The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1160] From: Mr William Turnbull / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Mr Crawfurd (of Morpeth) (Patient) / 30 July 1775 / (Incoming)
Letter from William Turnbull introducing the letter's bearer, a Mr Craufurd, who 'comes to Consult you Gentlemen about his present Complaints, which I am afraid are not very favourable'. His illness was partly exacerbated by his involvement in a contested parlamentary election in his home town of Morpeth.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1160 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/261 |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 30 July 1775 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Authorial original |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Letter from William Turnbull introducing the letter's bearer, a Mr Craufurd, who 'comes to Consult you Gentlemen about his present Complaints, which I am afraid are not very favourable'. His illness was partly exacerbated by his involvement in a contested parlamentary election in his home town of Morpeth. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:540] |
Case of Mr Crawfurd [Crawford] whose health went into decline after the heavy drinking undertaken while contesting the last election at Morpeth which left him vulnerable to catching a cold and he is left with a persistent cough. |
2 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:2837] | Author | Mr William Turnbull |
[PERS ID:1] | Addressee | Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) |
[PERS ID:1449] | Patient | Mr Crawfurd (of Morpeth) |
[PERS ID:1312] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr John(?) Turnbull |
[PERS ID:2837] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr William Turnbull |
[PERS ID:1312] | Other | Mr John(?) Turnbull |
[PERS ID:1601] | Supplemental Addressee | Mr Smollet |
[PERS ID:1597] | Supplemental Addressee | Mrs Alison |
[PERS ID:1598] | Supplemental Addressee | Mr Thomson |
[PERS ID:1599] | Supplemental Addressee | Mr Mackenzie |
[PERS ID:1600] | Supplemental Addressee | Mr Allan |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Place of Writing | Wooler | North-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Destination of Letter | Edinburgh | Edinburgh and East | Scotland | Europe | inferred | |
Mentioned / Other | Morpeth | North-East | England | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
The Bearer of this Mr Craufurd comes to Con¬
sult you Gentlemen about his present Complaints,
which Im Afraid are not very favourable; But as
you see himself , Any thing I can say will be Superfluous
Only the following hints may be necessary. ---- ----
Originally Mr Craufurd had a very fine
Constitution, but some years Ago, he had a Considerable
part to Act in a Contested Election for Morpeth 1 the
place of his residence, when he had made very free
with his Constitution in drinking &c, - And about
three years Ago he came in a very bad way to
drink the Goats Whey here at Wooler; - He had
then much the Same Symptoms you now find him
have, but not so severe. - He then recovered Surprizing¬
ly and continued well for about two years, But
upon receiving a Cold last March was Seized with
[Page 2]
A Cough &c. He was then treated properly I do Sup¬
pose as the Symptoms indicated, by the Gentlemen
he there employed. - As he had received so great benefit
from the Goats Whey formerly, they sent him back
About 8 Weeks Ago, And was then taking the Gum
pills with Ass: feetid. &c, and an anodyne every
night at bedtime - - The Goats Whey he has taken
freely every morning and Evening, and the Elixir
of Vitriol in a Weak infusion of the Bark three
times in the Day, in order to Strengthen his Stomach,
and to prevent the Night Sweats which he was
Subject to. - - The Gentleman who attended him at
Morpeth desired me to give him a Decoction of the
Bark, instead of the infusion, but this brought
on a Diarrhea which is ceased since we left it off.
When he came here he had an Issue in his thigh,
[Page 3]
Which still continues, but upon his Cough &
difficulty of breathing increasing I applied a
blister betwixt his Shoulders, which we still keep
open, but the discharge being rather too Copious,
designs to Check it a little. - - His pulse ever since
he came here has been about 120 in a Minute.
The Anodyne he takes is 12 or 14 drops of
Laudanum with 20 drops Spiritus Nitro Dulcis - Youl
please to give him all the encouragement you
can, but please give my son the real state of his Case.
All other particulars he will inform you of
himself; his Appetite is good but I think he
has rather been over much indulged in Animal
food. -
I am Gentlemen your very humble
N:B He lost 4 Ounces of blood 3 Weeks ago very little Sizy --
[Page 4]
Turnbull C.
Mr. Crawford
vol IV. p 26
Mrs Alison
Mr Thomson
Mr Mackenzie
Mr Allan
Mr Smollet 2
1: At this date Morpeth elected two members of parliament, but the election of the freemen who were elgible to vote having come increasingly under the monopolistic control of the Earl of Carlisle the election of 13th October 1774 resulted in a dispute over the legitimacy of the 'Carlisle' candidate who was ousted by the actions of a riotous mob in favour of Francis Eyre, a London attorney put up by the 'friends of liberty'. Eyre's election was subsequently squashed on petition. Details in J. M. Fewster, ‘The Politics and Administration of the Borough of Morpeth in the later 18th Cent.’, Durham Univ. Ph.D. thesis.
2: This list of names is a later addition in the hand of Cullen's assistant. Their significance is unknown.
Diplomatic Text
The Bearer of this Mr Craufurd comes to Con¬
sult you Gentlemen about his present Complaints,
which Im Afraid are not very favourable; But as
you see himself , Any thing I can say will be Superfluous
Only the following hints may be necessary. ---- ----
Originally Mr Craufurd had a very fine
Constitution, but some years Ago, he had a Considerable
part to Act in a Contested Election for Morpeth 1 the
place of his residence, when he had made very free
with his Constitution in drinking &c, - And about
three years Ago he came in a very bad way to
drink the Goats Whey here at Wooler; - He had
then much the Same Symptoms you now find him
have, but not so severe. - He then recovered Surprizing¬
ly and continued well for about two years, But
upon receiving a Cold last March was Seized with
[Page 2]
A Cough &c. He was then treated properly I do Sup¬
pose as the Symptoms indicated, by the Gentlemen
he there employed. - As he had received so great benefit
from the Goats Whey formerly, they sent him back
About 8 Weeks Ago, And was then taking the Gum
pills with Ass: feetid. &c, and an anodyne every
night at bedtime - - The Goats Whey he has taken
freely every morning and Evening, and the Elixir
of Vitriol in a Weak infusion of the Bark three
times in the Day, in order to Strengthen his Stomach,
and to prevent the Night Sweats which he was
Subject to. - - The Gentleman who attended him at
Morpeth desired me to give him a Decoction of ye
Bark, instead of the infusion, but this brought
on a Diarrhea which is ceased since we left it off.
When he came here he had an Issue in his thigh,
[Page 3]
Which still continues, but upon his Cough &
difficulty of breathing increasing I applied a
blister betwixt his Shoulders, which we still keep
open, but the discharge being rather too Copious,
designs to Check it a little. - - His pulse ever since
he came here has been about 120 in a Minute.
The Anodyne he takes is 12 or 14 drops of
Laud: with 20 drops Sp: Nitr: dulc: - Youl
please to give him all the encouragement you
can, but please give my son the real state of his Case.
All other particulars he will inform you of
himself; his Appetite is good but I think he
has rather been over much indulged in Animal
food. -
I am Gentlemen your very hbl.
N:B He lost 4 Ounces of blood 3 Weeks ago very little Sizy --
[Page 4]
Turnbull C.
Mr. Crawford
vol IV. p 26
Mrs Alison
Mr Thomson
Mr Mackenzie
Mr Allan
Mr Smollet 2
1: At this date Morpeth elected two members of parliament, but the election of the freemen who were elgible to vote having come increasingly under the monopolistic control of the Earl of Carlisle the election of 13th October 1774 resulted in a dispute over the legitimacy of the 'Carlisle' candidate who was ousted by the actions of a riotous mob in favour of Francis Eyre, a London attorney put up by the 'friends of liberty'. Eyre's election was subsequently squashed on petition. Details in J. M. Fewster, ‘The Politics and Administration of the Borough of Morpeth in the later 18th Cent.’, Durham Univ. Ph.D. thesis.
2: This list of names is a later addition in the hand of Cullen's assistant. Their significance is unknown.
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