
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1656] From: Mr John Ord (Orde, of Weetwood) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr John Ord (Orde, of Weetwood) (Patient), Miss Sarah? Ord (Orde, of Weetwood) (Patient), Mr Wilson (Patient) / 18 April 1779 / (Incoming)

Letter from John Orde regarding his daughter and himself, and answering Cullen's request for further information on Mr Wilson.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1656
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/743
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date18 April 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John Orde regarding his daughter and himself, and answering Cullen's request for further information on Mr Wilson.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1119]
Case of Miss Orde of Weetwood who has a rheumatic knee.
[Case ID:1230]
Case of John Orde of Weetwood who has a stomach problem and pains in his back and shoulders.
[Case ID:2268]
Case of Mr Wilson who is being medicated for incurable 'fits' (of coughing).

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:803]AuthorMr John Ord (Orde, of Weetwood)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2182]PatientMiss Sarah? Ord (Orde, of Weetwood)
[PERS ID:2719]PatientMr Wilson
[PERS ID:803]PatientMr John Ord (Orde, of Weetwood)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3652]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr John Syme
[PERS ID:241]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Margaret Ord (Orde, of Weetwood)
[PERS ID:803]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr John Ord (Orde, of Weetwood)
[PERS ID:2484]OtherMr Howey (Howie)
[PERS ID:2716]Other

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Weetwood House / Weetwood Hall / Weetwood Chatton North-East England Europe inferred
Destination of Letter Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir,

Permit me to acknowledge my obligation to
You for your Letter pointing out to us how far we may go
with white meats which we shall strictly observe; whither we
had relaxed too much in that during our Journey or given
the Bark too sparingly I know not but our Daughter has
not been so well since we got home her headach has
returned and the night fitt longer for these two Nights
past than for many before; and very sick in the Morning
and Forenoon- I have begun ↑with↑ what you kindly ordered
me the Syrup has an astonishing effect and answers
every purpose that you intended; the ringing in my Ears
is very much gone off, and I hope please God the Dis¬
Oil will have its effect in due time, I cannot
say that I have as yet found any [abatement?] in that
time of weariness & weakness I mentioned but I
have only used ↑it↑ four times therefore dont think me
the least impatient, I would only ask you how
long I may continue it without intermission upon
a supposition that I dont find relief - I must now
beg to trouble you with answers to your queries in
behalf of Mr Wilson. He has no Cough but when the
fit is upon him, & then [choaked?] with wind untill he threw
up quantities of Phlegm
- Greens & all kinds of roots
agrees with him - His appetite sometimes very good and
at other times none at all
- Milk does not agree with
him- Honey agrees well with him and he eats it
twice a Day not that he was ever ordered it but by taking
it & it agreeing with him- He took Vomits at the be¬
ginning of his illness with good effect but now they leave

[Page 2]

him so weak that he cannot bear them- He was never
Blistered but once and did not find any benefit- He
has been frequently Glystered and with good effects.
The Gentleman whom Mr Wilson employs cares not
to acquaint him with what he has taken under
pretence if its being a medicine peculiar to himself &
as it is the only one given him during his illness
I thought it absolutely necessary for you to know
it & have for that purpose sent you a smal phial
of it & I think it will require no witchcraft to find
it out - The usual dose was a Teaspoon full and the
effects an immediate stupor and in that state he
lay during the Night and altho' he heard always
every thing pass, he still found himself refreshed
in the Morning, and never gave him any head ach-
You omitted ↑[among?]↑ the quantity that he was to take of
the mixture we [ventured?] upon a Table Spoon full
and it has answered pretty nearly the same effects
with the additional good of keeping ↑him↑ regular
in his Body which the other did not. ↑and without that sleepedness - I am now
to make an apology for coming away in your
Debt, but it was my servants fault who forgot
to pay the Druggist- If you write to me I
will take care to see every thing put in practice
that you point out - I know he hurts himself
by over fatigue - My Wife begs to join me in
every good wish and

Dear Sir your most
Obliged Humble Servant
John Orde
Weetwood April 18th 1779

[Page 3]

Doctor Cullen

with a smal parcel
by Mr [Hervies?]

J. Orde Esquire Concerning himself
His daughter, & Mr Wilson.
April 18th 1779
V.IX. p168

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir,

Permit me to acknowledge my obligation to
You for your Letter pointing out to us how far we may go
with white meats which we shall strictly observe; whither we
had relaxed too much in that during our Journey or given
the Bark too sparingly I know not but our Daughter has
not been so well since we got home her headach has
returned and the night fitt longer for these two Nights
past than for many before; and very sick in the Morng
and Forenoon- I have begun ↑with↑ what you kindly ordered
me the Syrup has an astonishing effect and answers
every purpose that you intended; the ringing in my Ears
is very much gone off, and I hope please God the Dis¬
Oil will have its effect in due time, I cannot
say that I have as yet found any [abatement?] in that
time of weariness & weakness I mentioned but I
have only used ↑it↑ four times therefore dont think me
the least impatient, I would only ask you how
long I may continue it without intermission upon
a supposition that I dont find relief - I must now
beg to trouble you with answers to your queries in
behalf of Mr Wilson. He has no Cough but when the
fit is upon him, & then [choaked?] with wind untill he threw
up quantities of Phlegm
- Greens & all kinds of roots
agrees with him - His appetite sometimes very good and
at other times none at all
- Milk does not agree with
him- Honey agrees well with him and he eats it
twice a Day not that he was ever ordered it but by taking
it & it agreeing with him- He took Vomits at the be¬
ginning of his illness with good effect but now they leave

[Page 2]

him so weak that he cannot bear them- He was never
Blistered but once and did not find any benefit- He
has been frequently Glystered and with good effects.
The Gentleman whom Mr Wilson employs cares not
to acquaint him with what he has taken under
pretence if its being a medicine peculiar to himself &
as it is the only one given him during his illness
I thought it absolutely necessary for you to know
it & have for that purpose sent you a smal phial
of it & I think it will require no witchcraft to find
it out - The usual dose was a Teaspoon full and the
effects an immediate stupor and in that state he
lay during the Night and altho' he heard always
every thing pass, he still found himself refreshed
in the Morning, and never gave him any head ach-
You omitted ↑[among?]↑ the quantity that he was to take of
the mixture we [ventured?] upon a Table Spoon full
and it has answered pretty nearly the same effects
with the additional good of keeping ↑him↑ regular
in his Body wch the other did not. ↑and without yt sleepedness - I am now
to make an apology for coming away in your
Debt, but it was my servants fault who forgot
to pay the Druggist- If you write to me I
will take care to see every thing put in practice
that you point out - I know he hurts himself
by over fatigue - My Wife begs to join me in
every good wish and

Dr Sir your most
Obliged Humble Servant
Jn Orde
Weetwood Apr 18th 1779

[Page 3]

Doctor Cullen

with a smal parcel
by Mr [Hervies?]

J. Orde Esqr C himself
His daughter, & Mr Wilson.
April 18th 1779
V.IX. p168


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