The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
[ID:1838] From: Lord Basil William Douglas (Lord Daer) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Lord Basil William Douglas (Lord Daer) (Patient) / 10 April 1780 / (Incoming)
Notes from Lord Daer's letters home concerning the state of his health, probably made by Lady and Lord Selkirk.
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Field | Data |
DOC ID | 1838 |
RCPE Catalogue Number | CUL/1/2/917b |
Main Language | English |
Document Direction | Incoming |
Date | 10 April 1780 |
Annotation | None |
Type | Unattributed |
Enclosure(s) | No enclosure(s) |
Autopsy | No |
Recipe | No |
Regimen | No |
Letter of Introduction | No |
Case Note | No |
Summary | Notes from Lord Daer's letters home concerning the state of his health, probably made by Lady and Lord Selkirk. |
Manuscript Incomplete? | No |
Evidence of Commercial Posting | No |
Cases that this document belongs to:
Case ID | Description | Num Docs |
[Case ID:364] |
Case of Lord Daer (Basil Douglas), whose symptoms leave his family concerned that he may have consumption. |
7 |
People linked to this document
Person ID | Role in document | Person |
[PERS ID:885] | Author | Lord Basil William Douglas (Lord Daer) |
[PERS ID:885] | Patient | Lord Basil William Douglas (Lord Daer) |
[PERS ID:887] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Dr William Fordyce (Sir William Fordyce) |
[PERS ID:1015] | Patient's Physician / Surgeon / Apothecary | Mr John Marissal |
[PERS ID:1017] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Lady Helen Douglas (Lady Selkirk) |
[PERS ID:886] | Patient's Relative / Spouse / Friend | Earl Dunbar Douglas (Lord Selkirk, 4th Earl of Selkirk) |
[PERS ID:1013] | Other | Mrs Anna Letitia Barbauld |
[PERS ID:1016] | Other | Reverend Rochmont Barbauld |
[PERS ID:1017] | Supplemental Author | Lady Helen Douglas (Lady Selkirk) |
[PERS ID:886] | Supplemental Author | Earl Dunbar Douglas (Lord Selkirk, 4th Earl of Selkirk) |
Places linked to this document
Role in document | Specific Place | Settlements / Areas | Region | Country | Global Region | Confidence |
Mentioned / Other | London | London and South-East | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Norwich | East | England | Europe | certain | |
Mentioned / Other | Palgrave | East | England | Europe | certain |
Normalized Text
On the 31st. of January Daer wrote that he had a cold &
a very little cough, which he had had about a fortnight.
February 11th he writes, I have not been of late well, for more
than a fortnight past, I have been somewhat feverish, but
very slightly; I was advised by a Mr Marissal (a brother
in Law of Mrs Barbaulds, who till about half a year ago
lived in London as a Surgeon) to take some Magnesia & nitre,
which I have done all along in very small quantitys.
Mr Marissal is a sensible man, as well as skillfull in his
profession; he now lives in Palgrave, & has been so good as
to take notice of me ever since he came, & to give me his
advice when (↑since↑) I have not been quite well. Not quite a week
ago, I became one night a good deal feverish, & got scarce any
sleep. Since then till yesterday I was very languid & tired, &
continued feverish; but I found my self finely yesterday, &
to day I think I am quite well. I dont know if I shall continue
to take any more of the powders, they are very slight fever pow¬
ders, & operate as phisic, hardly twice a day. Mr Marissall told
me, I should eat {illeg} a good many oranges & aples now, as they
might do me good.
February 16, Douglas writes a letter, & Daer adds, I just write
this to tell you I have been very well ever since I wrote last.
February 26, Daer writes, in answer to a letter from My Lord,
recomending care & consulting Dr Fordyce, if his complaints
continued. He writes, I have been very well ever since I wrote
[Page 3]
till yesterday, when I found myself, a little indifferent,
but my cough has never returned since I wrote last; I
found myself ruled by the weather a good deal, as the
snow & frost went, I grew better well, & we had a few fine
days till yesterday when it became cold, & last night & today
have been excessive sharp & windy. Last night was quite a storm,
& at night I was hot, but am finely I think now, tho Mr Mariss¬
all thinks I have a little feverishness, tho very little. It was
intirely gone from the time I wrote (on the 11th I think) till
yesterday. Should I grow worse or my cough return, Dr Fordyce
shall be wrote to, Mr Marissal seems convinced that in that
case it would do me good to be bled, I now take some more of
the powders.
March 1st he writes, I think I am now much better than I was,
I was bled on monday, not that I was worse, but that I was
not quite well, I lost about 8 ounces. I am much more myself
ever since, & I sleep well. Mr Marissal yesterday told me my
pulse was better than ever it had been since I was not quite
well, & to day I am better than I was yesterday.
March 13th he writes. I thought before this to have told you I
was well, but I find I must wait a little longer tho I am
now much better than I was. I shall tell you as well as I can
recolect how I have been ever since I was bled, (which was on monday
the 28) I was better every day & I slept well till Thursday, a little
feverish, (owing we supposed to a fresh cold) it continued till
sunday. But I slept well, till sunday night, I did not sleep well
[Page 3]
& perspired. I found my self very tired & lay till nine & continued in a
perspiration, & after I got up I was very tired, but soon found myself
almost quite well, & in the afternoon (for I always go then to Mr
Marissal) I had scarce any fever. So Mr M: did not write to Dr
Fordyce, as he thought on sunday to have done. I slept well, was
better & better, on wednesday had no fever, till saturday a litle & did
not sleep so well, yesterday no fever, & today I find my self quite
well. This was monday the 13th he adds, since I was bled I was forbid
all flesh, butter, eggs, so I have lived on pudding, sago, tarts & blamange
but I have not found myself weaker in working than usual; but
I take care not to over [heat?] myself.
upon the 20th. of March mrs Barbauld, (who is the School
Masters Wife,) wrote that in consequence of a letter I had
wrote, desiring them to write to Dr. William Fordyce
in London in case Daers complaints continued, that
accordingly mr Marissal had wrote last post, & when the
answer came she would write again. ---- She says that
the cold had been caught in the Christmass Holidays, it was
attended with a cough which very soon went off, but a
small degree of feverishness has been hanging about him
at intervals ever since, so that considering the delicacy
of Lord Daers constitution, Dr. F: was wrote to. - She adds,
We hope this step will not will not occasion any un¬
necessary alarm, for tho the continuance of the disor¬
der seems to render medical advice proper, yet it is
in itself exceeding slight. It has never confined him
a day from business, nor taken away his appetite; he has
often appeard quite well for a time. She says they hope when
the weather is better, riding out may be of service, & take off
that languor he now feels, & that the utmost attention has
& shall be given to every circumstance of the disorder.
[Page 4]
Upon the 29th. She writes, Dr. Fordyce approved of
what had been done, advised a repetition of bleeding
if the circumstances seems to require it, & a continuance
of the Milk & vegetable diet, till the Symptoms were
subsided. He ordered besides some medicines, said he
thought his case was a nice one, & advised if his Dis¬
order should increase, the sending for a Physician from
Norwich, & recommended a Dr. Murray. We expect
daily another letter from Dr. F- for he said he was just
come from the country & wrote in a hurry, & meant to
consider the case more fully. --- I wish I could say Lord
Daer was better than when I wrote last, but unfortu¬
nately he has caught something of a fresh cold, & is
more feverish.
On the 1st. of April, She writes, --- that Daer was
much better, He has been bled, & to day has very little,
scarce any fever, & mr Marissal thought him well -
enough to ride out had the weather been favourable;
had another letter from Dr. F--- he recommends the same
diet, & strict abstinence from Animal food. - We have got
him asses Milk, he has had a return of his cough since the
last cold, but only a slight one, & not attended with any
pain in the side, & as things stand now, mr Marissal sees
not the least occasion for a Dr. from Norwich, a step Dr. F.
left to his Discretion, tho I should observe the Dr. seemd
to understand Lord Daers complaint as worse than mr Maris¬
sal meant to represent it. --- He has never intermitted
business more than one afternoon nor been confined
to the house.
Diplomatic Text
On the 31st. of January Daer wrote that he had a cold &
a very little cough, which he had had about a fortnight.
Feb: 11th he writes, I have not been of late well, for more
than a fortnight past, I have been somewhat feverish, but
very slightly; I was advised by a Mr Marissal (a brother
in Law of Mrs Barbaulds, who till about half a year ago
lived in London as a Surgeon) to take some Magnesia & nitre,
which I have done all along in very small quantitys.
Mr Marissal is a sensible man, as well as skillfull in his
profession; he now lives in Palgrave, & has been so good as
to take notice of me ever since he came, & to give me his
advice when (↑since↑) I have not been quite well. Not quite a week
ago, I became one night a good deal feverish, & got scarce any
sleep. Since then till yesterday I was very languid & tired, &
continued feverish; but I found my self finely yesterday, &
to day I think I am quite well. I dont know if I shall continue
to take any more of the powders, they are very slight fever pow¬
ders, & operate as phisic, hardly twice a day. Mr Marissall told
me, I should eat {illeg} a good many oranges & aples now, as they
might do me good.
Feb: 16, Douglas writes a letter, & Daer adds, I just write
this to tell you I have been very well ever since I wrote last.
Feb: 26, Daer writes, in answer to a letter from My Lord,
recomending care & consulting Dr Fordyce, if his complaints
continued. He writes, I have been very well ever since I wrote
[Page 3]
till yesterday, when I found myself, a little indifferent,
but my cough has never returned since I wrote last; I
found myself ruled by the weather a good deal, as the
snow & frost went, I grew better well, & we had a few fine
days till yesterday when it became cold, & last night & today
have been excessive sharp & windy. Last night was quite a storm,
& at night I was hot, but am finely I think now, tho Mr Mariss¬
all thinks I have a little feverishness, tho very little. It was
intirely gone from the time I wrote (on the 11th I think) till
yesterday. Should I grow worse or my cough return, Dr Fordyce
shall be wrote to, Mr Marissal seems convinced that in that
case it would do me good to be bled, I now take some more of
the powders.
March 1st he writes, I think I am now much better than I was,
I was bled on monday, not that I was worse, but that I was
not quite well, I lost about 8 ounces. I am much more myself
ever since, & I sleep well. Mr Marissal yesterday told me my
pulse was better than ever it had been since I was not quite
well, & to day I am better than I was yesterday.
March 13th he writes. I thought before this to have told you I
was well, but I find I must wait a little longer tho I am
now much better than I was. I shall tell you as well as I can
recolect how I have been ever since I was bled, (which was on monday
the 28) I was better every day & I slept well till Thursday, a little
feverish, (owing we supposed to a fresh cold) it continued till
sunday. But I slept well, till sunday night, I did not sleep well
[Page 3]
& perspired. I found my self very tired & lay till nine & continued in a
perspiration, & after I got up I was very tired, but soon found myself
almost quite well, & in the afternoon (for I always go then to Mr
Marissal) I had scarce any fever. So Mr M: did not write to Dr
Fordyce, as he thought on sunday to have done. I slept well, was
better & better, on wednesday had no fever, till saturday a litle & did
not sleep so well, yesterday no fever, & today I find my self quite
well. This was monday the 13th he adds, since I was bled I was forbid
all flesh, butter, eggs, so I have lived on pudding, sago, tarts & blamange
but I have not found myself weaker in working than usual; but
I take care not to over [heat?] myself.
upon the 20th. of March mrs Barbauld, (who is the School
Masters Wife,) wrote that in consequence of a letter I had
wrote, desiring them to write to Dr. Wm. Fordyce
in London in case Daers complaints continued, that
accordingly mr Marissal had wrote last post, & when the
answer came she would write again. ---- She says that
the cold had been caught in the Christmass Holidays, it was
attended with a cough which very soon went off, but a
small degree of feverishness has been hanging about him
at intervals ever since, so that considering the delicacy
of Ld: Daers constitution, Dr. F: was wrote to. - She adds,
We hope this step will not will not occasion any un¬
necessary alarm, for tho the continuance of the disor¬
der seems to render medical advice proper, yet it is
in itself exceeding slight. It has never confined him
a day from business, nor taken away his appetite; he has
often appeard quite well for a time. She says they hope when
the weather is better, riding out may be of service, & take off
that languor he now feels, & that the utmost attention has
& shall be given to every circumstance of the disorder.
[Page 4]
Upon the 29th. She writes, Dr. Fordyce approved of
what had been done, advised a repetition of bleeding
if the circumstances seems to require it, & a continuance
of the Milk & vegetable diet, till the Symptoms were
subsided. He ordered besides some medicines, said he
thought his case was a nice one, & advised if his Dis¬
order should increase, the sending for a Physician from
Norwich, & recommended a Dr. Murray. We expect
daily another letter from Dr. F- for he said he was just
come from the country & wrote in a hurry, & meant to
consider the case more fully. --- I wish I could say Ld:
Daer was better than when I wrote last, but unfortu¬
nately he has caught something of a fresh cold, & is
more feverish.
On the 1st. of April, She writes, --- that Daer was
much better, He has been bled, & to day has very little,
scarce any fever, & mr Marissal thought him well -
enough to ride out had the weather been favourable;
had another letter from Dr. F--- he recommends the same
diet, & strict abstinence from Animal food. - We have got
him asses Milk, he has had a return of his cough since the
last cold, but only a slight one, & not attended with any
pain in the side, & as things stand now, mr Marissal sees
not the least occasion for a Dr. from Norwich, a step Dr. F.
left to his Discretion, tho I should observe the Dr. seemd
to understand Ld: Daers complaint as worse than mr Maris¬
sal meant to represent it. --- He has never intermitted
business more than one afternoon nor been confined
to the house.
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