make a mass to be divided into 40 pills

Mr Dunlop
C Mr Rowand

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Mr John Rowand, a man of your acquain¬
tance here and for whom you formerly prescribed some pectoral medi¬
, begs your advice –– About six or seven days ago he sent for
me to the Country, and I found him in what he called one
of his asthmatic fits
–– he had been ill for two or three days
before but he imagined he would have got well as usual with¬
out doing any thing –– I found him with all the symtoms
of Peripneumony
–– I bled him applyed a Blister to his back
and otherwise heated it in the common way –– his pulse was above
an 100 and full
–– he was again bled, much against his Inclination
–– the third day after I saw him he was attacked with a pain of
the side
, for which I insisted he should again loose some more
blood and with a great deal of persuation it was agreed to
, but
he did not apply a blister to the side –– this pain went away &

[Page 2]

he expectorated a bloody sort of matter ↑slightly tinged with blood↑ –– his pulse came down, and
every thing looked well –– he took almost all this time your Am¬
moniac scillitic mixture
–– his expectoration two days ago lessened
in quantity considerably, and he grew more oppressed –– I gave him
a gentle emetic
, this increased the expectoration, but he is ↑still↑ very ill
I have neither seen him today nor yesterday, but he let me
know that his difficulty of breathing is considerable and desires
me to write to you –– his pulse day before yesterday was 85
he sits up in the day time pretty much and feels himself much
easier than in the night time –– he will be dissapointed if I dont
hear from you on Tuesday

I am Sir
your most Obt humble
Alex Dunlop

I dont know on what footing Mr
Rowand is on with you, but he has
not desired me to send you any money

Glasgow Sunday afternoon

[Page 3]

Doctor Cullen Physician
Professor in the College

Rad. Scill. Sicc. gr. X
Milleped. ppt. ʒſs
Asæfœtid. ℈[iv?]
Extract. gentian. ʒj
Mucilag. G. Arab. q. s.
ut f. massa dividenda
in pil. № XL

Mr Dunlop
C Mr Rowand


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