The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:2047] From: Mr John Melliss / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr John Melliss (Patient) / 18 August 1781 / (Incoming)
Letter from John Melliss, concerning his own case. Melliss has been taking goat whey, though is suspicious of its quality. The only complaint remaining with him is a 'small degree of weight in the breast'. The suggested treatment is supplied on the reverse.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 2047 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/1122 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 18 August 1781 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from John Melliss, concerning his own case. Melliss has been taking goat whey, though is suspicious of its quality. The only complaint remaining with him is a 'small degree of weight in the breast'. The suggested treatment is supplied on the reverse. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:1390] |
Case of John Melliss who has been taking a course of Goat Whey. |
1 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:3243] | Author | Mr John Melliss |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:3243] | Patient | Mr John Melliss |
[PERS ID:1] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:101] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr Robert Wood |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Perth | Mid Scotland | Scotland | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
Dr. William Cullen
Perth 18 August 1781
I returnd yesterday from my Goat¬
whey-quarters, I think considerably better in health than when I
had the pleasure of Seing you last in Edinburgh. But I must In¬
form you that I found it altogether impossible to obtain whey so
pure, & free from suspicion of mixture, as I could have wish'd and
frequently I found my stomach not quite at ease, probably owing to that
cause. Good weather, however, a Good horse, comfortable lodgings,
& most Agreeable society; have, I hope aboundantly compensated for the
disadvantage of my Situation, in the point I have mentiond.
The onely complaint that remains with me now is a small degree
of weight in the breast, or a sence of stiffness of the parts, which is Apt
to be increasd by any warming Exercise.
To prevent the increase of this, I continue regularly to Attend to the
regimen pointed out in your prescription, and propose riding a good
deal into the Country, so long as the weather Continues favourable.
By Dr. Woods permission I have begun again to take new milk lighten'd
to a small quantity of brandy, early in the Morning, a little Tar water
[Page 2]
thro the day, & the Pectoral pills you prescrib'd at night.
As I do not recollect whether or not you approvd of the Brandy
& milk, I am anxious to know if you esteem it a safe & advisable part
of my regimen - If you do I shall Continue to use it with more Confidence
than ever; but if not, will immediately discontinue it, altho it agrees
well with my Stomach, & I think has been of service formerly.
I have been earnestly solicited by my friends to have immediate
recourse to the Issue mentioned in your directions, but as I understood
this to be prescrib'd only in case of a relapse, I wish to hear from
you upon this Subject likeways, before I take any step.
I have had little pain in the sides these two months past, and any
threatnings thereof that I have experienced, were on the right side, & not
on the left, where my last Violent fit was, & where you directed the
Issue to placed. Perhaps on account of this favourable alteration
of Symptoms, drains in the Arms may supercede the necessity of
an Issue in the side; If you think it (↑this↑) would be equally efficatious, I
believe it will be more Convenient: but at the same time I have
not the smallest obj objection to any kind of Issue being open'd, upon
any part, you may judge most proper.
Your Answer to these different Particulars will be esteemed a singular
favour by ------
Sir Your Most Humble Servant
John Melliss
[Page 3]
Doctor William Cullen
Meliss of Perth
Approve of a little Brandy
Delay the Issue till Symptoms
Seem to require
Continue Tar Water, pectoral Pills
Riding & Regimen
22d August 1781
Diplomatic Text
Dr. William Cullen
Perth 18 August 1781
I returnd yesterday from my Goat¬
whey-quarters, I think considerably better in health than when I
had the pleasure of Seing you last in Edinr.. But I must In¬
form you that I found it altogether impossible to obtain whey so
pure, & free from suspicion of mixture, as I could have wish'd and
frequently I found my stomach not quite at ease, probably owing to that
cause. Good weather, however, a Good horse, comfortable lodgings,
& most Agreeable society; have, I hope aboundantly compensated for the
disadvantage of my Situation, in the point I have mentiond.
The onely complaint that remains with me now is a small degree
of weight in the breast, or a sence of stiffness of the parts, which is Apt
to be increasd by any warming Exercise.
To prevent the increase of this, I continue regularly to Attend to the
regimen pointed out in your prescription, and propose riding a good
deal into the Country, so long as the weather Continues favourable.
By Dr. Woods permission I have begun again to take new milk lighten'd
to a small quantity of brandy, early in the Morning, a little Tar water
[Page 2]
thro the day, & the Pectoral pills you prescrib'd at night.
As I do not recollect whether or not you approvd of the Brandy
& milk, I am anxious to know if you esteem it a safe & advisable part
of my regimen - If you do I shall Continue to use it with more Confidence
than ever; but if not, will immediately discontinue it, altho it agrees
well wt. my Stomach, & I think has been of service formerly.
I have been earnestly solicited by my friends to have immediate
recourse to the Issue mentioned in your directions, but as I understood
this to be prescrib'd only in case of a relapse, I wish to hear from
you upon this Subject likeways, before I take any step.
I have had little pain in the sides these two months past, and any
threatnings thereof that I have experienced, were on the right side, & not
on the left, where my last Violent fit was, & where you directed the
Issue to placed. Perhaps on account of this favourable alteration
of Symptoms, drains in the Arms may supercede the necessity of
an Issue in the side; If you think it (↑this↑) would be equally efficatious, I
believe it will be more Convenient: but at the same time I have
not the smallest obj objection to any kind of Issue being open'd, upon
any part, you may judge most proper.
Your Answer to these different Particulars will be esteemed a singular
favour by ------
Sir Your Most Hue. Sert.
John Melliss
[Page 3]
Docr William Cullen
Meliss of Perth
Approve of a little Brandy
Delay the Issue till Symptoms
Seem to require
Continue Tar Water, pect. Pills
Riding & Regimen
22d Augst. 1781
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