
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1763] From: Mr John Bowman (Junior) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Roger Stevenson (Junior) (Roger Stevenson Junior) (Patient) / 2 December 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from J. Bowman Jun. concerning the pulmonary case of the son of Roger Stevenson in London, who is the brother of Dr (Prof.) Stevenson in Glasgow.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1763
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/850
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date2 December 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from J. Bowman Jun. concerning the pulmonary case of the son of Roger Stevenson in London, who is the brother of Dr (Prof.) Stevenson in Glasgow.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1118]
Case of Mr Roger Stevenson, nephew of Glasgow Prof. Alexander Stevenson, who has a pulmonary disorder characterised by the spitting up of 'chalky matter'.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:229]AuthorMr John Bowman (Junior)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:4374]Patient Roger Stevenson (Junior) (Roger Stevenson Junior)
[PERS ID:526]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr John Hunter
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5928]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Maxwell Garthshore
[PERS ID:522]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecarySir John Pringle
[PERS ID:563]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendDr Alexander Stevenson (Professor; of Dalgairn )
[PERS ID:217]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Roger Stevenson (Esq.)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Bath South-West England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Chiswick London and South-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other London London and South-East England Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Mr Durhams (Bootseller), Charing Cross London London and South-East England Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir

I called at your house
at when passing thro' Edinburgh on my way
here about a month since but was informed
you were out of town - the purpose of this
letter is to consult you about the son of
a particular Friend of Mine in London
a Mr Stevenson Brother to Dr Stevenson
of this place; the young man is I believe
about 14 was at an academy at Chiswick
for his education & I understand that he
was healthy tho' of a delicate appearance
his make being slim his complexion

[Page 2]

most uncommonly fair with a very remark¬
able red upon his cheecks so that one
might have imagined him painted - his
Father in a letter to me of the 10th of this (↑last↑)
month mentions the having brought him
to town on account of a fever but which he
says had abated - in a letter of the 21st he
says "My poor boy has coughed up, when
the cough was violent three or four chalk like
concretions about the size of a grain of wheat

but irregular in form; they give me uneasey ap¬
prehensions from the thought of his habit being
inclined to form them in his lungs & to cause
inflammations there - if you can get the opinion
of Dr Cullen upon that head as you pass thro' Edinburgh
on your way back here it will much oblige

[Page 3]

this days post brings Me a letter from him of
the 27th full of alarm & I find that Dr Garthshore
& Mr Hunter who attend his son give him little
comfort. he much regrets the absence of Dr. J. Prin¬
gle who is at Bath & seems doubly anxious
for your views - the 21st at midnight he
was seized with a violent shivering, his {illeg}
exceedingly quick his skin turning hot
& dry, his rest disturbed with a
short tickling cough with the
pain moved from his side to the sternum
& more violent than when in his side. [during?] the [break?]
the pain in his breast which he thinks the cause
of his cough becoming more violent has been his
chief complaint & has confined him to bed without
from a Nausea which precedes every fit of
- these two last Nights there has been a [sharp?]
appearance of irruption on his skin - he has had the
small pox & measles - he has a very fetid breath &
night sweats these two last nights" let me
request your immediately writing to Mr Ste¬

[Page 4]

venson what may occur to you addressed to
Roger Stevenson Esqr. at Mr Durhams Bootsel¬
ler Charing Cross London -

I am respectfully
Dear Sir
your most humble Servant
Glasgow 2 December 1779
J. Bowman Jun.

Dr Cullen

Mr Bowman
Mr Stevenson's Son
December 1779
X. p.130

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir

I called at your house
at when passing thro' Edinr on my way
here about a month since but was informed
you were out of town - the purpose of this
letter is to consult you about the son of
a particular Friend of Mine in London
a Mr Stevenson Brother to Dr Stevenson
of this place; the young man is I believe
about 14 was at an academy at Chiswick
for his education & I understand that he
was healthy tho' of a delicate appearance
his make being slim his complexion

[Page 2]

most uncommonly fair with a very remark¬
able red upon his cheecks so that one
might have imagined him painted - his
Father in a letter to me of the 10th of this (↑last↑)
month mentions the having brought him
to town on account of a fever but which he
says had abated - in a letter of the 21st he
says "My poor boy has coughed up, when
the cough was violent three or four chalk like
concretions about the size of a grain of wheat

but irregular in form; they give me uneasey ap¬
prehensions from the thought of his habit being
inclined to form them in his lungs & to cause
inflammations there - if you can get the opinion
of Dr Cullen upon that head as you pass thro' Edin
on yr. way back here it will much oblige

[Page 3]

this days post brings Me a letter from him of
the 27th full of alarm & I find that Dr Garthshore
& Mr Hunter who attend his son give him little
comfort. he much regrets the absence of Dr. J. Prin¬
gle who is at Bath & seems doubly anxious
for your views - the 21st at midnight he
was seized with a violent shivering, his {illeg}
exceedingly quick his skin turning hot
& dry, his rest disturbed with a
short tickling cough with the
pain moved from his side to the sternum
& more violent than when in his side. [during?] the [break?]
the pain in his breast which he thinks the cause
of his cough becoming more violent has been his
chief complaint & has confined him to bed without
from a Nausea which precedes every fit of
- these two last Nights there has been a [sharp?]
appearance of irruption on his skin - he has had the
small pox & measles - he has a very fetid breath &
night sweats these two last nights" let me
request your immediately writing to Mr Ste¬

[Page 4]

venson what may occur to you addressed to
Roger Stevenson Esqr. at Mr Durhams Bootsel¬
ler Charing Cross London -

I am respectfully
Dear Sir
yr most hble Servt
Glasgow 2 Decr. 1779
J. Bowman Jun.

Dr Cullen

Mr Bowman
Mr Stevenson's Son
Decr. 1779
X. p.130


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