
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1117] From: Anonymous / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Traill (Trail, of Westove) (Patient) / 1775 / (Incoming)

Letter concerning the case of Miss Trail, who has suffered from complaints of the hands and legs.


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DOC ID 1117
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/218
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter concerning the case of Miss Trail, who has suffered from complaints of the hands and legs.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:339]
Case of Miss Traill of Orkney who visits Cullen who finds her condition, a kind of 'lepra', rather 'anomalous' but the result of 'weakness and irritability'. Has consulted Cullen earlier so maybe same person as Case 338.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1490]Author
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:428]PatientMiss Traill (Trail, of Westove)
[PERS ID:1490]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

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Miss Trail

When she came here she had a kind of Lepra on arms &
legs which I took as the offspring of the Scroph with which she had for some
time before been tainted, & of which there were still some remains in gland¬
swellings about her neck. I treatd her with Decoct. of
2 ounces & [Mezereon?] 1 drachm to the bottle. She was the better
of this as it took off in some measure the swellings of her [g]lands &
the crusts on her skin but I own that the cure was not compleat till
we employed an unguent of sulph. to her arms and legs this with the Decoct
cleared her skin entirely as I hope you will find from her present
state & if there should be any return of it I advise you to pursue
the same measures & as I suspect you in [n. l.?] provide with Mezer.
[I have?] desire her to carry a parcel north with her. It may
lose by {illeg} & if so increase the dose to two drachms to the bottle
of Decoct. when good, very acrid & when lost acrim. good for
nothing. Tho her skin be cleared the Scroph is not eradi¬
cated for since the spring some swellings of neck have in¬
creased but I think will not come forward. Whether or not I
think it will be right for her at this season to take a month
or 6 weeks of the saline solution formerly ordered & in case the
receipt not now at hand I give again the formula I commonly
employ. [Used?] to the with to keep her belly regular but not to purge.

Another circumstance to be [mentioned?] a suppress menses but
I did not think I could do any thing to that in the winter & hoped it ↓would↓

[Page 2]

mend of itself upon the return of spring & summer. At the
same time nothing promises better than the course of salts I
have proposed. Some other medicines which have been effective past
mercury is I think most well suited for her consistution but
of {illeg} of all kind she should taken as much as possible.

Take an ounce of soluble tartar, two drachms of Glauber's salts, and half an ounce apiece of Spanish sea salt and Spanish polychrest. Add a pint of water, dissolve and strain through a paper Label: Aperient Solution. 1, 2, or 3 tablespoons to be mixed wuth a mutchkin of spring water and taken at several draughts in the morning, before breakfast.

Miss Trail

Diplomatic Text

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Miss Trail

When she came here she had a kind of Lepra on arms &
legs wc I took as ye offspr. of ye Scroph w↑-↑ wc she had for some
time bef. bn tainted, & of wc yre were still some remains in gland¬
swellings about her neck. I treatd her w Decoct. of
℥ij & [Mezereon?] ʒi to ye bottle. She was ye better
of ys as it took off in some measure ye swellings of her [g]lands &
ye crusts on her skin but I own that ye cure was not compleat till
we employed an ung. ex. sulph. to her arms and l. ys w ye Decoct
cleared her skin entirely as I hope you will find from her present
state & if yre should be any return of it I advise you to pursue
ye same measures & as I suspect you in [n. l.?] provide w Mezer.
[I have?] desire her to carry a parcel north w↑-↑ her. It may
lose by {illeg} & if so increase ye dose to ʒij to ye bottle
of Decoct. wn good, very acrid & wn lost acrim. good for
nothing. Tho her skin be cleared ye Scroph is not eradi¬
cated for since ye spring some swellgs of neck have in¬
creased but I th. will not come forward. Whether or not I
th. it will be right for her at ys season to take a month
or 6 weeks of ye saline solution formerly ordd & in case ye
receipt not now at hand I give agn ye formula I comm.
employ. [Used?] to ye qth to keep her b/ regr but not to purge.

Another circumstance to be [mend.?] a suppress mens. bt
I did not th I could do any yg to yt in ye winter & hoped it ↓would↓

[Page 2]

mend of itself upon ye return of spring & summer. At ye
same time nothing prom. better yn ye course of salts I
have proposed. Some oth. meds wc have been effect past
mercury is I th. most well suited for her consistution but
of {illeg} of all kind she should taken as mc as possible.

Tart. solub. ℥j
Sal. Glaub ʒij
Sal. marin hispan ℥ſs
--- Polychrist. ana ℥ſs
Aq. font lib j. ↑solve &↑ cola per chartam
Signa Aper. Solut. 1. 2. or 3 table sp. to be mixed w
a mutchk. of spr. wat. & taken at sevl drts in ye morn. bef.

Miss Trail


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