
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[Case ID:2301]: Case of Mrs Reid (wife of Captain Reid), who has the same 'foulness of the blood' as her husband, but the first matter to address is the sate of her bowels.

Documents in this case

1 document(s) found in this case.

DOC IDSummaryDate
[DOC ID:3674]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter, [an unposted draft?] addressed to Dr [Alexander] Monro senior in Cullen's handwriting, concerning a joint consultation over the cases of Captain Reid and Mrs Reid, with advice on a regimen. Monro's name appears at the close, but it appears that this document is a retained copy of what Cullen wrote to Monro after discussing the Reids in person (he refers to 'our conversation'). Date inferred (Monro died in 1767 and Cullen tended to retain more of such drafts in the 1760s).1765?

People involved in this case

4 found.

PERS IDFull Name
[PERS ID: 1] Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID: 1389] Dr Alexander Monro (primus; Munro)
[PERS ID: 5017] Captain Reid
[PERS ID: 5018] Mrs Reid

Unique Places linked to this Case

2 found.

TypeSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred

Places and role of place

2 found.

TypeRoleSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificPlace of WritingCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred