
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[Case ID:710]: Case of the Reverend Peter Yorstoun who has piles and related complaints.

Documents in this case

5 document(s) found in this case.

DOC IDSummaryDate
[DOC ID:1296] 
Letter from Thomas Yorstoun concerning the case of his father, Reverend Mr Peter Yorstoun. Contains a numbered list of queries. This is the missing enclosure for document 1298.24 June 1776
[DOC ID:1298]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Thomas Yorstoun concerning the case of his father, Reverend Mr Peter Yorstoun, and the case of his friend and patient Mr Kennedy. Includes a recipe Kennedy has been taking. The missing enclosed case note is document 1296.24 June 1776
[DOC ID:3851]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply to Dr Thomas Yorstoun, 'For The Revd Mr Yorstoun' his father. Cullen advises on treating the father's gout, piles and anal prolapse, and comments very briefly on the case of Mr Kennedy, another of their patients. 1 July 1776
[DOC ID:1308]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Thomas Yorstoun concerning the case of his father, Reverend Mr Peter Yorstoun. Yorstoun is 'sorry & asham'd at the inacuracy of my [previous] Letter', which lacked a date and place. The postscript mentions another patient (Mr Kennedy) and his doctor (Mr Riddell). 7 July 1776
[DOC ID:3941] 
Reply, for 'Mr [Peter] Yourston' the father of the addressee [who is Thomas Yorstoun]. Cullen thinks Thomas's astringents have been too mild, and that a stronger one is needed to stop the diarrhœa. He gives a recipe for a strengthening infusion. Position in casebook makes October 1776 date certain; date may be inferred to be 23 or 24 October. The abbreviation in the recipe leaves it ambiguous as to whether tea or tablespoonfuls are intended. 23? October 1776

People involved in this case

5 found.

PERS IDFull Name
[PERS ID: 1] Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID: 1054] Mr Kennedy
[PERS ID: 1459] Mr Walter Riddell
[PERS ID: 928] Reverend Peter Yorstoun (of Closeburn & Dalgarnoch; Yerstoun, Yorkston)
[PERS ID: 929] Dr Thomas Yorstoun (Yerstoun, Yorstown, Yorkston)

Unique Places linked to this Case

6 found.

TypeSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
Place Drumlanrig (Drumlanrig Castle) Borders Scotland Europe inferred
SpecificCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
SpecificWaterside Dumfries Borders Scotland Europe certain
Place Closeburn Borders Scotland Europe certain
Place Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place Dumfries Borders Scotland Europe certain

Places and role of place

7 found.

TypeRoleSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificPlace of WritingCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
SpecificPlace of WritingWaterside Dumfries Borders Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Writing Drumlanrig (Drumlanrig Castle) Borders Scotland Europe inferred
PlacePlace of Writing Closeburn Borders Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
SpecificDestination of LetterWaterside Dumfries Borders Scotland Europe inferred
PlacePlace of Handstamp Dumfries Borders Scotland Europe certain