
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1631] Case Note / Regarding: Mrs Clark (Clerke, Clarke) (Patient) / February? 1779? / (Incoming)

Case note concerning the case of Mrs Clark. Unsigned and undated, but probably from February 1779.


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DOC ID 1631
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/720
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
DateFebruary? 1779?
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case note concerning the case of Mrs Clark. Unsigned and undated, but probably from February 1779.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1189]
Case of Mrs Clark who has had a persistent cough as the result of a long-standing hectic fever now accompanied by diarrhoea.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:840]PatientMrs Clark (Clerke, Clarke)
[PERS ID:115]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr John Gilchrist (of Speddoch)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

No places linked to this Document.

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

Mrs Clark a lady of about 43 years of age, formerly
of a very healthy habit.- About two years ago in her lying
-in was seized with a hard dry cough which was better and
worse at times till April or May last, when the Cough increased,
attended with difficulty of breathing, hot sick fits, night sweats
loss of appetite & thirst; - She grew weak and was much emaciated

In the Month of June she went to the Country and drank
Goats-whey for some weeks with remarkable benifit, as all
her Complaints were better for the Summer and Autumn. -
On the approach of Winter her cough and all her former com¬
plaints grew worse, particularly her fever and she had
often loose stools in the Mornings on her first geting up - Still
however she was able to go about the house and even to ride
out when the Weather would permit. - About three weeks
ago the Diarrhoea grew much worse attended with very severe
gripes which alarmed them very much. On being called late
at night I found she had had three or four copious stools
that day, with very severe gripes. Complained much of a great
weakness, heat and thirst; was very much emaciated, had

[Page 2]

no Appetite for food and her Cough altho not very frequent
was very hard, with little or no expectoration, and what
she did get up was more Phlegm.- Pulse 120. As she com¬
plained of being low and had (↑having↑) had restless nights preceding
an anodyne was ordered. In the Morning she had rest¬
ed tolerably and sweated profusely thro the night, had
not been much troubled with the gripes nor looseness
till morning. Pulse 100. A dose of Rhubarb was given
and she drank demulcents frequently as Gum Arabic
dissolved in her gruels. What food she took was bread
berry, boiled barley; Sago and now and then a little beef
tea or Chicken broth.- The gripes and Diarrhoea still
continuing she took by the advice of Doctor Gilchrist two
teaspoonfuls of the Oleum Ricini twice a day with a few drops
of Laudanum in each dose; the Gum was given in greater
quantity and a little starch was added. Still however the
gripes continued severe, attended with frequent stools. -
A Mixture with the Japonic Confection & [Occul. Canc.?] keept
suspended with Mucilage of Gum Arabic in Mint water
of which she took a spoonful or two after every stool.

[Page 3]

This has happily removed the gripes and checks the
Diarrhoea when ever it becomes troublesome. - But the
cough is become much worse within these few days and
she expectorates great quantities of viscid Phlegm, the
difficulty of breathing was likewise much worse and the hec¬
tic complaints
are as violent as ever. Pulse at night 120,
in the Mornings after profuse sweating 100 or 110. Great
thirst, and can take no kind of food but what she can
drink - She has taken for some time Gum Ammoniac
and as much Squills as her bowels could bear, but
it was thought proper to leave out the Squills and she
now takes ten grains of the Gum Ammoniac by itself
twice a day and every night an Anodyne with 30 or 40
drops of the Spirit of sweet Nitre.

[Page 4]

Mrs Clark
February 1779
9. p.128.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Mrs Clark a lady of about 43 years of age, formerly
of a very healthy habit.- About two years ago in her lying
-in was seized with a hard dry cough which was better and
worse at times till April or May last, when the Cough increased,
attended with difficulty of breathing, hot sick fits, night sweats
loss of appetite & thirst; - She grew weak and was much emaciated

In the Month of June she went to the Country and drank
Goats-whey for some weeks with remarkable benifit, as all
her Complaints were better for the Summer and Autumn. -
On the approach of Winter her cough and all her former com¬
plaints grew worse, particularly her fever and she had
often loose stools in the Mornings on her first geting up - Still
however she was able to go about the house and even to ride
out when the Weather would permit. - About three weeks
ago the Diarrhoea grew much worse attended with very severe
gripes which alarmed them very much. On being called late
at night I found she had had three or four copious stools
that day, with very severe gripes. Complained much of a great
weakness, heat and thirst; was very much emaciated, had

[Page 2]

no Appetite for food and her Cough altho not very frequent
was very hard, with little or no expectoration, and what
she did get up was more Phlegm.- Pulse 120. As she com¬
plained of being low and had (↑having↑) had restless nights preceding
an anodyne was ordered. In the Morning she had rest¬
ed tolerably and sweated profusely thro the night, had
not been much troubled with the gripes nor looseness
till morning. Pulse 100. A dose of Rhubarb was given
and she drank demulcents frequently as Gum Arabic
dissolved in her gruels. What food she took was bread
berry, boiled barley; Sago and now and then a little beef
tea or Chicken broth.- The gripes and Diarrhoea still
continuing she took by the advice of Doctor Gilchrist two
teaspoonfuls of the Ol. Ricini twice a day with a few drops
of Laudanum in each dose; the Gum was given in greater
quantity and a little starch was added. Still however the
gripes continued severe, attended with frequent stools. -
A Mixture with the Confec. Japon & [Occul. Canc.?] keept
suspended with Mucilage of Gum Arabic in Mint water
of which she took a spoonful or two after every stool.

[Page 3]

This has happily removed the gripes and checks the
Diarrhoea when ever it becomes troublesome. - But the
cough is become much worse within these few days and
she expectorates great quantities of viscid Phlegm, the
difficulty of breathing was likewise much worse and the hec¬
tic complaints
are as violent as ever. Pulse at night 120,
in the Mornings after profuse sweating 100 or 110. Great
thirst, and can take no kind of food but what she can
drink - She has taken for some time Gum Ammoniac
and as much Squills as her bowels could bear, but
it was thought proper to leave out the Squills and she
now takes ten grains of the Gum Ammon. by itself
twice a day and every night an Anodyne with 30 or 40
drops of the Spt Nitri dulc.

[Page 4]

Mrs Clark
Febr 1779
9. p.128.


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