
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2000] From: Reverend John Mudie (of Portmoak) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Mudie (Patient) / 11 April 1781 / (Incoming)

Letter from John Mudie concerning the case of his daughter and her spasmodic and respiratory complaints. He believes Mr Kinnaird has sent the wrong pills.


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DOC ID 2000
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1077
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date11 April 1781
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John Mudie concerning the case of his daughter and her spasmodic and respiratory complaints. He believes Mr Kinnaird has sent the wrong pills.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1361]
Case of Rev John Mudie's daughter, who has a bad cough and related symptoms including sleeplessness and spasmodic contractions.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:4637]AuthorReverend John Mudie (of Portmoak)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5518]PatientMiss Mudie
[PERS ID:5520]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr David Davidson
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5519]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr James Mudie
[PERS ID:4637]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendReverend John Mudie (of Portmoak)
[PERS ID:5260]OtherMr Kinnaird

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Portmoak Manse Scotlandwell East Highlands Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Kinross Mid Scotland Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

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Portmoak April ijth 1781
Dear Sir

Youll find me a very troublesome
correspondant Nothing but your great indulgence
& my Anxiety coud make me venture to intrude so
much upon your Goodness –– My little son acquainted me
that I was to continue my Daughter with the Pills, And
he sent me a number from Mr Kinnaird, but as they appear
quite different in Smell & Colour from the first sent, I have
returnd them to him to see if there was any Mistake ––––
These returnd are very Blue & look like Mercurial Pills
I hope Kinnaird will reexamine them & send what is
proper. I wrote you that the Contractions were almost over
& her appetite better. Now her trouble has put on a
different appearance She doth not Contract, has got the use
of her Tongue & is Seldom troubled with the Stiffness of
her Arms or Legs But is Ceased with a Sort of Sleepiness
which has not the Appearance of Sound Sleep but a sort
of Snorting
Dozing and unrefreshed with it; She
Sleeps not all night But starts much when she
is affected with these Sleepy fits, Sometimes when these
Cease her, as they usualy come on about 6 in
the Afternoon, she is

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troubled with a short dry Cough with a sort of Back
draught like a Spasm upon her Lungs –– I woud
fain flatter myself that her present Dozing takes
its rise from the Lassitude of her nervous system
its being formerly so Irritated, that when now unbended
her nerves will take a time to return to a proper Tone
I have given none of the Bark Since she began to
Cough & Hoop a little, Excuse my pretending to offer
my Conjectures to you But as I have been Studying and
practising Physic for 36 years I must always be
intruding my Nostrums upon my Superiours but Doctor
Cullen has too much Sense to be offended for I always
submitt to my betters especialy to Doctor Cullen whose
opinion is Ipse dixit 1 to me –– As my Son leaves
the town upon Thursday & cannot wait upon you
It woud be exceedingly merciful if you coud find
leasure to drop me a line by Kinross to the Care
of Mr Davidson Surgeon. I hope youll soon be freed
from my Impertinency but I shall never think myself
disengadged from Gratitude to you my kind Benefactor
whilst I am with the greatest Esteem

Dear Sir your most Obedient & humble Servant
John Mudie

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Doctor Cullen


1: Latin, lit. "He himself said it", in this context, an authoritative statement by an expert.

Diplomatic Text

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Portmoak April ijth 1781
Dear Sir

Youll find me a very troublesome
correspondant Nothing but your great indulgence
& my Anxiety coud make me venture to intrude so
much upon your Goodness –– My little son acquainted me
that I was to continue my Daughter with the Pills, And
he sent me a number from Mr Kinnaird, but as they appear
quite different in Smell & Colour from the first sent, I have
returnd them to him to see if there was any Mistake ––––
These returnd are very Blue & look like Mercurial Pills
I hope Kinnaird will reexamine them & send what is
proper. I wrote you that the Contractions were almost over
& her appetite better. Now her trouble has put on a
different appearance She doth not Contract, has got the use
of her Tongue & is Seldom troubled with the Stiffness of
her Arms or Legs But is Ceased with a Sort of Sleepiness
which has not the Appearance of Sound Sleep but a sort
of Snorting
Dozing and unrefreshed with it; She
Sleeps not all night But starts much when she
is affected with these Sleepy fits, Sometimes when these
Cease her, as they usualy come on about 6 in
the Afternoon, she is

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troubled with a short dry Cough with a sort of Back
draught like a Spasm upon her Lungs –– I woud
fain flatter myself that her present Dozing takes
its rise from the Lassitude of her nervous system
its being formerly so Irritated, that when now unbended
her nerves will take a time to return to a proper Tone
I have given none of the Bark Since she began to
Cough & Hoop a little, Excuse my pretending to offer
my Conjectures to you But as I have been Studying and
practising Physic for 36 years I must always be
intruding my Nostrums upon my Superiours but Doctor
Cullen has too much Sense to be offended for I always
submitt to my betters especialy to Doctor Cullen whose
opinion is Ipse dixit 1 to me –– As my Son leaves
the town upon Thursday & cannot wait upon you
It woud be exceedingly merciful if you coud find
leasure to drop me a line by Kinross to the Care
of Mr Davidson Surgeon. I hope youll soon be freed
from my Impertinency but I shall never think myself
disengadged from Gratitude to you my kind Benefactor
whilst I am with the greatest Esteem

Dear Sir your most Obdt & humle Servt
John Mudie

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Doctor Cullen


1: Latin, lit. "He himself said it", in this context, an authoritative statement by an expert.


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